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  1. But there is a distinction and a reason between PD and SD despite effectively doing the same thing. There is a distinction and a reason between different chapters of an MC. There is a distinction and a reason between many Sur factions. For one, forcing factions to do anything is IFM stepping in and taking control, when they need to take a step back. Two, there would be no need if people were willing to RP correctly by removing themselves as a player from an RP scenario. Refusing to operate off OOC information or friendships, which is disregarded by certain staff members and purposefully ignored. The current rules need to be enforced.
  2. He's not. He's calling the mall rats, mall rats. If your RP boils down to a passive-on GTAO style, ERP, dramatized reactions from a character that knows 14 languages, is a black belt in jujitsu, is a mechanic, is probably gay, apparently an expert marksman, has a degree in bioengineering and drives the most expensive car they can afford... If it looks like a duck... Are you a duck? At the end of the day, MALL RATS are the least of the problem. Only really need to worry about them when they display utter lack of fear and have to spent the next two weeks playing mental gymnastics on the forums instead of Rping. Everything flows down from the top. If you have an administration making poor decisions and setting cultural precedence you're bound the start skewing what should be considered "proper RP" when at the end of the day, portrayal concerns are hardly recognized. The rules regarding characters in GTAW are pretty solid. The only problem is they aren't enforced or... Maybe they are the admins are so busy and the quantity of garbage RP is so high its seemingly futile to enforce. Except when your OOC friends make a report. And if thats the case, might as well just start over somewhere else and try and make a community that actually lives up to to its self-proclaimed elitism. Develop a community with a largely ethical staff and users who are willing to take responsibility for their actions to learn and adapt to the ever increasing bar that should be set and never lowered. I understand that slowly closes the door to the casual cash cow that pads the pockets of the head honchos. But people will pay out the ass for niche as seen time and time again in the gaming community. I'm well aware of my own elitism that's what drew me to this server but in my years of being on this server, the overall quality with random interactions and encounters has only gone down and the only way I can think to fix it is to uphold the previously set standards and go from there. The rules here aren't inherently broken, its a systemic failure to uphold those standards and a breakdown in ethical behavior among certain staff organizations.
  3. Take it far! oh wait…
  4. This is sick! Can’t wait to see where it goes. MFFM
  5. Solid quick guide! Respect is key! Thank you for including the bit about not riding a bikes 24/7. A large portion of bikers have their own houses and solid jobs, so this guide is awesome in that regard.
  6. Why you got so many followers bro? How much you paying them?

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