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Everything posted by Beholder

  1. Taking the time to tie-up two people is not reasonable in a robbery like this, especially if it was an open business (which it sounds like it was.) People don't rob store to interact with the customers. People rob stores for monetary gain. Not sure what you expected here. Lastly maybe the staff was improvising, thinking that realistically the man who couldn't enter the liquor store would have seen a masked man and hostages but couldn't because of interior restrictions. That actually sounds like the path they took if the timing was so close, it couldn't have been a coincidence. Theres a lot of context to your situation that you haven't explained and I won't pretend to know, but it seems like you got yourself in a bad situation and it does happen. I'll always be in favor of the concern citizen system for almost your exact situation. Somebody outside might realistically been able to see inside.
  2. It's just for roleplay. People get made fun of for having older outdated phones, etc. It's not that deep. All you really need to know is all smartphones behave the same way.
  3. No. You already answered your own question here. It has a high rate of fire and a large magazine. Don't use it like a rifle that's what rifles are for.
  4. Concerned citizen call is very much needed. The idea of tying up people inside a liquor store is insane. You just take the money from the register and leave, you don't take your time and check everywhere for "stashes" and act like everything is okay and dandy. It's a high stress situation where you should be acting quickly, not crowd controlling two people. When it comes to break-ins, they're still needed. It requires people to act carefully. Without it, people would have free reign to smash up an entire home with no repercussions. Start smashing walls open looking for lootskies and ripping TV's off the wall. I can recall a time when I had broken into a home with some people, one of them legitimately smashed open a potted flower looking for anything valuable. Ridiculous to look there and to smash it as if nobody would care. On top of this, Staff's time is important and being granted a break-in request is a favor, not a right. Without a concerned citizen call, somebody could take thirty minutes or longer, checking every nook in a home and holding up staff's time. Swinging back to your situation, it sounds like the admin didn't call the cops until AFTER you had tied up your hostages which sounds like you had a lot of time on your hands. If the hostages were left in the middle of the store, on the floor, then somebody would probably be able to see them, right? And how would you expect to "blend in" with two hostages? This isn't "Inside Job". I think the only thing that could be better here is if the staff watching the robbery at least gave you a "/do a pedestrian walks up to the store's door, peaks inside and walks away" and that's only because the call was from somebody who attemped to enter the store, meaning not all concerned citizen calls would require a /do.
  5. Yeah that'd be super cool to /setinjuries and it let's you apply the damage overlays like bruises and etc. Very good idea.
  6. Seems a little complicated with these "cooldowns" and "dicerolls" but I could see that holding a key for a few seconds will drop your currently held weapon and ammo? This would be useful for not just running away, but surrendering or getting robbed, etc. Right now I guess the only way to do it is through the arrowkey menu which is clunky enough to simulate the struggle of going through your pockets lol. Yes but should be simpler.
  7. Yeaahhh I think people need to live with their decisions and mistakes and not void everything. I usually don't ask for things to be voided unless the scene was a result of some absolute bewlshit.
  8. See, I think a problem with this is that not many business in general will use any public advertising to say they're hiring, like ads or commercials. Maybe occasionally but I can't recall an ad for a career/job aside from like Google? I think adding categories in general would be cool for the new advertisement system beyond just an adult category.
  9. This is not an answer. This isn't fixing your issue. This is just a way to flood the server with more guns. California has wait times for buying guns anyways and buying too many guns in a short amount of time is guaranteed to put you on a federal watch list.
  10. One of Rancho's best.
  11. I personally don't care if people drive their ugly ass cars every day, your Sunday drive could be their Tuesday drive, or whatever. I do have an issue with people with these cars driving through the city like they're in Need for Speed. If they set up street racing events, sure, but I'm confident to say that the majority of people who speed through South Los Santos in fully upgraded track cars are not participating in any race and just driving carelessly because they...don't care. That being said I would like these fully upgraded track cars to have some sort of drawback on them, which many people have suggested before. This would include upgrades making engines more unreliable and more prone to breaking down quicker than other vehicles, or increasing insurance rates on cars based on the amount of upgrades to them, etc. So uhh, no I don't care you drive your ugly fast and furious Honda around town. Yes I do mind that you run through every red light and drive through the ghetto and think you're cool.
  12. Uhh I can really only recall two, maybe three riots in the past eight months or so? I could be wrong and there could be more but that seems like a pretty alright number. Two of these were pretty justified, the death of a pretty young person in the community which always has and will continually spark rage among the community both irl and on the server. You have to realize, riots happen even year and the most reliable riots are sports related, when a sports team wins or loses on a professional level, or even a college level. It's really funny because the issues you have are the exact same issues we have IRL. You have a mix between peaceful protesters, and violent rioters. Sometimes protests conclude peacefully and other times, they're hijacked by violent groups. This has always been the divide in America, whether a peaceful demonstration is stronger than a violent outburst. Probably not just America tho. If you feel like you're being "dragged" into roleplay then I think you have the wrong outlook on the server and roleplay as a whole. Unexpected events happen and you have to deal with them. You can't just ignore other players roleplay simply because you don't feel like role-playing that scenario. Especially as LEO, you can't decide you don't want to respond to certain emergency calls merely because you don't feel like it. Not everything on the server has to be incredibly tense roleplay with meticulously crafted /mes and /dos. Not all riots are documented nationally and vivdly, and lots of riots are often quickly forgotten about. Lots of people can cite Portland and Seattle 2020, but I can tell you there were way more riots than that. But beyond that, these events do a lot for the community. They help develop characters on both sides, whether somebody participates in a riot, and to the degree that participate vs how a LEO responds, and how the riot might affect how they view their community icly, or approach certain things. It can point out flaws in how LEO's respond to these violent outburst and create better training scenarios for them, or a rioters arrest can thrust their character development in a direction. I think the biggest thing that you and others might miss is this protest started off peaceful, it started off as a step towards social activism that is becoming more and more popular today. I know plenty of people in the server have mentioned that seeing these social activism marches and vigils and whatnot is definitely solid and much needed roleplay on the server. And sadly, just like real life, these protests can be hijacked and turn violent. If there's anything I'd want to see improve here, it would be escalation of these riots. Some people are too quick to pick up melee weapons or set a car on fire, etc. It is a bit lack of fear when you have all these people attacking a precinct and the precinct doesn't have the numbers to defend itself against a relatively small riot. But then again that could be contributed by LEO's who don't want to get "dragged" into that roleplay.
  13. Listen here, Longboy. The harassment report system isn't bullet proof, Nervous is one person and his time and patience is definitely limited but it's really a measure of how far he is willing to go to combat the toxicity in this city. There's legitimate concern for forged reports of harassment but harassment usually means that it's consistent and recurring, rather than just a few random, troll messages. I'm sure Nervous is trying to set up a direct path between players and him so players feel like if another player is crossing the line, that staff can and will do something about it. This solution probably isn't long term or even permanent by any means, but it's almost like a symbol of Nervous' hope for this community. The thread locking issue is... I don't even know. Different staff will lock different threads for different reasons. It can be annoying but I think having some sort hierarchy for forum moderators can help players reach out to staff and get their threads re-opened, it's happened before. The biggest thing I wanted to touch up on his the "zero tolerance for toxicity". Naturally people view what's "Toxic" differently but I feel most people can point out when somebody has gone too far. As long as we can recognize that and call people out on that, we as a community should be fine. That's how we can combat toxicity, standing up for others, calling out other's crap when they go too far, etc. From what I've seen, when certain community members are toxic they're often supported, encouraged, or reassured that their toxic attitude is justified and acceptable. So we can break that that calling people out and telling them that how they treat somebody else isn't cool, to let it go, and remind them that it's just a game. Illegal and Legal Roleplayers will never gather in perfect harmony, it's just against the rules honestly. Not to say that we can't at least improve the current relations between these two spectrums of the community, but you know. Currently, Legal Roleplayers see Illegal Roleplayers as just underdeveloped, GTA-Online deathmatchers while Illegal Roleplayers see Legal Roleplayers as NPCs and Sims enthusiasts. I don't think there's a real way to "bridge the divide" here. Yeah it'd be cool but that's honestly just not gonna happen. The way we have to approach this is just making sure people carry themselves better. You can dislike whatever spectrum you want, illegal or legal, but that doesn't give you the right to discredit them and harass them. I don't ever see them getting along but I at least see people keeping their toxic bullshit to themselves and not publicly shaming, embarrassing, or targeting people. TL;DR Legal/Illegal will never live in harmony. But I've always said it and I'll keep saying it, hold people accountable when they're toxic, awful community members and hold them to the standard you want to see in the community. Don't strive for a perfect community, just do what you can to improve it personally.
  14. I think maybe having the marriage as it's own command? For a legally binding relationship and a non legally binding one.
  15. Your actions outside the community still affect the community. You can't just claim immunity just because it wasn't said on GTA:W or the forums or something. If you get insulted outside the community, such as discord or whatever- you definitely should just block them and move on, not file a report claiming "ooc insults" because thats petty, honestly. Use your personal judgment here to determine if this person crossed the line. If somebody continually harasses you and makes some serious threats, like dox or death threats, then you definitely have the right to file a report this person. Again, judgement comes into play. A community helps each other out, welcomes each other, holds each other accountable, etc. Players should not be bullied off of the server simply because they don't like each other. You shouldn't have to worry about discrimination and targeted harassment here. And yes, if anybody had any "dirt" on somebody not fit for the community, it should be forwarded to staff instead of just going around claiming you have proof. Then I'm totally down with "booting the fucker from the community". Lol.
  16. I think you should just be able to rename the blood samples or something so it's up to you, the person to not mess up the evidence, but also adds genuinely difficulty in separating blood samples in actual cases where blood can be mixed up, like stabbings?
  17. Not everything needs a command. In fact I would argue this is detrimental. By adding a command to take cover you're now adding a line that people need to type during a high stress situation and could potentially mess up. This would lead to more deaths than if somebody just held X to duck and reversed. As for exiting the passenger side, again, it would take you so much time to type it instead of swinging the car so your driver's door is faced away from danger that it would be useless. You can't just start adding invincibility frames and damage reductions, otherwise let's start adding healing buffs and damage bonuses, high cover and low covers and % chances to hit lol. I think having a command to switch seats might be useful in other random scenarios and that's about where I stop supporting this suggestion.
  18. Yes and no. The tax rate needs to be reasonable to prevent players feeling like they need to grind money to keep their property. A 100,000 house is incredibly cheap, my old trailer in Sandy Shores was $135,000. Meaning I have to pay 27,000 a week but with a full time job, I prefer to hop on and roleplay rather than grind out money, as I usually only allow myself about 3-5 hours a day of GTA:W. The percent needs to be a LOT lower for sure, but otherwise I'm cool with it.
  19. You'll just get shot for pulling one of these and eventually everybody is going to have tazers and mace and then you'll see gang bangers running around with tazers and mace just like the hunting rifles. So uh, no. You could carry around a knife or knuckleduster as the alternative. Plenty of women carry these things around already.
  20. I love the base idea here buuuut I could see the details needing a bit smoothing out. I think rather than having all these different parts, you could have just the engine have a type of status/degradation instead of several statuses. You might even go as far to change the degradation levels related to a vehicle's top speed, making stock car that are naturally faster cars (like sports cars) degrade faster, upgraded sports cars to degrade even faster than that, and adding a lot of interest to the more humble cars in the server. Realistically, for the server, it'd be annoying to deal with all these different status bars and having one would just make things way more convenient for everybody. Having punishments for abusing your car with upgrades and adding actual mechanic roleplay beyond installing turbos while not bogging down either the car owner or mechanics with several different systems they have to roleplay out.
  21. Hey. Pulling a machete on a kid who is verballing harassing you is incredibly poor escalation. Especially if your first resort is to pull a machete within six minutes instead of threatening to call the cops, or just leaving. There's so many more options beyond Jason Voorhees Vigilante roleplay. You're allowed to slap a kid upside the head but you're certainly not allowed to pull a fucking sword/knife on a kid unless you're really in that life. Sorry I just don't see a ULSA profressor/business owner/literally any legal roleplay attempting to murder a kid unless they themselves are met with lethality. And lastly yes - many kids do act wild because they know they won't be tried as an adult, and understand that most of the dumb shit they do as a kid will be wiped from their record, so citing their age as an excuse to get out of trouble is entirely valid. Gangs actually will use kids for many illegal things because the punishments are vastly different between a minor and an adult, it's why they're referred to as "crash dummies". If a kid punches an adult, juvenile hall for a bit, maybe not even that, life goes on. An adult punches a kid? Felony. I personally don't see any issues with underage characters being vulgar and talking unpleasantly, but any sort of roleplay that could lead to any sort of relationship between an adult and underage character beyond "friends" is not cool. I think rule 19 needs to be reworded, but personally, if the intent isn't to ERP or initiate a romantic relationship, the sexual verbal harassment is mostly fine. Any talk of intimate behaviors and romantic gestures or intimate physical contact is naturally, disgusting. Kids are going to yell obscenities like "suck my dick" "kiss my ass", it's nothing new.
  22. Lol what? Add damage modifiers to people who are too old too. Nah but an eighteen, seventeen, and some sixteen year old kids can definitely take on young adults in the mid-20s. With a suggestion like this, you completely ignore every characters background and story and struggles for script damage modifiers. Should Larry the desk slave of an insurance company be able to take out a seventeen year old kid who actively participates in boxing at his local gym? Probably not. Context kinda matters. You can't just say that every seventeen year old would lose every fight to every 18 - 20 year old. If you find yourself in a situation where you're 25 years old, and you're fighting a 16 year old kid, and they want to script fight and not roleplay their age and limits, that's just the definition of power gaming and you should try to speak to them or just take it to a report.
  23. Ehh is this really needed? Can't we just trust players to roleplay being fatigued/etc? I like the idea of giving gyms an actual benefit beyond roleplay but I don't think this is it. And in all honesty I see way too pay 6 foot something six pack having badasses around the server.
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