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Everything posted by Beholder

  1. They're not useless. The large brawls are fun and fuel rivalry and create environments and backstories. They help further peoples developments without DMing and hurting other people's developments. But you're right, if somebody brings a knife to a brawl they probbaly will use it and that's kind of the shame of brawls nowadays. And you're also right, large scale brawls aren't exactly common or realistic in modern day gangs, but that doesn't meant they're not fun, or can't occur still. But the biggest thing is these brawls occur along side other forms of beef, like graffiti or social media etc. They also don't always have to be large scale, some people will pull knives in a 3v3 street fight too. And from my experience, rolling 15 deep into another turf is usually warranted by excessive, targeted beef from another faction. (Graffiti/FB/Etc.) From the outside, it can seem like people get block wiped for dumb shit, and sometimes they do, but more often than not you could probably find a trail of interactions leading up to it.
  2. The escalation of conflict merely depends on the two factions conflicting. I've seen two factions have large brawls every week or so and everybody keeps it LTL and there's no reason to escalate. I've seen conflicts where the first interaction between the gangs is a brawl, and somebody feels the need to pull a knife and make it lethal. Once a knife is drawn, guns are drawn and now the first interaction is a gunfight. I think its pretty consistent that almost every gang conflict escalates into a full on PK war, all because people wanted to escalate a fist fight. It is a shame, honestly. But where that escalation happens is different for everybody. Sometimes it is the first interaction and sometimes it's after days/weeks/months of beef. Really just varies.
  3. The way I see it, if you don't /examine(/ex) somebody, your character did not take the time needed to actually look a person and notice these features. I understand being worried about the clutter that /examine can leave, especially in crowded environments, but also - if you're not willing to take a moment to pause and read about their character attributes, then you didn't take a moment to actually look and see what their tattoos looked like icly, for example. This just seems...lazy, I think.
  4. Nobody is saying that a rifle wouldn't deal some damage. Nobody is saying that it's not realistic. What they're saying is that at the end of the day, this is a server, it is a game, unrealistic things do happen. People already rob a 20 damage rifle, they will rob a 21 damage rifle even more, and buffing it to 30 or 60 is begging for people to be unrealistic to retrieve these. Staff has spoken on this before, and highly discourage people who drive out to the country for guns, especially hunting rifles. I think people need to relax, and just wait until the message is clear among the community. Not to say gangs haven't stolen them or used them before, but for community health, roleplay integrity, and overall fairness - they need to be regulated in a different way than this. Increasing the damage will definitely not only lure more people to the country, but also assist people who have already stolen them from the countryside. tl;dr - damage increases appeal to be stolen. rifles only being stolen because they're new and demand will lower over time. this isn't an answer increased blaine robberies.
  5. Yeah there might be an answer to metagaming detectives or something but I personally don't think that this is it. Detectives might just always kinda have that flaw? Or be one-trick ponies? Maybe just have to approach detective work different? I don't know, I don't have the answers but this suggestion doesn't seem like the answer.
  6. Sometimes you have to consider how long it takes to actually build up a profile for a CK request, along with the evidence. Then consider how long it takes staff to consider whether not its appropriate, but also how might it affect a faction in whole, or even the server entirely. Then you have staff members that are just simply too busy investigating so many other things. Although, some of these examples are definitely a little worrying, being so old. But really this is something that staff would have to speak on to give us a little more insight but in short, Yeah it'd be nice if things were resolved quickly, I'm sure everybody wants that.
  7. I spent 15 days (ic months) for second degree murder. 10x multiplier would make that 1.5 days... even 3x is just 5 days which is kind of ridiculous still for MURDER. Parole after 7 days (ic months). if 10x was implemented, I would've gotten parole after 17 hours of roleplay. If anything, the prison times are too short. I won't lie, at the time, there weren't many (or any) women in prison and waiting the 15 days were slow and painful but it did a lot for how I treat my character and how my character reacts to the world. So uhh yeah, no.
  8. No, I don't want anybody knowing I'm a fucking nerd. 🤡
  9. Hey dude, in short, you're not gonna get consistency from either side of the Legal/Illegal coin of GTAW. Yeah, it'd be nice, but you have 1000+ people from hundreds of different cultures with their own motivations and issues and personalities oocly and icly. Truthfully that's just kind of the struggle, isn't it? Staff and the community holding people accountable to reinforce consistency and good role-playing, raising the bar inch by inch. Although, if you want transparency, read up on the faction threads and stay up to date on the reports section, or just join the illegal faction discord where all the gossip happens. If you haven't already, maybe jump out of your comfort zone and make an illegal character, or apply for staff. The world is your pizza.
  10. Everything you mentioned, people should be doing by default. Role-playing well, running innovative and active businesses, setting up social events, and being nice to staff are all kind of the baseline for a good community player. Usually when I have a good scene with somebody I'll definitely let them know or even look them up on the forums. If I enjoy a social event or business, the way I reward them is to re-visit that event or business when I can.
  11. Support because eventually down the line, it will matter to Park Rangers.
  12. If you open up the menu (m or /menu, I forget.) you can find a list of open businesses. But it'd be cool seeing this as a new app on the phone or something. Could be a name, property image, address, maybe even a star rating system who knows.
  13. Yeah I remember you were a detective and whatnot. I think I remember that bubble toy dispenser ring. Trying to remember other things too but hard to recall. All I can remember from Sharon is being in Blackwater with uhh Hayes Almond or whatever.
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