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  1. Short answer? No, it's not enforceable. For all you know every time somebody comes running out of a store it's because they just found out their mom's on fire, their house has been kidnapped and their cat's gone into labor all at once.
  2. It's not a stigma against anybody or any group in specific, it's a community issue. Everybody is mad at everybody that isn't in their immediate circle and it's fucking bizarre. A ridiculous amount of toxicity has been allowed to fester because GTA RP has just always been like that and now we're stuck with the same old idiotic tribalism.
  3. And that would've definitely been a smarter decision. The outcome shows that they made a mistake clearly enough, I'm not trying to suggest they didn't. I don't think so? If I was a beat cop running into a building with a whole squad of my peers I don't think the existence of such a firing squad is something I'd expect. Most people run from the police. I wasn't gonna bring up the /panic because this isn't a report topic, but that does seem like just straight up powergaming. I lean illegal in my own RP. I just tend to think the police should be something we evade as criminals, not something to confront guns blazing.
  4. Yep. If you wanna make the argument that people should be CKed every time they put themselves into a dangerous position and died for it then fair play, that's a legitimate stance to have. Don't think the geography argument really works in a GTAW context tbh. You'd be hard-pressed to find a non safe-zone square of the map that doesn't see daily murders. Again, really doesn't look like they could actually see how many there were when they went in. Gang definitely had the upper hand there, no arguing against that, but I'm still not convinced the cops broke fearRP by going in there.
  5. Still an incomplete picture because I don't know what they knew coming in, but based off this it looks like they ran into a funnel where they couldn't actually see what they were running into and got massacred before they had a chance to fully assess the situation. I don't think running into a project firing squad is something they should've seen coming if they were going in blind. I wouldn't have.
  6. If you wanna make the argument that they should be CKed as a consequence of poor/reckless conduct then that's another conversation that I don't really feel equipped to take a stance in without having actually seen what happened. 🤷‍♂️
  7. It's because the criminal is the active party in creating the situation they're being penalized for. Sorry, but it's not supposed to be a 'fair' game. The punishment is harsh because shooting at the police is something you're supposed to be discouraged from doing. CK'ing cops for doing what they're there to do doesn't help anybody or improve anything.
  8. I think this is where the real meat of the illegal RP scene is. Gang RP can be fun and all, but it having been around for so long people have an entrenched view of how it's 'supposed' to be done that often makes it feel very formulaic and stale if you've done it before. You're also often forced to interact with a lot of bad apples which is rarely a good time and there's a certain unwritten rule that once the gang ends all the characters do too that makes long term character development near impossible in all but the most successful factions. Even those you might join while they're on the way out without ever knowing it. As for the gun thing, I tend to be pro gun scarcity just because I find that the inclusion of guns makes the RP worse more often than not (not saying they shouldn't exist, just saying that every other conflict RP ending with somebody quick-drawing a pistol and doming the other while they're typing isn't a great interaction). That being said the market only being open to gangs is obviously not great if it's true. I can't really blame the suppliers for doing smart business though. Fixing it is kind of hard as long as there isn't some strong incentive to sell to independents or a rule forcing you to. Finding independents to deal with is difficult from the supplier's perspective too because there isn't really an easy way for them to differentiate potential customers from regular civilians without already knowing them personally, and if it's a friend of theirs there's a good chance they already are supplying them. The only solution I could think of is for some kind of open black market to exist, but without the dark web I'm not sure how you'd make such a thing work.
  9. I swerve into oncoming traffic to talk to strangers on the sidewalk.
  10. Snoof


    Offering BO.
  11. Think this is just a universal truth of roleplay unless you're doing it in a setting where people are incentivized to be anything else. One of the big reasons people do RP is to lead a life that's more action packed/interesting than their own and young, beautiful people are usually perceived to be the ones who have the most going on for them. Even more so if you're talking female characters. I don't think this is ever actually going to change unless middle-aged, fat and balding somehow becomes the new 'cool' in real life. Side note though, I personally cannot for the life of me look at any character created in the GTA V character creator and think of them as above average looking, the faces on these things are rough, and the things the game's shading do to them should be considered some sort of war crime. I'd say anybody who reaches average looking has done an extraordinarily good job.
  12. That sounds like a really good reason to give them a separate space to RP being in Juvie to me. I really don't understand how it's not as big of an issue.
  13. That... doesn't really mean anything? Kids might get charged as adults but they sure as hell don't get thrown into the same prison as the adults until they themselves are adults. Being charged as an adult just means they're able to receive a harsher sentence than what would otherwise be possible for a minor and that the protections offered to underage offenders can be waived.
  14. Maybe I would be if I'd at any point said it was all going to be brilliant. I'm under no illusion that creating a juvenile detention center is going to magically make all the community's problems disappear. All the things you just mentioned already happen in regular prison. All I'm suggesting is that creating this space would provide those who are actually willing to use these spaces properly with a better framework in which to do so. Like I said in my very first post, there's a world where I'm just as much in favor of getting rid of all separation in the prison system and just lumping everybody together in the name of letting people pick and choose who they interact with from a bigger pool of players, as long as it's made clear that that is the way things are ICly. I would take that over the half measure we've got going right now for sure. But as long as the server goes on priding itself on its realism, I think the realistic path makes more sense and provides a more authentic experience for everyone. And a lot of the women would probably rather not be in there with you either; It's every bit as weird for them. An adult woman being in there with you is no less realistic than a 12 year old boy being in there with you though. That's sort of my point here.
  15. The server has a lot of teenage characters running around at this point and as a rule nearly every one of them is an active criminal. Sure it'll be less active at certain times of the day than others and there'll be good days and bad days, but that's true for literally every other concept on the server too. Just because something won't be a massive party all the time that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. If it did, we should've stopped separating prisoners by gender a long time ago. All I ever hear about women's jail is how dead it is 90% of the time. The argument for Juvie existing on the server is that it doesn't make sense for underage kids to be thrown into lockup with all the experienced career-criminals and lifers, and that them being there actively makes the incarceration experience less immersive for both parties. I think a lot more people would be willing to RP out their time spent in lockup if it actually felt 'right'. One of the reasons I proposed for it to have major differences from adult prison is in part to make it less reliant on guards and a dense population by pushing everybody closer together. I also don't think there should be such a thing as crimes that would send them 'beyond' juvie if this was to exist. Our regular prison doesn't have different security levels because we can all agree that that would stretch the population too thin, so why should the underage version?
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