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  1. @TpRollwill be succeeding me as leader of the White Car as I continue my efforts to step back from intensive commitments to GTA:World, since mid-November I've come to realize that I'm not as enthusiastic for roleplaying on GTA as I once was and my activity and commitment to ongoing projects have suffered as a result. Therefore, I intend to begin stepping back from the extensive obligations I've found myself trapped up in to focus on real life commitments as well as far more small-scale roleplay endeavors wherein I can play when and where I want to rather than being trapped in an inflexible time schedule that can't possibly fit into my current lifestyle. I make this decision whilst at the height of my presence here, I have accomplished everything I've set out to do on GTA:World and I'm relieved to begin working on new projects whilst pursuing fresh character ideas. The White roleplay scene on this server is currently leaps and bounds better than it was when I first started in 2018 and I expect it to continue it's steady improvement, an honorable mention I'd like to give is to @Comradicalwho I expect will eventually become one of the future leaders of this project in time along with his people who, to me, are some of the best roleplayers on this community currently. Special mention to my haters, none of whom have survived their tenure - or ever will.
    19 points
  2. Wish Gall all the best with the best faction in GTAW. There will never be a club or other illegal group that will top what we did. Happy trails.
    7 points
  3. This guide will cover the basics and details of one-percenter motorcycle clubs in modern-day America. Pre-face One-percenter motorcycle club roleplay is a very recognized scene in the community, the purpose of this guide is to break down the details of the structure and traditions to hopefully have some sort of impact on the MC sphere in this community. There are many misconceptions being made about MCs and their culture, generally speaking. This guide will also detail the life of a one-percenter biker and how you could go about roleplaying a character who's involved in an MC properly. There are no specific traits you have to roleplay but rather general views and values that one-percent bikers share. Contents 1. Basics & History 1.1 The A.M.A. and 1%(ers) 1.2 Club colors 1.3 Respect & Commitment 1.4 Club Business 1.5 Organization 1.6 Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs) and State Dominance 1.7 How to start up a motorcycle club 1.8 Who Joins 1%er MCs? 1.9 The lifestyle 2.0 Church Protocol First and foremost, we have to recognize why certain MCs regard themselves as the "1%". The A.M.A. and 1%(ers) The American Motorcyclist Association, an organisation that is supported by motorcycle manufacturers to promote motorcycle riding, organising motorcycling events and campaigns for motorcyclists' legal rights. Their objective is to "protect the future of motorcycling." The AMA claim that 99% of motorcyclists are law-abiding citizens whereas the 1% are outlaws. The 1% are banned by the AMA and do not associate with one another, they may not attend any events and campaigns held by the AMA. Clubs that don't follow the AMA's laws and are not sanctioned by them refer to themselves as outlaws, they embrace the label and wear a "1%" embedded into a diamond patch. Being a 1%er does not necessitate criminality. There are many 1%ers that haven't ever committed a crime, or at least, anything worse than a misdemeanor. 1%er clubs actually seek out non-criminal members, specifically to shield themselves from RICO charges, and as a steady source of income. However, a non-criminal 1%er will still party with the club, attend rides, and protect his other members, even if doing so requires being violent. That being said, if a brother is getting picked on or swung at then any member should jump in and throw fists. If you're asked to sock somebody's teeth in as a prospect, then you best be ready. Contrary to popular belief, many people in an Outlaw Motorcycle Club/1%er Club have not killed someone. You do not have to fly a 1%er diamond patch to be considered a 1%er club, and in fact, many 1%er clubs may take issue if a club that fits the Outlaw label tries to subvert it, and claim they are not so that they don't get treated as an Outlaw club by other MCs. Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs will not allow the following into their ranks: Gays, Child Molesters, or women. Women in the vast majority of MC's are referred to as property. Club Colors These MCs, generally speaking, wear a three-piece patch. These are known as their "colors." Their "top rocker" indicates their club name, the "centerpiece" which represents the club's symbol, and their "bottom rocker" that states their territory and an MC badge. You have to understand this isn't a mandatory template, many clubs choose to have a centerpiece and bottom rocker and their MC badges vary. Some may choose to wear their centerpiece without a bottom rocker, such as the Galloping Goose M.C. National clubs would claim an entire State or the Southern State such as "So. Cal" after they've gone through the setup process, which we'll cover soon in a different section. Prospects typically wear a bottom rocker and MC badge without the centerpiece and top rocker. The general public and media do not recognize the distinction between clubs and their colors. All 1%er clubs are generalized into one bracket; scummy criminals. If a club is troublesome and makes the public headlines, all other clubs are tarred with the same brush. Their actions and behavior reflect on the 1%er community and can impact other clubs' image. To avoid this issue, 1%er clubs make an effort to establish relations and be in good standing, facilitate communication to prevent any conflicts kicking off that could tarnish the 1%er community's image even further. A few countries have already banned the wearing of club colors such as Germany, the Mongols M.C. have faced a court case regarding a ban on their club colors in the U.S. In New Zealand, the club is banned from entering any government buildings with their club colors worn. You can see how conflicts and arrests can impact the 1%er clubs' standing and their future. We'll cover this topic further in a separate section. The members' colors are sacred to them. It holds great value because of the commitment and dedication put in to earn the patch, as well as the unity symbolism. The vest and patches are a sacred part of club culture, you've shown everybody that you've earned the right to wear it. You've earned your place at the table after a grueling prospective stage. Nobody is to touch your vest or take it off unless you've willingly handed it to your ol' lady or a fellow brother. Nobody else is to strip your patches off, it's disgraceful to your entire club. Your vest and patches are to be treated with uttermost respect, there is a set of cut (a cut is a term for vests) etiquette. • The back patches of your vest should not touch the ground intentionally. To see it on the ground is disgraceful to your club and brothers who wear the patch and those who have died for it. Fights are never fair, if a brother is seen scrapping with somebody else, every other brother should jump in to help out - ESPECIALLY if his patches are worn. • Your patches wear out and gradually get damaged, you can get a new set of patches from your Secretary who's responsible for patch keeping. • Non-club patches go on the front and only if sanctioned by your Sergeant at Arms. • You never dirty the patch. To put dirt on the patch is impacting the club as a whole. What I mean by this is committing crimes with your patches on such as murder, drug and gun exchanges, having meetings with known felons and criminals on an active investigation, etc. You have to be careful with what you do when you're wearing your cut. That being said, don't take any shit from anybody either, you wouldn't want to be punked with your patches on. There is a small portion of the MC community that seems to think that MCs no longer wear kuttes. These people are blatantly wrong. MC's have kuttes (or cuts however you want to say it) for a reason. The kutte is a part of the club's identity, and the club member's identity. It is and important signification of their clubs posistion, and their position within the club. Every patch on a 1%er's kutte should be earned, and sanctioned by the club. A club member is not likely to wear their kutte on their own (though far from unheard of), however most club functions require members to wear the kutte and patches. Wearing colors (as kuttes with MC's affiliated patches are often called) is also a recruitment tool. Again, consider the type of people who usually would join an MC. Would these people rather join an MC that is active and enthusiastic about the culture, or would they rather join an MC that they don't even see, and who doesn't even possess the power capable to fly kuttes without getting attacked? Respect & Commitment You have to understand the level of commitment and self-discipline a member has put up with to earn that patch. The sponsorship process is grueling and difficult to go through. Members who wear the patch are well respected due to the level of commitment and what they have accomplished to wear that patch. Their respect is crafted out of their self-discipline and what they've accomplished and MCs believe in respect for this reason. This stretches out to people in the biker community as well as other motorcycle clubs. It's important to uphold respect and establish good relations with other clubs to avoid any conflict that could tarnish the 1%er community any further and add on to the "biker scum" stereotype. The 1%er clubs and community's goal is to be respected and admired by the community, part of why is to sustain their club's longevity. Club Business Club business is part of the sacred culture in 1%er clubs. Club business involves everything that's discussed in a church meeting such as finances, events that are planned, the President, VP & Sergeant's take, club relations, membership, prospect votes among other topics and comments that are made. This involves illicit operations such as gun & drug smuggling. Club business does not stretch outside of the club, it remains among the club members only. Prospects and property members have no right to get involved in club business by the books. There are a few exceptions made with prospects when it comes to illicit operations if they're truly trusted by the patch-holders who run the ops and gigs. Organization Here I'll cover the basic structure and organization in MCs, although this may vary between different clubs and chapters. The cabinet consists of five different ranks/roles; the President, Vice President, Sergeant at Arms, Secretary and Treasurer. They are also known as officers of the club and the executive committee. A member may only hold one officer role at a time. You have to understand members of the club AND the officers share the same level of respect. The clubs are built on democracy and each member, including the executive committee, hold an equal vote. However, officer roles hold higher authority to be able to carry out their duties. For e.g. a Sergeant at Arms would need a higher level of authority to be able to control security, the president would need a higher level of authority to handle diplomacy with other clubs as they'd be the one speaking. Clubs have a special church meeting every year. During the annual church, they have a re-election of every office role in the cabinet. Members of the club have a chance of taking up a position, and current office roles may re-elect themselves or go for a different position in the cabinet. There's typically a meeting for the Executive Committee held after their weekly church meeting to discuss club business that concerns them. This could also involve concerns with certain members that are investigated and then brought up at an appropriate time. Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs) and State Dominance The term "Outlaw Motorcycle Gang" is a labelled used by the DoJ to describe many Motorcycle Clubs in the United States. They are defined as, "organizations whose members utilized their motorcycle clubs as conduits for criminal enterprises." Absolutely no OMG's refer to themselves as OMGs. An OMG will always refer to itself as a Motorcycle Club. The vast majority of MC's that are considered OMG's are 1%er's. State Dominance In the MC world, the term "State Dominant" or "Dominant" is used quite often. Many clubs on the server do not respect the ideas of state dominance, and are wrong. However, State Dominance are often times an actively combatted issue within a state, especially in the state of California, and can often be more applicable to regions of a state rather than the state as a whole. MC's that claim Dominance are typically not small 1-4 charter clubs, for a simple reason; power projection. Small clubs simply do not, in the real world, possess the capability to project power on the same scale as large, international MC's like the Hells Angels, Mongols, Vagos, or Bandidos. In the real world, if a small MC claimed state dominance, it likely would not lead to any death, and this is a current issue on the server in my opinion. In the real world, conflict does not reach the scale as it does on GTAW. Conflicts are generally avoided and bridges are mended. 1%ers are heavily targeted by law enforcement and heat is no good, the RICO act is very problematic and can shut down club chapters. 1%ers strive to be admired by the community, conflicts would only contribute to the "biker scum" stereotype they have. Conflicts result in collateral damage; money, loss of brothers and buildings. Blown up wars don't happen anymore, they are generally avoided at all costs and many attempts are made to squash beef to uphold their brand and sustain the club's longevity. Wars can badly impact the club across the board. Executions on members and high ranking officers are usually a last resort when every option's already been explored. In the real world, it's quite likely that the charters of the small MC would be visited by several, larger local charters of whatever dominant club is nearby; for example if a club in San Bernardino tried to claim California, the Vagos, Hells Angels and Mongols would respond based on the region. Either way these larger organizations would use their international clout, and ability to pressure whatever club wished to claim State Dominant into dropping it, and possibly dropping the club entirely. The reason for this is simple, in real life getting your ass kicked daily by a larger organization that can and will shoot you if you escalate the situation isn't a fun prospect, and its far easier to abide by the reasonable and standard rules of practice, often times referred to as "Procedure" than it is to get your ass kicked whenever you try and hold club functions. How do you know when someone is claiming state dominant? The answer is simple, if they fly the state's name as their bottom rocker they're claiming to be dominant. They also can be considered to be claiming dominance in an area, for example, if someone flew a "Norcal" bottom rocker, they would be intentionally or unintentionally claiming dominance over Northern California, and this can cause issues with anyone who considers themselves the dominant in the area. You have to acknowledge that there can be several State dominant clubs in the area. A Dominant's function is to essentially manage the MC's within the area they control, and their control does not exclusively reach other 1%er MC's; a Dominant MC has a vested interest in any Club that rides motorcycles and wears patches. This can include Riding Clubs. However, a Dominant MC typically doesn't try to shut down any MC that opens up in their area, and they will not immediately escalate to violence if procedure isn't followed, so long as the club violating procedure did so in ignorance and treats the dominant with respect, and follows procedure as best they can in the future. Some issues that may seem small, can actually cause a good deal of issues. For example, a club might start up in San Fransico that decides they really like the colors white and green, and use them for their patches. This could get them in deep shit, since white and green are the colors of the Green Machine, a support club for the Vagos, who are at war with the Dominant Hells Angels in the area. This club would likely be forced to change their colors to something neutral, since the Hells Angels don't want to appear weak by letting people fly enemy colors in their territory, and because the Vagos likely don't sanction that club, and would take issue with colors typically considered theirs being used. To sum up, if your club's patches are too similar to the State dominant's or their rivals, you'd be forced to make changes. This is to say that its in the best interest of small clubs to simply follow the procedure, and respect the dominance of large international 1%er MCs. These MCs tend to be more experienced, have a better understanding of protocol and politics, and so on and so forth. Sometimes Dominance is shared between allied clubs. This is especially true in the state of California, where the Mongols and Vagos both claim the state, but work together and respect eachother. However, these clubs do this because they have a shared enemy in the Hells Angels. Hating the Hells Angels also doesn't necessarily mean two clubs will get along. The Mongols and Bandidos both hate the Hells Angels, however, they also fight eachother because of contested dominance in Texas. How to start up a Motorcycle Club Any MC that wants to form, should first and foremost wear "Soft colors" before hard patches to avoid harsh treatment. Soft colors refers to anything that references the club that isn't a kutte. If you don't know what a kutte is, we will explain that later, but you probably shouldn't start an MC. Soft colors can include hats, hoodies, T-Shirts, and so on. These soft colors should likely claim a very specific area. Rather than claiming all of Blaine County, perhaps claim Grapeseed, or Harmony, so as to ensure that you aren't trying to claim dominance. DO NOT FLY "NOMAD" PATCHES. There is a common malpractice in the MC community, and that is using a Nomad charter to start a charter. Firstly, if a club doesn't have more than 1 charter, then they do not have Nomads. Nomads are Nomads, and will often travel around their club's various charters. Nomadic Charters are not used as settlers, however they can help oversee the establishment of new charters. It is not unheard of for a charter to start with a few members of a Nomadic Charter, however no charter to my knowledge has ever been establishing using exclusively Nomads. Clubs will typically find a group of people who wish to be, for example, Vagos, or Hells Angels, or Mongols, or Green Machine, et cetera, and allow them to establish a probationary charter, and will then use members of the Nomads to help oversee the foundation of the club, and judge whether or not they're capable of wearing the club's patch or not. You need a full cabinet to start up a motorcycle club. Five to six members, covering each role. You will begin by courteously approach the dominant clubs and have a sitdown, go over the procedures and how you could establish your club. HOWEVER, just because you sat down with a singular club such as the Hells Angels doesn't mean you're ready to rock your colors and establish your club. You have to check in with every other State dominant within the area, checking in with one club doesn't apply to every other club across the board. The Vagos for example, may not be in approval if you've checked in with the HAMC and not them. They're separate clubs and are both powerful, but operate separately with regard to politics. So make sure you check in with every State dominant club to avoid any issues, it'll make your life a whole lot easier. The 1%er community is all about RESPECT, so as long as you stay in your lane and come with respect you'll get that in return. Paying homage to your dominant club is the key to survival. In many cases, you will not receive a blessing off the bat. You would have to familiarize yourself with the scene and gain recognition. You show up to the dominant club's events, visit their bar and parties, pay your respect and show manners. Respect is key. Before approaching the club's territory, their clubhouse or any businesses they frequent, make sure you extend a message and make sure it's OK for you to ride through. If you are a small club you should seek a blessing from whatever club you wish to acknowledge as the dominant. Remember, that whoever you acknowledge as the dominant can cause issues for you, and you should consider that before deciding who to ask for a blessing. You should consider this reality. For example, let's say you have two choices, the Sinful Bastards MC, a 1 charter club from Grapeseed, or the Vagos, an international powerhouse of a criminal organization and Motorcycle Club. Obviously, we have to take into account the conflict in the region, so let's also say that the SSRDFB-MC have had three of their members shot, while the Vagos have maintained no causalities. In this scenario, it'd be pretty stupid to side with the SSRDFB-MC. This situation could be more complicated, however, for example, if there was a local 3 charter club that was effectively fighting back against an international club, or if there are 2 or more International Clubs claiming dominance. Once you've received your blessing from the dominant club(s), you have to seek out a location for your clubhouse. Your clubhouse doesn't have to necessarily be a warehouse with several floors. A clubhouse can even be set up in a house. Who Joins 1%er MCs? Whoever joins an MC is typically dependent on the club and the culture that they encourage. For example, the Vagos have a lot of former gang members, and gang-adjacent people, especially Peckerwoods and Skinheads, as the Vagos are predominantly white, but also Surenos, and even Pacific Islanders. For another example, the Mongols used to recruit Surenos. In fact, their recruitment of Surenos during the war with the Hells Angels became such an issue, that the Mexican Mafia started to treat the Mongols as if they were a Sureno gang. Clubs will also try to recruit the family, and friends, of other people into the Club. law-abiding people often can be members of 1%er MCs as well, as discussed earlier, but these people again are likely family, or friends with other members. Locals are also targeted for recruitment, that is to say, anyone who lives in the area, and who likes to ride motorcycles. Clubs host events and hand out flyers, merchandise and more to boost recruitment. They don't necessarily target gangs. We shall also address a common issue in the MC community, the use of European immigrants in MCs. There are European clubs. It's highly unlikely that the type of person to emigrate to the United States would join an Outlaw Motorcycle Club. They simply aren't the demographic. There is not plague of Hraglle Tovirinssons or English immigrants in American MCs. This isn't to say immigrants can't join MC, what it is saying is that there they are not of a high enough concentration to make up a significant portion of a club. If you club is flooded with immigrants, and you are 1%ers, you have an issue of portrayal on your hands. I understand that you have likely watched Sons of Anarchy, and think that Chibs is really cool, but it's simply not realistic. The lifestyle & illegal activities The lifestyle has grown to become very money-orientated. Although the core of the brotherhood's there, many clubs have strayed away from that and have set their focus on earning money for themselves and the club. It's all about keeping the money flowing these days. Bikers have individual lives. They may have wives, kids to take care of, they work different jobs in many different fields like everybody else. Lawyers, construction workers, etcetera. You have to understand that not every 1%er is necessary a criminal who sling drugs and kill people for money. You don't have to portray the biker that everybody else is portraying. Not every biker is a crackhead who spends his nights high with a needle of heroin in his arm, although there are people who are actively struck with drug abuse. As a matter of fact, many MCs nowadays encourage members to go through rehabilitation and can even strip your patches off if your drug abuse is impacting your levelheadedness and the club. Many high-ranking officers in clubs are FORMER drug abusers considering their important role and position within the club. A crackhead biker hitting pipes every night is not the norm, it's typically seen with younger naive members of the club and in 1%er motorcycle clubs. Obviously, bikers are motorcycle enthusiasts and are passionate about biking. The club is always put first before everything, even your wife and kids. Most women choose to stray away from that life, some don't care and look after their ol' man despite what the cultures and books say. It can cause tension with girlfriends but they'd have to be down with that life if they choose to stay. In the 1%er scene, bikers are actively involved in bike runs, events, barbecues, parties, etc. It's a fun time overall, that's what the clubs are about. Drugs, babes, bikes, and parties. On the flip side, there are cliqued members who run illicit operations. They may be running drugs or guns for profitable purposes and discreetly chip in profits into the club's treasury through money laundering. You have to acknowledge that not EVERY member of the club is involved in these illegal activities, it's done between certain members and is technically against the club's bylaws (this is to safeguard the organization against law enforcement). Clubs claim illegal activities are against their culture and laws as a preventive measure in court, the clubs' executive committee such as the president are aware of the activities taking place but don't get too deeply involved. The president typically delegates these activities to specific selective members and do not speak too often about it due to wiretaps, they remain quiet where they can due to RICO. RICO targets the leaders of clubs and can essentially shut down chapters and restrict their reach. As a matter of fact, the Mongols MC, for example, hold their church meeting and go over their usual roll call. Finances, club relations, membership, etc. At the very end of their meeting, members of the club who aren't involved in illegal activities leave the room. The rest of the members go over their illicit business, this is to safeguard the members who aren't involved from law enforcement. This doesn't apply to every chapter however, different chapters and clubs choose to handle their businesses differently. Church protocol MCs hold a weekly patched-member only meeting that's known as "church." Some clubs refer to the meeting as "court" and other terms of their own. The meeting is held to discuss their financial situation, external club relations, news, upcoming rides and events, business matter, the cabinet's take on the current situation and many other topics that are brought up concerning the club. Every club have their own set of protocol for church, so it may vary with what's discussed on the table. Members call each other out for their behavior, it's high pressure. Church is not the place to be shy and timid and hold your opinions in. It is the place to speak the truth and voice any and all problems you may have with anything or anyone. You must arrive to the meeting on your motorcycle at all times otherwise you won't be allowed in and in most cases you'd earn yourself a punishment. Unless there's bad weather where you're not able to ride whatsoever, there's no excuse. Members with temporary injuries may attend without a bike in most clubs. Colors are ALWAYS worn in church meetings. The meeting's strictly patched members only, no one enters the premise except the prospects who are watching for any intruders. The meeting could be held at somebody's house on the couch with beers around on the table, at the clubhouse with chairs and a table, etc. The whole long, carved table with the President's gavel is nonsense and TV. There's a set of rules in a church meeting, it may differ among clubs; the percentage of attendance required to hold a membership vote, being of sound mind and sober during the meeting, etc. When members are talking over one another, the Sergeant sets them straight with a warning. At some point they could be kicked out of the room if it's a repeated offense. At the end of the meeting there's typically an "open floor" where anybody can bring up their concerns and news. Clubs have an annual meeting, at this annual meeting every cabinet position is reelected. Members have a chance of running for a position in the cabinet where a vote is held among the members. A majority vote is required to win a position. Members with a position in the cabinet may be "officer challenged" if members feel like they're not carrying their duties correctly. A vote is held, another member put themselves up for the position. Property/ol' ladies The roleplay revolving around a one-percenter motorcycle club (OMC) is versatile, vivid and adventurous. But most importantly, it's a field of roleplay dominated by men. This, as a result, often times neglects a part of MC culture that seems irrelevant but in reality is far from it: PROPERTY RP. During my time roleplaying around an MC, I've noticed the lack of women around the club. This issue stems from a variety of factors that come to play. The RP in an MC primarily focuses on the male members that strive to get the patch. It’s about brotherhood and the bond they share. It's certainly a long, wearisome and rewarding procedure. Nevertheless, the women play a key factor in MCs as well and should be handled just as seriously. Unfortunately, this is being underestimated. Before focusing on property rp, however, I want to point out that you do not have to become someone’s property if you want to rp around an MC. Some women are merely friends/supporters of the club. If you do not want to be loyal and only stick to one guy, there is the option of becoming a passaround. Some women decide to stay away from the MC life. They are called citizen girlfriends/wives. Now let’s get to the main focus of this guide: → What is the property patch? When a member of an MC likes a woman enough, he will hand her the property patch and take her as his ol' lady. She has to be in good standing with the majority of the club members before they would consider handing her the patch. It’s (supposed to be) a long process in which she earns respect among the club. The way you earn respect among the club is by showing your support. From attending club rides with your man to helping out at events, the list is long. She will be given a property patch to wear on her kutte that says 'Property of __'. Some women may choose to embed a tattoo in their skin instead of bearing the property patch. While the term 'property' sounds demeaning, it is quite the opposite. It's a word of endearment and a badge of honor. The status of a property is highly respected. Once she is introduced to the club as the member's ol' lady, no other club member is to approach with the intention of pursuing a love/lust relationship. Not only do outsiders know she belongs to the club, she also has to bear in mind her behavior reflects on her man’s reputation and the club’s, to an extent. At this point, she is considered part of a close-knit family with certain circumstances in place such as not partaking in club business. The property patch is the social equivalent of a wedding ring. A dedicated ol' lady will help in any club functions, attend club runs with her ol' man and even carry his weapon or drugs if needed. Being handed the property patch comes with a series of duties and values. 1. Never challenge your ol' man's decisions. If a property wants to remain in her ol' man's life, she must remain in her role and respect his lifestyle. This lifestyle has serious rules and boundaries that cannot be violated. Issues with your ol' man are handled privately. 2. The club comes first. Believe it or not, your ol' man is in a relationship with his MC. You need to understand that the club means the world to him and comes over you. Never make him choose between you and the club. As an ol' lady, you're responsible for making an effort with the rest of the ol' ladies to bring the members together and share that sense of unity. 3. Keep your mouth shut. As an ol' lady, you don't dabble in club business and you are in no position to question what goes on with regard to club business. You're there to have a good time overall, to support your ol' man and the club. And even if your ol' man ends up telling you club business, be smart enough to keep it to yourself. 4. You support the club where you can. When given the property patch, you should be striving to support the club whenever you can. This includes wearing and selling support merch, cooking up food, handing out drinks, cleaning bikes and ensuring females around the club don't step out of line. Planning social gatherings is a very important point. Make an effort to get along with the members and have a good time. At times, property members may be asked to carry their ol' man's drugs and gun in case of police clamping down on the male bikers. They often visit the members in prison to pass on certain coded messages or receive them. 5. Know your place. Even though being handed the property patch by a 1%er is considered an honor, do not let the patch get to your head. Ordering patches and prospects around is an absolute no-go. Be respectful and you will be treated respectfully. 6. Don’t revolve around the faction entirely. Roleplaying someone’s property doesn’t mean your character has to be around your ol' man and the members 24/7. You still have hobbies, interests, friends outside of the club, a job; an individual life. Be initiative and create your own roleplay. Create your character, her traits and do not rely on the club for development. You don't have to follow everybody else's development, be distinctive. The property section of this guide is written by @Blossom
    7 points
  4. Grounded in faith, Uplifted in Worship, Reaching out in Love. About Us Welcome to the page of the San Andreas Christian Community. This community was founded by a group of Christian's passionate for the progression of Christ's Kingdom throughout San Andreas. Our aim is to spread God's love, his teachings through the Bible, and his redemption served to us through Jesus Christ. Amen. Location Paleto Bay We are based from St Bridgid's Baptist Church in Paleto Bay. The Church doors are always open, and you're always welcome. For information about this church contact Scott Adler or Gregory Francis. Great Chaparall Hill Valley Church Hill Valley Church is based out in Great Chaparall. Under the leadership of Father Adam they open weekly on Sunday's for Mass, and on Wednesdays for Confessional. For further information or to talk to someone from this church, contact Juniper Bradshaw. I will open a door that no man can shut. Revelations 3:8. Our Community We host regularly community get-together's, bring and shares, cookouts and weekly walks where everyone is welcome to join, engage or even host. Our Churches hold services every Sunday, where you and your families are all welcome to come and take part of our engaging and interactive services lead by both our pastors, and members of our community. For where there are more than two gathered in my name, I am with them. - Matthew 18:20. Baptism's, Weddings and Funerals (Hatch, Match and Dispatch) All of our preaching team are trained and licensed to conduct Baptism's, Weddings and Funerals. Should you need to arrange such a service please reach out to those in the contact us section who will work with you to arrange a suitable occasion for you, your friends and family. Prayer Line Sometimes prayer can be difficult. We struggle to know what to say and how to say it. We can feel alone in what we’re going through. In those times, it’s great to have someone to pray alongside you. It doesn’t matter how big or small you think your prayer request is, if it matters to you, it matters to God. You can reach out to our prayer line by calling or messaging 7729 (PRAY) from any phone during our opening times. Our People Revd. Scott Adler Lead Pastor - St. Brigid Baptist Church - Paleto Bay ( @MomoIsHere ) Scott is a pastor, born and bred in Paleto Bay. His mission and commitment to faith took him to study Theology at the Appalachian Bible College before going on to become an ordained Pastor. He now leads the church and community out in Paleto Bay. Father Adam Dorsey Church Leader - Great Chaparall Hill Valley Church ( @Stackalicious ) Info to come soon. Revd. Gregory Francis Senior Pastor - St. Brigid Baptist Church - Paleto Bay ( @Adv ) Gregory is a Pastor from Kentucky. Husband of Jane, Father of two: Jonah and Elijah, Grandfather of Five: Summer, Hope, Elias, Abel, John. Studying Theology at the Appalachian Bible College at a young age, before going on to become a tutor, he now finds himself following the call of God to serve the community of San Andreas. Gregory is a travelling pastor by trade, working in both cities and rural communities, prisons and schools to bring the word of God to all people. He helps lead our Prayerline service, always lending his ear to a community in need. Juniper Bradshaw Administrative Assistant - Great Chaparall Hill Valley Church ( @Scarecrow ) More info to come soon. Contact Us Want to get involved with our community? Need someone to talk to? Reach out to our team and we will start your journey on faith together. Contact each of the churches leadership members should you need help from a particular church. Should you wish to reach out to someone to help connect you, reach out to Pastor Scott or Greg, who will be able to help you further. Do you work at a church within the San Andreas area? Would you be willing to work with our community? Reach out to our team above and we'll get back in contact with you shortly! (( ty @celestialrage for the logo ))
    4 points
  5. Ginger Goes Upstate
    4 points
  6. logged in, dis is roadkill 🐀 ☣️ citizens of LS, we're tired of dis shitty corruption. ur tired of this corruption ☣️ ☣️ we're tired of the cops and the killings ☣️ ☣️ we want to see things right ☣️ ☣️ we demand payback for what u do to our people ☣️ ☣️ we will not rest until we have gotten revenge ☣️ ☣️ you dont know who we are nor what we do ☣️ ☣️ but you will know soon enough ☣️ ☣️ fuck u, we're tired of this ☣️ ☣️ we're tired and done ☣️ see u online ❤️ / b̴͈̜͈̹͚͙̠͗̃̄͒̌͗͛̐̆͛͘l̸͎̆̐͐͊̓̀͐̆͗̚1̶̧͐t̵͚̟͖͖̻̟̯̩̿͑̽͒͒͂̑̊̍̍͘z̴̧̘̲̜̪̫̳̯̣̗͇̩̈́ ̶̢̭̲͙̜̣͙̐͑̽͊̉̀͂̉̾̀͜s̴͎̱͑q̵̢̢̧̜̻͍͇͇̳̦́͛͋̽͛̊̅͊̌̐w̴̢̨̡̱̠̘̮͕͈͕̲͖̣̤̏̅̈ͅd̷̢̨̘͔͖̦̖̈́́͂̽͑͛́
    3 points
  7. Short description: Add a pharmacy shop script with a selected section of (script) prescription drugs or the ability to create drug type items through unique item shop script or seperate pharmacy script. Detailed description: Right now, I am running a pharmacy called 'Pop's Pills Pharmacy' under the unique item shop script. Whilst the pharmacy is laid out as a retail / community pharmacy, the script covers for most of the needs and items sold - low value items from hygiene products over medical appliance down to trivial things such as cotton swabs. All of these items can be created by using the unique item shop as is - basic food and goods. When it comes down to over-the-counter and prescription medicine, however, the script comes to its limit. Similar to the below attached suggestion, you could create 20+ seperate food items, but not only the weight, but also lack of actual healing effects is missing. By adding either a new item type (pill/medicine/drug/tablet...) to the unique item script or a pharmacy shop script which covers for the creation of not only food / goods, but also prescription medicine, this could help in closing the gap and allow for actual medicine to be given to the customers when they come in with a prescription from a hospital or clinic, further enhancing the experience and also allowing for more roleplay around the dispensed drugs - instead of a singular food/goods item as X tablets/pills of a certain drug, it is the actual amount in pills / small weight/value items and can be split up, (il-)legally passed along, traded and stolen - allowing for a new market of prescription drugs outside of the "hard" illegal drugs brought into the eco-system through illegal faction suppliers. Commands to add: /createdrug [type] [value] [name] OR addition to /createitem as item type -> medicine / drug / pills / tablets... Items to add: General/common prescription drugs or drug/pill/tablet item type How would your suggestion improve the server? As already mentioned above, this would open for a whole new market around prescription medicine, not only being a singular food / goods item, but medicine/pills/tablets that can be dispensed, used and abused, stolen and traded... basically opening a new market of prescription medicine aside from the "hard" illegal drugs that are brought to the economy through illegal faction suppliers. Naturally, an interest in this market is not only given by criminal individuals, but also law enforcement and government institutions in investigating thefts and distribution of these prescription drugs - pushing for licensing, standarized handling and documentation of drug dispensary and backtracking stolen / lost prescription medicine. Your pharmacy surely would have an incentive to not be shut down by the government for dealing drugs under the counter...or at least not get caught doing so. Of course, this idea of a pharmacy script / drug item types would need some sort of monitoring from LFM/IFM to ensure the market isn't flooded by 20 'shady' pharmacies crashing the market from one day to the other, but that is another topic. Additional information:
    3 points
  8. (if ur having trouble reading easily, open the picture in a new tab and zoom in to see the text more smoothly)
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. 2 points
  11. WE SEE YOU ALWAYS THE INTERNET "A massive platform to do whatever your little brain can imagine. What brings someone to do crime on the internet, one might think? Something so creative and mind-blowing to be used as a platform for heinous crimes. What brings someone to hack? To truly ruin someone's personal life on a social and financial level? The answer's easy. Money. The internet has been around for decades. So has cyber-crime. Desperate and cunning coders and programmers willing to do anything to become notorious over the world wide web. Good or bad hackers exist online. Some do it for the better of the world, such as the notorious hacker group 'Anonymous'. Some do it for the fun of ruining games, such as 'Lizard Squad'. And some do it for pure personal gains, such as 'Mazafaka'." But HOW can a hacker get into another system? Viruses, Worms and Trojans. Some fine examples of this are the following: 2000: ILOVEYOU Worm 2001: CODE RED 2004: MyDoom 2009: ZEUS Trojan 2010: Stuxnet 2013: CryptoLocker To name a few. Hackers have used these exploits and neatly crafted tools to do things their way. Even if you're protected by an antivirus, you might just slip up. THE GROUP So who are the BL1TZ SQWD? "They started as a trolling group for popular First Person Shooter video games, such as Call of Duty and Halo. Known for their vulgar and "Net" based commentaries when playing these games, these individuals have been a true menace in the gaming community since 2008. The group grew into game coding, releasing popular gaming hacks in 2010. After a succesful year, they saw alot of potential in each other, as they grew in numbers and in infamy, on the social media platforms such as; MySpace, Facebrowser, Youtube, 4Chan, and Reddit. Using the browser cache and cookies to infiltrate personal passwords and personal information, social security numbers and security cards. They developed more advanced phishing, trojans and ransomware. Getting into more organized cyber-crime such as doxxing, SWAT-ing and selling revenge-porn. Seeing major success around 2012 and 2013, they started developing more advanced and hard-hitting malware, such as the notorious "AP0L0" Trojan that saw minor success during early 2013. It was not until October 2013 that the Trojan saw more and more widespread infection around the internet. The trojan would be sent via encrypted and phished Support Emails from major video game services. The virus would later infect the notorious System32 folder in the PC's root. The trojan would later start to slowly delete important files as the user would continue to use their system. The virus would after a couple of days to weeks tell the user that he's been infected with said virus, and to regain the lost important files, they would need to donate a specified sum of Bitcoin to the hacker. If the goals were not met, the victim would lose all personal files to their computer, and as a result, would brick the computer until a factory reset would be placed. Fast foward to 2021. The group has been seen doing multi-international hacks, such as the 'Fleeca Cyber Attack' in 2019. Alongside other small jobs, like the hacking of multiple profiles on FaceBrowser, which led to major doxxing and information leaks, nude photograph leaks and multi-layered email breaching." THEIR GOALS So what are these hackers even acomplishing with these crimes? What are their motivations? "Simple. These people want to be known, and feared. They know that the world circles around technology. They will use that to their advantage. They know this method will get them paid, and get people talking about them. To rule the web and make it their playground is their sole desire. OOC So you might think. Why the heck is a hacker group in GTA World? Simple! ROLEPLAY! We want something in this server that seems to be missing. Something that is very real and very topical to this day. We aim to bring cyber-crime into a realistic ingame perspective. We will do crimes such as IC hacking FaceBrowser accounts. Helping criminal organizations with security and more online based operations. But, wait... There's no hacking scripts in the server! How will this even work, you might ask? Simple again! ROLEPLAY! We will always ask people OOC about intruding into their IC online life, before doing the dirty work. Spreading Viruses and making ourselves known. We want to have OOC consent of the victims before we do anything IC wise. This is VERY important. If the victim complies, it can benefit both the client, victim and the hacker with good RP and development ICly! We value roleplay over all here! It should be fun and exciting! If the victim declines, then you have to simply accept that fact and move on. Tell the client that it simply didn't work out as planned OOCly. Who can even join the hacker group? ANYONE! If your character has any knowledge of hacking or tech, they're more than welcome into the squad. Just know. Once you're in, you need to pick up a disguise, as we will NOT show our true identities to anyone except ourselves. Not even our allies. We will not take any form of online transactions. It's either hard cash, or bitcoins. The banks are too untrustworthy to be used by us. To be recruited, write to Pettie on the forums! Come. Join. Prosper. Evolve. Win.
    2 points
  12. OOC INFO This thread is meant to portray the lives of two gang officers assigned to South Central's Gang Enforcement Detail and their engagement with the community. Our intention is to portray realistic gang officers, drawing inspiration from the LAPD's Gang Enforcement Detail. In doing so, we try to provide the illegal community with good quality roleplay that's enjoyable for everyone, by upholding the current standards within LSPD's Gang Enforcement Detail. All current members of this screenshot thread and LSPD's Gang Enforcement Detail that we interact with, have the ultimate goal of providing quality police role-play to the community. We have years of experience in law enforcement RP on other roleplay servers and believe that police roleplay should be about roleplaying characters rather than a badge and a gun.
    2 points
  13. Selling iconic Wook Barbecue and Tea house located in the very heart of Little Seoul. The interior is decorated in oriental style fitting of the location as well as the overall style. Feel free to contact me if you wish to arrange a viewing of the property as well. , Downstairs Upstairs Location ((Comes with bmanager too)) Starting bid: $480,000 Buyout: $695,000
    2 points
  14. kkkeep it up
    2 points
  15. Fireeee ! Keep up the good work bluuuuud
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. Drawing up a storm down here in Strawberry. Raider Ink - OFFICIALLY OPEN. Check us out down bellow: https://face.gta.world/pages/www.raiderinkstrawberry.site.sa
    2 points
  18. s/o Hoovers & White City for showing up. Activity got killed cause of the server crash but we appreciate the turn up
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. Short description: New functionalities & possible appearance for smartphones. Showing missed calls and SMS, the phone itself idling in the bottom right corner once taken out and passcode entered. Detailed description: I thought I might take some time and suggest a little overhaul for the current phone system. Smartphones to be exact. At the moment, you receive a text message and get notified once. That's it. You get called, all you see is that your phone popped up and have to navigate to the call history. My suggestion would be: Making the phone idling in the bottom right corner like this, where you would be able to see any missed calls or texts. Missed call: SMS: Missed call(s) and SMS: With that you'd also be able to access the phone by pressing F3 and click on it. That way it could slide up and you'd have full access to it. I have two examples that I found online on Youtube videos which can be seen here: This would somewhat modernize the phone as well and it would also play along with what I'll suggest right down below. Possible appearance change: As of now there is no difference between all the phone models available. Which makes you just want to buy a iPhone3 and be done with it. So here's my second suggestion; Giving every phone model ingame a custom appearance. This would motivate players to actually buy different phone models in the future and it could have more functionalities available, like apps you can get on a iPhoneX but not on a iPhone3. For example: Banking apps. (replacing /banktransfer) Advertising/Market app. (replacing /ad and/or /cad&/bad) (has been added) Vehicle Tracker. (replacing /antitheft) Food Delivery apps. Taxi/Uber apps. The list is endless. Commands to add: POSSIBLY a command to charge your phone in the future. At home or in your car. Items to add: Only phone models. How would your suggestion improve the server? It would be a big change for the server, especially for people who use smartphones on a daily. Which is..pretty much everyone. Additional information: Sliding out a phone or receiving a call doesn't necessarily have to break your current animation like, sitting, smoking, leaning, whatever. Only when the player is idling. Also worth pointing out, since it could be released with the phone overhaul itself: I'm sure there's tons of options on how the Dev team could improve our phones in the future, so I kindly ask to keep suggestions/additions short and clean so it'll be easier for the team to look things over. I'll also see that I include your suggestions and ideas to this post. Thank you! Suggestions/Ideas from the comments: Ringtones. Disabling forced animation when being called. A notification in chat when a phone is ringing. (/dolow, /mylow, /ame) Ability to take notes on the phone. Taking pictures with the phone, sending them over the phone. Ability to hide the phone via F7 or command for screenshots.
    1 point
  21. >>>>FOLLOW OUR PROGRESS<<<< The trademark "Los Santos Chess Club" and all the related designs with this trademark are owned by Cyril Regas. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted in court.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Just as the real internet, it's full of trolls, and some of them are actually savvy enough to use Tor and VPNs. And when it comes to character portrayal, we tend to be the worst on the Internet, so your average Joe ICly can be a closet shitposter (Unless you work for the govt., I wouldn't shitpost, even with a VPN, if I were to work for the govt.). Is your character triggered by the trolls and she/he cant' sue them? Deal with it. And LMAO, given the recent cancel culture and big tech & blue checkmarks cancelling people and publicly shaming them, the average Joe would be skeptical about the safety of his right to free speech. USA and other countries taking example from the UK (getting arrested for a comment on twitter about trans people), Russia (getting arrested for political activism) and China (getting arrested for everything) is a valid concern and it's constantly talked about.
    1 point
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