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  1. Dayshift I-IV / Nightshift I-IV
    33 points
  2. Hey hey fuckers its me again. How to get injured by Randy (not an alcoholic) This time we're gonna talk about something very, very consequential to most roles that are played on GTAW, getting physically fucked up. Most people suck at it. This is how we're gonna make you un-suck at it, and make my life easier. This guide is mostly because I want to fight against Losantoitis. What is losantoitis? It's this annoying habit of when someone gets a paper cut, or a baseball to the face, or getting shot in the leg eight times, and immediately type this fucking phrase. /me goes unconscious, or /me is unconscious, or /me does not respond, or /me does not respond to me smashing their fucking chest multiple times. As you can tell, this makes me angry. I am enraged, my blood pressure is through the roof and I will die of a stroke. Wanna know why? IN all my years of working this job while touching grass and not in the virtual world, I've had very few people actually stay unconscious for very long. They only do that when they're about to die, about to do something really funny like die, or are placed there in some over-arching circumstance like me flirting with being in court for murder after I dose somebody with 500mg of ketamine after failing to evaluate them. There are reasons to be unconscious, but good god is it incredibly hard to stay that way for long. I see this mostly when people are in car accidents, but it happens with everyone roleplaying injuries, and I think its more to do with the widespread amount of media relating to injuries that people think certain things will make them comatose. So we're gonna dispel those lies and teach you how to roleplay the most common type of misfortunes a character can find themselves in. And we'll make it fun. We'll break this into sections. The first one is the favorite, GETTING SHOT, then we got GETTING INTO A CAR WRECK, then we'll move on to GETTING HIT IN THE HEAD, and finally I'll round it out with STUFF THAT WILL MAKE YOU NOT FEEL GOOD for everything else. This'll be a longer guide but hey, you signed up for it. GETTING SHOT THE MOST COMMON of the Los Santos diagnoses. We make trauma surgeons cry with how many times we've been shot, stabbed, or run over. But we definitely get shot more. They really have to take those magnets out of cops, they get shot a lot. So what happens when you get shot? It depends where you get shot. Generally a bullet is a fast moving projectile that is extremely hot, as it goes through human bits, it'll actually somewhat cauterize the puncture entrence before (and i'm sorry if you're squemish) sending its kinetic energy into the bits surrounding it as it goes through you! Ah! Higher power means less bouncing. Funnily enough, most people who actually die from bullets are usually shot by a .22 round, since it has this tendency to bounce around all those organs you need to live. So how are we gonna portray this? First, figure out where you've been shot, do /damages on yourself. Then use my handy-dandy guide: SHOT IN THE LEGS/ARMS - Your character is in some pain as you have been stung by a bee, that bee being made out of lead, if you're unlucky an artery has been severed or your bone was broken as the bullet went through. You may have an arm fracture and you were shot. Oh on top of your femur being smashed into two pieces by a rifle round, your femoral artery was served. If a tourniquet isn't placed, you may die quickly. If nothing vital like an artery or large bone was pierced, regular bandaging may keep you alive long enough for the surgeons to actually save your life. You will be awake, and once the adrenaline wears off, you will be in a LOT of pain. SHOT IN THE CHEST - Well buddy, this sucks. If the bullet hasn't hit your heart, you may survive this. If the bullet missed your lungs, you will be fine for a while, infact you're not really bleeding much from the chest wound. Well, until you realize all the blood is going /into/ your chest. The blood will make it hard to breathe, then you realize your chest has more room for it, and all that air from outside goes in, making it suddenly incredibly difficult to breathe. Congrats you have a TENSION PNEUMOTHORAX! Unless your chest is decompressed of its air with a NEEDLE DECOMPRESSION DART by rescuers, you will continue to not breathe, until you perish. You will be awake, and you will be in pain as you struggle to breathe. SHOT IN THE HEAD - You die. That sucks. Unless you get hit in the jaw, then you'll be disfigured for the rest of your life. Or you get lucky and it misses the important bit of your brain, then you'll simply have neurological deficits for the rest of your life. You'll probably be awake, unless you're dead. SHOT IN THE ABDOMEN - Ooo thats gonna suck in a week. You bleed fairly slowly, lots of internal organs, you don't feel great, pain is significant. If your vital organs including the kidneys, liver, the spleen (you really dont want this to get shot), stomach, or intenstines were hit, you'll need significant surgeries, and you will probably die in the hospital from an infection, if not from the surgeries you need to survive this. You will be awake, you will wish you weren't, and shit sucks. SHOT IN THE PELVIS - Significant pain, you'll be awake, you will bleed a LOT (internally). UNIVERSAL RULE - Besides the limbs getting shot or your neck, or your head, there isn't actually a ton of blood leaking out of you for the most part. Bullet holes are small unless its a fairly large caliber, I'm talking .50 and above. Most of the trauma is inside of you. Getting shot will affect your character life long, from neurons being broken up or destroyed, to being in a wheelchair or being paralyzed for the rest of your life. I know most of you won't ever roleplay that. But just remember this golden rule. IT WILL HURT, AND STAY AWAKE CAR WRECKS (you wish you were this cool) Ahhh cars. We drive them, we really shouldn't. And our society is far too reliant on 2 tons of plastic. Cars in the modern world are exceptionally safe. Since monkeys cannot drive cars, we get into a lot of accidents. You monkeys especially. Let me teach you some important factors about cars. THEY HAVE AIRBAGS, if the airbags deploy, they are there to cushion your body. You will not get a FOREHEAD LACERATION 90% of the time because the wheel you're driving has an airbag. Stop it. You also have a seat-belt! And your car is design to destroy itself to protect you. The VAST MAJORITY of car wrecks are fender benders, the rest are usually minor injuries. And barely 1-2% of car wrecks have fatalities or life threatening injuries. Usually requiring bad luck, poor driving, and fast speeds. The most common type of injury during a car wreck are minor injuries including being sore, feeling chest pain from the seatbelt, neck or back pain from the impacts. And maybe a few cuts around your hands and legs from broken side door glass. For the serious injury, let me give you an example. You're driving your piece of shit SUV kid cruncher 5000, as you go through an intersection at MACH 3.2, you crush a family van. The van is sent into a light pole and is wrapped around it. The family of three inside is actually alive, two of them hop out and have various broken limbs, with one having a severed hand after being crushed by the wrapping of the pole. The driving is entrapped by the vehicle, and needs firefighters to cut him out of it. ALL OF YOU ARE AWAKE. You're fine, because you hit them, in the larger vehicle. Its very hard to die in a modern car crash. Its almost impossible to go completely unconscious. Stop going unconscious. You'd be awake, in pain, dazed, confused, maybe a bad head trauma has caused you to become altered mentally, angry, and demanding violence, infact... HOW TO HAVE A HEAD INJURY I'll be honest, this guide really is more of a rant at the shit I see. The people going snoring after any sort of head injury. Look, sometimes you do go unconscious with head injuries. Its never long, you may have a few minutes of nap time. But you will awake, the only time I've seen people go unconscious for longer than FIVE minutes, is significant bleeding in the brain, which is often life-threatening, will put you in the disability bracket, will require brain surgery, and will fuck you up for life. Its essentially a stroke. Also, sometimes they’re still awake. With stroke like symptoms. So lets go over brain injuries, and head trauma in general. MILD HEAD INJURY: You've been hit in the head, your bell is rung, and you have a concussion! Contrary to popular opinion, you cannot tell someone is having a concussion by looking at their eyes. Sometimes if a brain injury is bad enough, your pupils will react to light slowly, this is not totally uncommon, but it’s often inaccurate as shit. Sometimes people have slow moving pupils, other times people have no idea what a normal pupil reaction is. The biggest indicator of someone having a concussion is slurred words, slow reactions, acting lethargic, dazed, confused or vomiting. MAJOR HEAD INJURY: You've been hit repeatedly in the snozz, fallen to the floor and smashed your head to the concrete. A little bit of blood is seen, this will make you go briefly unconscious. When you’ve awaken, you've had a seizure while you were out, then you have become death, destroyer of worlds. You're angry, in pain, you have no thoughts, only violence. You throw your large arms around, you punch, kick, scream. There is blood in your brain, your brain is angry, it is not getting enough oxygen. Your pupils would be MASSIVE on one side of your eye, and your other eye has a teeny tiny pupil. ALTERNATIVELY: You become dazed, confused, you begin to vomit nonstop, you forget the date, the time, the year, who you are, and keep asking if its christmas. Both are bad and you will want to get moving to the hospital. FINAL NOTES I wrote another guide called HOW TO OVERDOSE, in that I told you to stop being boring. I was failed, overdoses have failed to rise. People are still going unconscious, so I decided to tackle another facet of issues. One of the things I will mention in trauma is, don't act normally. Be confused, dazed, angry, scared, crying, throw shit around, have a seizure. If you lose a lot of blood, start speaking gibberish. Stop. Stop going unconscious. If you do, make sure to let everyone know you're about to die. A few other notes. With any major traumatic injury, the only thing that will save your life is a team of surgeons, if you've been shot in the stomach, go to your local hood "doctor" and he "stitches" your wound up. You will die the next day from internal bleeding, or you will have a septic infection in a week, and will no longer be able to move as your brain cooks from a 108F fever. I'll add on this guide as I think of more injuries. Most things are straight forward, hit in the arm, arm hurt, bone might be broken. I'll also add a final tip for rescuers. Stop pretending you have x-ray vision. If someones arm is broken and the bone isn't sticking out of the skin, it will be hard to tell. Mostly all you'll see is significant swelling and bruising. They need an x-ray. Also stop saying you saw he has a concussion because you stared deeply in his eyes. As always, if you have questions, I may have the answers. Thanks for scrolling down and not reading!! Previous guides:
    28 points
  3. Nonsense I Nonsense II / Full Circle Money Runs I Money Runs II / Small Bills & Different Routes
    26 points
  4. 25 points
  5. Gangster Street Dub
    25 points
  6. Backstory Krazy Ass Mexicans, a tagging crew out of Hawick that began as an act of resilience against neighboring street gangs in the 1980s, became notorious for its violent and militant response to any gang or group of people that dared to challenge or bully them. In the early years of Krazy Ass Mexicans, before adopting the "13" moniker, they gained a reputation for not backing down against established rivals and neighborhoods like Big Hazard and the Maravillas. KAM had to establish their territory through hard-fought means. Krazy Ass Mexicans (KAM) were unafraid of meeting their adversaries with the same level of hostility, establishing themselves as a serious criminal gang in Los Santos, San Andreas. This hostility towards rivals helped expand their control of the local area, either by eliminating rival gangs entirely or, in rare occasions, absorbing a local rival like Fickett Street 13 into one of their cliques under KAM 13. Krazy Ass Mexicans' readiness to use violence as a tool to achieve their objectives catapulted them onto the radar not only of rival gangs but also of law enforcement. As KAM adapted and engaged in various criminal networks, the gang delved into drug trafficking and other high-stakes illegal activities. Armed with firearms and connections, KAM's members were always prepared to challenge authority, making it difficult for the LSPD to infiltrate their operations. Given that Krazy Ass Mexicans were pioneers of the tag banging concept, KAM is known for having some of the best graffiti pieces in the history of gang graffiti. By the mid-90s, KAM had fully embraced gang attributes and affiliated themselves with the Mexican Mafia, earning them the "13" moniker. Krazy Ass Mexicans are racially motivated and have a strong sense of pride in their Hispanic heritage. This strong sense of pride and their violent reputation would attract members like a magnet, helping increase their numbers and establish themselves as a serious powerhouse against the well-established hoods in their proximity by the 2000s. KAM 13, also known as KAMsters 13, has a well-documented history, being one of the more unique street gangs to emerge from the gang spike in the 1980s and 90s. KAM's history can be traced back to early discussion boards in the early 20th century and is still discussed and documented on social media sites like Reddit and YouTube to this day. As of 2024, KAM 13 resides in Hawick on Spanish Ave. Their graffiti floods the area with pride, unafraid to strike over and disrespect any gang graffiti in the area. This and their rough upbringing makes Krazy Ass Mexican 13, or the KAMsters an enemy of many, and an ally of none. KAM's racial motivation makes them an enemy of all African American gangs in the area. KAM 13 is known to indulge in criminal activities from robbery, home invasions, vandalism, homicide, weapon trafficking, drug trafficking, and much more. KAMsters are encouraged to challenge authority on walls, and any graffiti they see. OOC Information This concept will be aiming to realistically portray as the real life Krazy Ass Mexikans tagbangin sureno group, all members that join are expected to follow the server's rules and the faction rules. This faction is INVITE ONLY, if you wish to join please contact @Grimeyy
    24 points
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