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Everything posted by Martyn

  1. Not picking sides here and I'm sure there have been some very good arguments made for both sides of the coin but I do find it extremely hilarious and feel the need to point out the hypocrisy on this server once more. We've got people complaining criminals do too much killing on the server, the arguments provided for this by said people who induldge in all these shootings are the fact shootouts are fun, its a video game. People don't want to login to do 3hours of boring trivial things, shootouts are way more fun. Lots of people frown upon this, especially the "legal" community and law enforcement roleplayers. Now you've got these same law enforcement roleplayers basically saying the same thing, A is boring so we don't want to do A. We want to focus on B, which is usually just driving from shootout to shootout. It's quite literally what people said on the thread earlier, it's cops and robbers with extra steps. (Yes, there are exceptions. I don't need replies with another 5 paragraphs explaining how YOU and a select group of players roleplay putting milk in your cereal every morning, we get it you're the superior roleplayer good for you) The hypocrisy on this community is something I've never seen before anywhere else, it's absolutely astonishing. I think its time for people to reflect a little on their own behavior and how they can chip in to make the community a little better for the rest of the people on the server, rather than pointing the finger.
  2. I'm pretty sure that factions ignore your admin record after a certain amount of time has passed since your last admin punishment so I don't agree with you. As harsh as it might sound, if you don't want to get ajailed and have an ajail on your record? Don't break the rules.
  3. I find it extremely comical you have to deal with your character quite literally having to avoid stepping on dead bodies when going out and about in Los Santos but we're still expected to adhere to "realistic" fear rules as if we're living in a gated community and anything and everything scares us or you'll be hit with a CK. Gotham City Roleplay.
  4. Would be great of churches opened more regularly, my character would definitely show up to services.
  5. The only way to get rid of the rule is to somehow replace it with a rule against robbing firearms. This is the ONLY reason people feel the need to do this. I can guarantee you and willing to bet anything on it that we could remove every single rule related to robberies and replace it with a simple "Cant rob firearms" and you'll see the robberies decrease SIGNIFICANTLY instead of increasing with all these limitations removed.
  6. In an ideal world this would be the case, until you speak/roleplay with some of the casino owners and managers and find out they're simply struggling to even find sufficient enough security personnel to handle the inside of the business. Let alone the entire outside and providing security details for high rollers. That's not even mentioning the fact we've got the most liberal gun laws on GTA:W where security can't carry anything more than a pistol. So carrying a shotgun? Nope... Carrying a rifle? Nope. Can't even get special permission from the government if you're hired to secure essential and vital infrastructure which is just strange. It's not as easy as you think to hire (GOOD) security staff, a lot of people are discouraged from roleplaying the theme because in order to roleplay a bodyguard for instance you'll need the ability to conceal a firearm along with your guard card. But the CCW exam is so messed up I've seen lawyers, district attorneys, cops, basically people who evolve their entire roleplay around Los Santos law REPEATEDLY fail the CCW exam because as I've said many times, it doesn't test your knowledge or safety but its designed to trick you into failing. I don't like a rule being implemented to help casinos and what not, but handling it IC is also near impossible due to all the OOC restrictions and regulations I just mentioned.
  7. Wouldn't mind it if criminals get a more efficient system for house breakins, if players were given an alternative way to store valuables like I suggested before.
  8. There are a zillion security companies on the server. If you have THAT much money you're worried about being robbed, paying like... 8k? To be escorted to the nearest bank is absolutely nothing and I'd argue you 100percent deserve to get robbed if you're cheap enough not to extend roleplay to others over such a negligible amount.
  9. Didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
  10. I do agree with this, factions shouldn't be exempt from this and it'll only increase roleplay abilities because the factions now have to employ someone for fleet maintenance. Increasing immersion and spreading the government tax dollars around. I only see winners.
  11. You keep repeating the same things but I already addressed everything you said and you never mentioned what can be done about the instances where it goes unreported because either nobody witnessed it or only their homies witnessed it who are clearly not going to report their own friend, some streets are completely empty at certain times of day. This still damages the server because now you have a rulebreaker going around with a firearm doing God knows what and damaging the experience of players even more considering they aquired the weapon through breaking the rules, it's not out of the question they'll now be using the firearm to break rules too. It's a bit of a domino effect and we can simply get rid of this headache since the looting system doesn't actually benefit anyone's roleplay story or development. It's quite literally just a PUBG/Rust like tool for sub-par roleplayers to abuse to fuel their firearm hunger.
  12. I expect gas stations to be camped by ninja robbers.
  13. The sad truth of the matter is that creating a report, accumulating evidence and putting it all together in a comprehensive way for an admin to understand takes FAR more time than the potential punishment the reported party gets. Essentially I believe this to be a tactic to discourage players from making reports unless its "EXTREMELY SERIOUS". There's no other reason why you would disrespect a player by issuing a warning over a big ass report that took an hour to put together, upload footage, answer questions, pretend to be a forum lawyer and argue with someone for days on end. Only for the report to take a month+ to be resolved and meanwhile, the roleplay that happened wasn't voided so it has ruined your development in one way or another for this entire month already. Putting your character in a sort of limbo state until the report does get resolved and it finally does get voided. Even though, the damage is already done by that point. Making forum reports ain't worth it unless you're sure its a guaranteed 100 percent bannable offense. For this reason I've absolutely never forum reported someone before.
  14. Concealed carry permits are only used in self defense, if the number suddenly spikes up to 100 as you claim then that's a direct result of criminals antagonizing people who are defending themselves and that's entirely valid. It's the same old argument that has been used for many other discussions. Take the looting discussion. "Why remove something that gets abused by few?" Well... Why not hand out CCW's like candy since its only abused by "few"? And there are plenty of other examples where people like to nitpick the rules and changes they want to see on the server to only benefit themselves without looking at the bigger picture. You want me to tell you I play GTA:W without telling you I play GTA:W? Hypocrites, hypocrites everywhere.
  15. Please write two thousand word essay and then do a crazy exam so your character can carry a legal fictional firearm in a virtual world. It's just as backwards.
  16. That's the thing, you don't always see it. The "where does it end" is a non argument. Removing something that is abused more compared to it providing good development and roleplay isn't lazy at all. It's called being efficient and admins will have more time to deal with other things. This is quite literally addressing the problem as head-on as humanly possible. Why are you so stressed you wouldn't be able to snatch a gun off a dead body anymore? The GTA community been roleplaying for many, many years without a looting option and it didn't take away from the roleplay at all. The looting system is a privilege and its one that is being abused whether you like it or not.
  17. Until you realize removing looting would actually remove a whole bunch of rules related to looting. Decreasing reports, decreasing rules you have to worry about, less likelyhood of people being admin jailed and the only thing we have to give up is the ability to run over to a dead body to yoink a blood covered pistol out of a corpses hands. Which literally makes it less of a "sanitized, rule-obsessed kindergarten". Boy this is a difficult decision to make.
  18. I do have to say, speaking as someone who owns a faction in which many members have CCW's. They've been more lenient with the good cause applications. It's still the exam that is ridiculous and doesn't make any sense. Questions that hold no relevance to a concealed carry license. Trick questions, etc. I still believe anyone who supports the exam in its current state is nothing more but a bully trying to ruin peoples roleplay experience.
  19. This is a good point, start enforcing this shit.
  20. This has been going on since SA-MP times where people used wallhack for years and used aimbot once skin-hit was introduced. It's always been extremely rampant and there's little you can do about it. Sadly, cheating on roleplay servers is a direct result of an extremely insecure person that needs to compensate in virtual worlds for their lack of achievements in real life. Unfortunately we have a lot of people on GTA:W that need this compensation, the most we can do is make fun of players who end up getting caught.
  21. I would very much like this, proper illegal roleplayers won't mind. They're not the ones who even want that sort of roleplay/story/development for their character anyway. They'll happily get their pew pews through proper interaction with other players.
  22. Martyn

    Mallrat Method

    Everyone here is giving you poor advice, you want to make proper money and actually become the rich mallrat you want to be? You will have to donate IRL money one way or another. Either for /bad to open shitty businesses every 2days to make as much money as possible. However, this isn't a get-rich-quick method. If you want the true getting rich experience you will have to donate even MORE money to ensure you have 1850 furniture objects at minimum. Which means donating 4x for 500 additional slots to permanently keep those or donate 2x for 500 slots and buy platinum every month. Once you've done this, start handling large projects and once you start becoming better and faster you can make a potential of 3-4 million a month if not more. That or sit all day in casinos playing poker, dealers choice. (The risky option)
  23. I'm all for removal it adds little to no quality roleplay opportunities to players. Never understood why this was a thing in the first place.
  24. I always find it amusing when people say "Just report these characters" like evidence of them using their characters solely for sexually explicit roleplay will just fall out of the sky. The only way to gather this evidence is by engaging in the same sort of roleplay with them. If you don't do that you're not going to be able to find any evidence that is good enough to create a valid RPQM report. This essentially means the only people that have evidence of these characters being solely used for sexual purposes are the people that fully embrace that, don't care and gladly engage in this type of roleplay to satisfy out of character urges and they're not going to report characters they've done this with as it is essentially self snitching. This also makes me believe some people here on this community and especially on this thread are fully aware of this loophole and gladly use it as an excuse to keep this going. Talk to a few ex RPQM members and be TRULY enlightened on how much RPQM and the server in general deals with these issues and how insanely rampant it is. @nateX You're going to have a few shills in the thread claiming they hurt nobody, it happens in private so why would you care? It doesn't bother you if you don't see it. But I believe this to be a fallacy. Characters who are poorly portrayed and primarily used for sexual purposes as are 95percent of trans characters on this server should be considered "troll" characters considering they are highly insulting to trans people in real life and simply abused by men wanting to engage in their dom mommy futa fantasy. Why do you think nearly ALL of them are trans and ALSO happen to be exclusively interested in women? Some of them have evolved to claim to not be lesbian and they're pansexual/bisexual or whatever but this is also just a facade, just something to make them look better or more serious than they actually are. Just my two cents.
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