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Everything posted by Martyn

  1. It made me sad because of how true it is, never thought this server would officially support ERP like that. And to be quite honest, I wouldn't be here if I first joined this server back in 2018 and there was the equivalent of OnlyFans already. So just imagine how new players feel right now joining this server.
  2. Currently if you make a forum report, you're playing yourself. You're a thief of your own time. It can take a good chunk of time to write a whole forum report, including necessary evidence such as videos, pictures, chatlogs, etc. 99/100 times the time you spend on the forum report is less time the reported party gets when they get punished. You spend an hour collecting evidence, summarizing all the events to make it easy for the admin to understand and I haven't even mentioned the amount of time you probably wasted IG with the situation itself. Only for that person to get a verbal warning, or a 20min ajail. Punishments should take into consideration how much time they've wasted from other people and they should be hit back with double the amount.
  3. The thing is, you have to question if its healthy for the server that over night the meta to make as much money as possible is now making nudeys on menyoo. If you introduce a friend to the server, eventually the question is going to be raised on how to make money. I personally find it embarrassing to now have to say the best money making method is to excite other men through making virtual pixel porn. Second best money making method probably being interior decorating, which you have to donate IRL money for in order to do. Not gonna lie, I've never been one to judge what people do or care all that much. But the server is now going in a direction where I'm just starting to feel a weird vibe.
  4. Completely realistic, there are so many lesbians around that it's near impossible for anyone to create any locals. The only one creating locals are the dom amazon futa chars.
  5. I think it's going to be the other way around if the other server is going to be more "illegal oriented". Run yo pockets simulator, I'm very much looking forward to it, it's gonna be fun because this time you can actually enter the server fully prepared for this instead of jumping on with the wrong expectations. It's pretty much going to be Gotham City I think, we'll see!
  6. Really tired of this "entry level faction" excuse. You are a faction, official or not but you represent the server and you should maintain the exact same standard as everyone else. Imagine the wave of shit an illegal faction would get if they excuse their poor quality with "entry level faction, we try to teach new players how to be gangbangers" it wouldn't fly and neither should it fly here. Poor quality is poor quality, improve your standards. Your faction will never improve if new people in your faction have to look up at other fairly new people. A healthy balance is always required.
  7. @Selena I would like to bring up a problem I've brought up to a staff member before, and that's the grey area of what is considered "ERP" on FB/QD but also on the server as a whole. It seems as if you can ICly talk about sexual things with 0 issues and no need to ask for permission. But once you use the same wording in a /me it becomes ERP and you're subject to punishment. I personally have witnessed and been "victim" of people messaging you on FB and they will describe to you in disgusting details what they want to do to you. Not just that, but there's also a bunch of sexual memes being posted and people posting things like "Damn my pussy wet". Now I personally think even if you talk IC about sexual oriented topics it's erotic roleplay. If you say your pussy is wet, its the same thing as doing /my pussy is wet. They're both ERP in my opinion. OOC and IC minors use FB and this should not be acceptable at all. Nobody should ever bring up any sexually explicit topics to another person be it through chat or emotes without consent. Period. People should keep their weirdness to themselves and other like minded weird individuals.
  8. 100 bullets a week on hunting? How many animals is this man killing?
  9. That's your problem, you're in Davis. All jokes aside, how is anyone supposed to take this IC when both lawmakers and law enforcement are quite literally playing with their hands tied behind their back and a chain around their leg attached to a big, heavy ball. I've been playing here since 2017 and I've only seen two people unironically wear cat ears before as opposed to the many players you'll see standing around as if they're members of the Taliban, it's super weird.
  10. Simple solution would be allowing the victim of the misunderstanding to be refunded for whatever they lost, but "punish" the perpetrator by not refunding their firearm. That's a good alternative consequence to your unfortunate mistake and doesn't involve an ajail or warning on your record. And this will also stop people from potentially abusing the report/refund system for the purpose of getting their firearm back and will also encourage players to be a little bit more careful when it comes to all these "mistakes". Actions have consequences in the grown up world, even if they're unintentional mistakes.
  11. Despite agreeing with the nature of the OP's post considering my character absolutely hates all these fancy pants businesses around town, I do believe it's a live and let live type of thing. Avoid the places you don't like, nobody is forcing you to roleplay there. If there is a large demographic who enjoy these type of interiors let them roleplay in them, they're not harming or hurting anyone or forcing it upon you. It really is a non-issue, request some businesses of your own if you want a more grimy setting. I had a lot of problems with PM 2years ago and I definitey wasn't the only one, it was in an extremely bad state but currently PM is actually doing pretty good and they've been extremely helpful and cooperative. I'm sure they're more than willing to work together with you on this.
  12. This would be amazing.
  13. I never said anything about the script at all, something about "reading comprehension". As a matter of fact, I don't mind the script at all. The thing I don't like is the message you receive when you login game after your house was broken into when you were offline. It should only show up like that if it was an actual break-in request. The only thing this message serves to do is annoy people when they get the message for the millionth time. The message is completely unnecessary as you can't really roleplay anything, your character would be asleep in that house during the burglary. I roleplay illegal by the way, and have done for many years. So I'm very much a part of that part of the community I like to "blame".
  14. Really had to make a brand new forum profile just to say that huh? I've legit just recycled all the arguments some members of this community present when anyone discusses being bored of the fact that certain characters on the server are treated like mindless NPC drones. So the fact you didn't like my post is a good thing, we're on the same page. People like you are making this server look like it still has potential to grow in the right direction.
  15. Nah keep it the way things is, who doesn't enjoy roleplaying having your house broken into three times a week on top of your car being stolen at least five times? I love that shit, it really helps me with my character development and with enjoying the server to its full maximum potential. Miss me with that "actual roleplay" shit, who's interested in that? It's my fault for being a mallrat and owning a house and a car anyway and not being careful enough to be caught lacking. Besides, it's GTA. It's in the name! Go play another game if you want the freedom to roleplay without being a victim over and over again. Oh also, grass has to be touched and all that.
  16. 90 percent of the people who are responsible for these issues that are discussed here do not even read the forums and are not involved with the community in any way other than the chaos they are causing in-game.
  17. I once saw four guys AND a security guard get into a fight with what appeared to be a sixteen year old male, I suspect he was high on meth but there's no way for me to confirm.
  18. Martyn

    NC Abuse

    Mind numbing argument, prison roleplay is part of being a criminal. If you don't want anything to do with prison I recommend you don't roleplay criminals and stick to legal roleplay. What you're saying is basically like me playing Fifa and turning penalties off because I don't want to conceed any penalties because it's "not fun for me". Or playing Squad and complaining I have to wait up to ten minutes sometimes to spawn because there's no spawn points. It's part of the game, I could choose to play COD instead and have 24/7 non stop action but the shitty parts of a game make the good parts way more fun and rewarding. If you want to cause chaos on GTA with 0 repercussions there's GTA:O.
  19. Martyn

    NC Abuse

    I second this, the players who are willing to namechange and not roleplay things out are usually the ones that wouldn't offer you any type of meaningful roleplay in or outside of court anyway if they had chosen not to namechange. Good roleplayers wouldn't do this so you're basically saving yourself from having your time wasted even more. So why care? Let them namechange and continue their serial killer spree. You move on and spend your time on people who are here to ACTUALLY roleplay.
  20. Forget about spawning the vehicles in, I'm trying to address the root issue which is a widespread abuse, be it conscious or subconscious where valuables are stockpiled in vehicles in high quantities because they are 100 percent secured and there is absolutely no risk involved for the player. This is a huge problem and it should concern you. They're basically used like Escape from Tarkov secure containers. https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Secure_container_Kappa
  21. Would you be able to come up with another way to fix the issue of people using this loophole to secure their valuables with 0 risk involved? If not force spawning the vehicles there has to be an alternative solution.
  22. You should read the thread brother, it's about people putting their vehicles in safe locations. Such as garages in other interiors or safe zones. They log out of the game and after three hours the vehicle despawns. If you simply park your vehicle in a no crime zone for example, in front of a police station. Or like I said, simply inside of another interior? They are NEVER going to be stolen and after three hours it vanishes into thin air and all your weapons/drugs/jewelry is floating around in space with 0 risk attached and their stash is safe. You would be surprised how wide spread this abuse goes.
  23. Then we need alternative systems to stop the "impenetrable safe" abuse. If we can't force vehicles to spawn, maybe we need a limit on the amount of guns/drugs you can store in a vehicle. Its unreasonable to keep an extremely overpowered and easily abused system in place. I can almost guarantee you that the vast majority of illegal roleplayers and a whole bunch of stockpiling PF owners use their stash vehicles as an invisible safe.
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