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Everything posted by Martyn

  1. That's spread across twenty two employees.
  2. There are a lot of things that don't make sense for the sake of balance and server health. If we can remove the OOC intends for robberies and the sheer amount of them by simply not allowing to steal a firearm during a robbery? I'd say that is a very healthy alternative solution in comparison to what we have now. All these robbers and people on this thread clearly rob for roleplay reasons, development and story telling. I'm sure none of them will care if they have to pretend the victim isn't carrying that pretty firearm on them! I'm sure we'll all happily sacrifice that in order to conduct our robberies with vehicles again and have it go completely un-checked.
  3. I'm pretty sure if we made a rule stating you cannot take any firearms off your robbery victims, but said victims are also not allowed to use their firearm to retaliate during the scene itself? In other words, completely removing firearms from the potential treasure you can take from the human pinatas? I am pretty confident we'll see a huge decrease in robberies to the point where eventually they can be allowed to use vehicles more freely in their robbery spree. Don't think it is a secret that robberies for most people are just a quick and cheap alternative to gathering more firearms. Been robbed quite a bit the last few days (all of which got voided due to rulebreaks) and not once did they take my characters money or other belongings. The first thing they roleplay for is a waistband, trying to find firearms. They ignored a 60k watch on my character after they found his firearm. I even specifically mentioned the shiny watch around my characters wrist in an attempt to help them out a little bit but they simply didn't care. Two days ago, this dude's own homie snitched his friend out pretty much right away when I pointed out their rule breaks and offered them to resolve it without needing to go through admins. Needless to say, I had to go through admins and the player in question got punished and later banned.
  4. I'm pretty sure if you're in an official faction (possibly even unoffficial too) you can apply for a scheme of sorts where you can explain in thorough detail what your plan, development and story is and receive special permission to use vehicles in robberies without the need to wait IG for a /report. This still ensures the robberies are done through verified, approved individuals who showcase better roleplay than the average seal team 6 robbery team. There are a couple of people in this thread who are spreading a false and unfair narrative, yes it is very strange you're unable to use vehicles in robberies whenever you want. Quite unrealistic indeed, the same way there are many unrealistic rules in place on the server that prevent people from doing things that happen frequently in real life. This is to sustain a healthy environment on the server for all players. We don't allow robberies using vehicles so that people aren't continuously robbed. The same way we don't allow mass shooters to be on the server even though they're rather frequent in real life. The same way we balanced CCW's by involving unconstitutional requirements to get one because there was a problem with vigilantes. All extremely unrealistic rules that make us stray further from that hardcore realism you'd love to have. But unfortunately rules we need because people can't and will never be able to behave.
  5. I don't think you know what you're talking about to be honest with you respectfully, all these high classed character you're talking of spend hundreds of thousands on security measures. My character has made half a million in the last week and a half being paid to watch peoples properties and watch them personally so they can avoid being robbed and or assaulted through other means. There are plenty of consequences for them already, you're just not aware of them because your interactions with them are limited to withdrawing things out of their pockets when you've got them at gunpoint.
  6. And you can still do ALL that after a simple "/report Hey we setup a plan to do a well portrayed robbery right now on a group we've singled out, requesting permission to use our vehicle as a getaway car" The admin shows up, you explain your plan/story/development/reason, they will likely give you permission and they'll spec a little while you go at it. You happy, everyone happy. People you rob stall and complain? You've got an admin spectating you, telling them to resume to RP. Quality is checked, the flow of RP continues, rulebreaking is addressed real fast and the admin team can keep track of how often it is requested each night so it doesn't happen an extreme amount of times on a map as small as ours.
  7. And I completely agree with you, these things all happen. But they don't happen three times a night, this is why you CAN get admin permission for it. This way the quality can be ensured and it can be ensured you're not the 15th group that night that asked for permission to pull a crazy robbery heist. Especially if the group you're wanting to target was already hit that same night. It's extremely stupid to get robbed at the same spot 3x a night. These restrictions are very much needed and removing them would be detrimental to the livelyhood and the health of the server. That's coming from someone who RP's illegal himself.
  8. Hey there, what kind of precautions do you propose people take to avoid being robbed twice a night in their backyards? CCTV, alarm systems and security patrols are not enough. Carrying a firearm yourself is pointless because the seal team 6 robbery screw pulls up outta nowhere like ninjas and point a gun at you before you have the chance to roleplay withdrawing yourself. Even if you do manage to do it it's pretty much suicide. There's really nothing you can do about being robbed like that, you don't have neighbors or people walking past your property with dogs or other traffic to see the elite heist team pop up to your place. I get everyone wants to have fun roaming around robbing and causing chaos and having fun. But you're doing it at the expense of other players who are also just trying to have a good time and are more than likely already victims of a robbery that same day or at least recently. How exactly are players who are consistent victims of these sorts of crimes supposed to develop their character with this happening? Other than entirely leaving the state, there's not much that can be done about it. Some rules are simply in place to maintain a good and healthy roleplay environment, is it realistic? Nope. But we have a lot of rules for things that are entirely realistic to do but we don't allow it to avoid things becoming a mess and a TDM server. This is one of those rules that was very much needed.
  9. The rule is great, robberies are already too insanely frequent right now with this rule in place. You can also get admin permission to conduct robberies with vehicles, its a quality control thing. People clearly can't behave when they're given total freedom. Leave it as it is.
  10. Paleto Bay is dead, especially during certain times of day. What do you want them to do, police the deer, pigs and rabbits that run across the street?
  11. Martyn

    Crash spots back?

    Can confirm, crashed in this area 3x today so far. Hawick is a no-go zone at the moment. It's entertaining to see all these empty cars on the same crash-streets. I saw like 6 empty cars there earlier today, people who crashed and couldn't be bothered to login anymore.
  12. I see what you're trying to say here and I don't necessarily disagree, but the way you worded it just makes you look like you've got a severe p2w mentality yourself, no offense. This system will hopefully not only be used by law enforcement? I'm assuming the CCTV system will also work for civilians who have them installed on their business and their residential properties. Which in turn also means CCTV cameras could very well be utilized by illegal factions to protect their own assets too. If everyone has access to this, I don't see how it could benefit some more than others. Maybe try being a little bit more careful and more aware of your surroundings before engaging in criminal activity. If you roleplay a character that isn't intelligent enough to do this, accept the consequences that comes with the theme. Either way, if this is just another fancy gadget for law enforcement and nobody else will have access to it I'll be rather disappointed.
  13. Letting admins handle requests is quite literally the worst idea ever, I think I've waited for a report to be accepted for a good five hours the other day without even exaggerating. Report still hasn't been handled by the way, still waiting. I can't imagine how frustrating it's going to be if you have to wait for an admin to give you information that will entirely depend how the rest of your roleplay will go. It'll stall things and ruins the entire flow of roleplay. I'll gladly accept ANY other alternative even if it means the CCTV isn't as powerful. Just please don't make me go through more admin related torture, there's already red tape you gotta jump over everywhere you go. I feel like a professional hurdler jumping the red tape so often.
  14. /sp 60 in the city /sp 100 on the highway Never have to bother with bored law enforcement, solid advice right there.
  15. I feel like SAPR is in a good place now and it's not necessary to have a highway patrol faction. Things feel fairly balanced right now and everyone fulfills their current niche.
  16. If there's ICly room to abuse a law, that's on the law makers. Define the law properly to the point where there's no room for abuse, it's not really rocket science no offense. I also find it a little wierd to decide to go down the IC route only to then not deal with the IC consequences of said law. You might as well not have gone the IC route and created OOC rules right away. I wish we could just leave things IC for a change, if cops start to fuck with too many people due to a potential mask law just let people protest, let them use these puppet-senators that don't need to be elected and are put in their position of authority by administrators. Maybe they can actually put some work in, instead of using their position of power to create harems by influencing gullible female characters and indulge in other questionable shit. Don't take away entire storyline and plots because you've got some teenagers upset they can no longer walk around like Snake eyes from G.I Joe. I'm personally looking forward to it, along with all the potential debates and drama that can come from this. I'd even like to see some kind of in-character referendum where law makers and other political characters can be given some time to sway the public through debates, social media posts, public appearances and the likes of that. Political roleplay in general can enhance things on the server so much more than it does in its current state if only we were to utilize them more on important subjects without a management veto on anything that could potentially impact people.
  17. The same way good cause for CCW's is unconstitutional but we keep it in place for "balance"? The poll is pretty clear, 70,6 percent of the community thinks the masks are a problem. They just can't figure out how to solve it, IC or OOCly. It's up to the admin team to listen to the majority of players and come up with a reasonable solution that addresses the issue without impacting the normal, good roleplayers.
  18. I've though about things long and hard and the only solution I can come up with is fighting fire with fire, lets go full Watchmen up in here. https://watchmen.fandom.com/wiki/Defense_of_Police_Act
  19. Lets also not complain about the fact cops will perform felony stops on any vehicles with people with masks involved, or if the cops call in a helicopter for every suspicious vehicle with masked men in it then? I'm all for the IC law though, OOC rules make no sense.
  20. Re-make the thread maybe? I already voted and I can't change my vote.
  21. I would prefer an IC law too.
  22. My appreciation goes out to each and every admin that remained humble, takes the time for people and treats them like people. Doesn't hit them up with the "message me on forums I won't reply to you anywhere else" attitude (Only to then make them wait days for a reply). Keep being yourself, don't let the green name tag switch your attitude on your old homies. Remember the struggles you had and felt as a regular player and use those to improve the community around you and make it a better place for everyone. Sadly I have NO idea if there are admins like this, if there are? I haven't met them yet, statistically speaking there are surely admins like this still around. So if what I described is you? You're the biggest fucking G in this server and just imagine that I tagged you because you definitely deserve it a whole lot more than some of the people being tagged on this thread by their friends.
  23. The supposed "hyper realism" is what attracted me to GTA:W in the first place and made me decide to leave LSRP, made GTA:W stand out and opened my eyes to how fun and immersive things can be as opposed to the Gotham City simulator LSRP was.
  24. Everybody talking about not using OOC means to reduce crime in any way shape or form, and that people complain OOCly too much. But as soon as we start making the police reasonably powerful to actually fight crime ICly you'll have half the server on the forums OOCly complaining about law enforcement pulling people over too often or conducting too many searches. The hypocrisy is strong in this one.
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