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Everything posted by Snoof

  1. Meh? I think stripping everybody's assets on character death would be pretty damaging to the server tbh. Whether you like it or not, the RPG element of watching numbers rise and collecting nice things are a big part of what gets a lot of people playing for hours and hours every day, and keeping that money after character death is what keeps it from feeling like a 'game over' because even though yes, your character's gone, you've opened up a lot of new avenues for what your next character can be through the hours you put in. For example, if you wanted to make a character who's a rich trust fund kid living in Vinewood and driving an overpriced supercar their dad bought them, you couldn't do that on your first go around because having no control over how much money you start with means everybody's first character has to be completely self-made if they want to be anything other than some nameless poor person.
  2. As much as the smug elitist part of my brain loves this idea, I think the faction that was made to run the prison not wanting to RP in the prison anymore speaks volumes as to what happens when you create an RP environment that people that don't want to are forced to be in on GTA:W. Prison RP is probably a lot more engaging to the average player than lying around in a hospital bed twiddling your thumbs for 2 hours hoping a hospital staff member checks in with you for like 5 minutes of that, or a friend comes to visit on the off chance that they aren't too jaded from having like 20 other friends hospitalized that week to be bothered, so I can't imagine a world where this doesn't end up even worse. Wouldn't wish that on the MedRP community.
  3. Bulletproof logic. How do I change my vote?
  4. Would really love for something like this to exist. There's an awful lot of rich people in LS but very few reasons for somebody to actually BE rich aside from being some sort of mob kingpin. There's got to be a way to do it where the exploitability is a feature and something to be RPed around rather than just some OOC bs to curb-stomp the economy with.
  5. Right, I do realize that that's the idea, but I think I already explained why I'm not a fan of it in my first post.
  6. Note the "with their set parts". It's a difference between (usually) 1-3 options per item slot and hundreds, not to mention skin color and facial features.
  7. Not sure how doable it is when you add things like latency and ping to the equation but if it can be done then yeah, this could be pretty neat.
  8. Agree to disagree, I guess? Something that makes everybody look worse in comparison while not being a viable option for those who want to keep the ability to customize their character's looks and style is hurting IMO.
  9. Not sure I want them to come back tbh. Problem with PED skins is that all the custom characters look fugly and awkward as all hell standing next to them because rockstar simply cannot resist the urge to make all of their players look like gangly dying tweakers by default.
  10. Denying women their crocs is literally the most violently misogynistic thing imaginable
  11. The people who only play to go clubbing and ERP are honestly pretty harmless and those who whine about them incessantly and go around agitating them ICly for it are a hundred times more obnoxious and fully deserving of the PF licensed Clint Eastwooding they get for their efforts.
  12. The idea that bad and cringy RPers will magically stop being so because you take off their cat ears is puzzling to me. It's the same with people who want to remove the ability to RP a minor because some people can't pull it off. Like how do y'all not realize that the person is the problem and people who suck are always gonna find new and innovative ways to suck until somebody actually removes them from the server? Also, nyah~
  13. Nice guide, though I do hope nobody takes the list of do's and don'ts at face value as things you absolutely shouldn't do while engaging in this RP rather than just what is likely to be the club's IC expectations of the women. Side note, the fact that every bit of Biker lingo around women sounds like something Johnny Bravo would come up with is hilarious to me.
  14. Nahh. Plenty less constructive shit gets posted in there, music and videos that are at least semi relevant to the faction at least contribute a little bit, as opposed to some of the more egregious ways people stat-pad their threads.
  15. Not really a big fan of the idea of having to put one of those labels on my characters tbh. A character's faction status can change pretty quickly and possibly multiple times while you play them and having to go through staff to get your stuff moved is a hassle both for us and them.
  16. To each their own I guess. Just seems like a lot of effort to uproot from RageMP or old SAMP to start over again on what as far as I can tell is just kinda GTA SA again with a built-in ENB.
  17. Bit torn on this. People going full P2W in pursuits is definitely shitty, but I'm not sure this would fix it so much as just tone it down and I think I might hate having to call an admin or a mechanic every time somebody blasting eurobeat at full volume comes slamming into me at 200 mph because they were "lagging" more.
  18. Sounds nice, especially now that we've got that fancy new wheelchair and people might actually want to RP long term injuries.
  19. Would definitely be nice. Feels bad having to pick and choose which of the things I like to, well, like.
  20. Meh. We had SAMP, now we've got something prettier. Why go back?
  21. As somebody who comes from a background of fully text-based RP, one thing I've always found intriguing about the GTA RP community (specifically LS-RP back on SAMP and GTAW) is the general notion that the character exists for the faction. Now what I mean by that isn't that every faction is full of soulless grind-slaves that do nothing but stand around on street corners and fill quotas for screenshots of drug-deals and shootout videos: Sure, those pop up every now and then, but between FM taking them down and the short attention spans of their members, they usually die out before they're able to do more than be a minor nuisance. What I mean is that the faction is final: Your character exists to be a member of the faction and once they can no longer do that, they are traditionally either killed off or retired. It's so ingrained in how everybody does things that you even find traces of it in the rules, like how characters below the age of 16 can only exist if they're intending to join a gang. By this ruling, if my imaginary 13 year old character has a falling out with their would-be faction because, say, they gave them a vicious gang beating for sneezing near the O.G's Yeezy crocs and they no longer want to join, the character becomes invalid unless I immediately age them 3 years or go running to the gang next door hoping people don't think I've been around the first one long enough to call me a faction hopper - or at least that's how it sounds to me. Now I understand that there are valid reasons why street gang characters especially usually aren't moved to another faction. If you roll up to your new one true love, a Crip set, with 'Bloodz 4 Life' tatted across your asscheeks, the homies are gonna give you weird looks at the weekly gang shower meets that presumably happen. Fine, you've got your excuse, your character has gotten to a point in life where it's very difficult to imagine them having anything else in their lives afterwards, which while that might be an interesting arc to explore in a movie or a book, in RP would probably just end up being kind of lonely and sad trying to make work, given how many people in the environment you roleplay in have two social modes, aka "Oh you've lived here all your life? Cool" and "reaches for a weapon". But why does it seem to be true for everyone? If you ask me, taking the beforementioned 13 year old character and moving them to a different place with the background story of "my parents and me had to do an emergency move because the entire old neighborhood was just murderously upset over that fine pair of crocs" gives them a much more interesting backstory than the usual 'I went around under my invisibility cloak doing generic troubled kid shit in the neighborhood for years until one fateful day where I finally decided to tell my neighbor "What up cuh?"' AND keeps the RP you've had with people from the old place alive, leaving it open to being brought back up later. It just seems better - that is assuming the RP you had in the place you're leaving wasn't utterly shit or actually crocs-based. Weird sleep-deprived rants aside, why do your characters live and die by their factions?
  22. Thanks for the content warning, if I'd gone into this unprepared I'd be on the floor seizing out rn.
  23. I'm definitely for being able to delete your own posts. It's weird and frustrating that you can't do it already. Not so sure about deleting other people's posts on your threads, though. I feel like that could be used in shitty ways and dealing with shitposts and toxicity is kind of what we've got a forum mod team for.
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