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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2020 in Posts

  1. While this looks good and all, you guys should consider joining one of the three already existing black gang factions instead of making your own faction. This isn't directed towards you, but this server has a issue with people constantly making their own factions instead of joining pre-existing ones. Maybe, you should consider joining one of those instead. Although at the same time, best of luck with this!
    3 points
  2. A trend in making long, convoluted /mes has begun and it's not good (in my opinion). I've pasted a snippet from a guide someone else made a long time ago (Kipps) explaining why you shouldn't do it below, it's a very informative and helpful guide overall if anyone here would like it: As a general rule, I would recommend you keep your /mes concise and to the point. Longer /mes can often become cumbersome and unwieldy. This not only disrupts the flow of role-play – because longer /mes take longer to produce – but it also creates communication difficulties. Avoiding verbose /mes will maintain the flow of role-play, avoid confusion, and make for more enjoyable reading.So, why & when should you resort to a longer /me? As long as your longer /mes aren't disrupting the flow of role-play, creating confusion, or being expressed in more words than necessary, it's okay to use them. The last point is the most important (“being expressed in more words than necessary”). Your /mes should always convey something; if an emote is using words that aren't adding anything, those words give no positive effect and should be removed. The last part is most important because there is a time and place to use long /mes, you just need to figure out when that right time is.
    2 points
  3. ((I did not make this, but the creator did not wish to post it themselves, yet I thought it was so well made it had to be posted.))
    2 points
  4. This faction video is the official submission of the Conservative Party of San Andreas.
    2 points
  5. Hila Abramovich Age: 47
    1 point
  6. Short description: Allow boats to hold fish in their inventory, currently they are listed the same as cars (probably to stop people from filling up cars unrealistically) and it makes the boats a little redundant in terms of their usability. Detailed description: I've seen a few suggestions with positive support for changes to the fishing system, My suggestion is simply to allow boats to hold fish and allow it to run similar to how the trucking system works see >>Feature Showcase : Trucking & Suppliers<<. This is aimed at changing the current state of shore-line fishing with minimal work, Go stand at Sandy Shores at peak and folk fly in with vehicles, people barely talking and /fish before diving back in their vehicle and racing to /sellfish. This would at least make use of the boats for people who were fishing seriously with no heavy implementations needed. A lot of the time players solo-grind the fishing job for their own profit with minimal RP, if players can own boats and fish and take on a "crew" or companies pop up it increases player interaction. Considering right now everyone pulls up with a dufflebag to load up 15,000G of fish, the boats hold 40,000G up to 100,000G which would be a much bigger sale but for a longer period of time and it's not a quick process.. The tug boat is slow so it's not like you're flying through the sea to make sales and on top of the fact that you also need to move it from the boat to the sale point which is on land. You can for sure pull a tug-boat up to piers to fish and probably dinghies also, in my opinion this is a small change that could make a big impact in the way /fishing works and make it a little bit easier for staff that they don't need to do some mad overhaul or add anything complicated. And not to mention it also goes against common sense. That being said there could be a great reason for it not being there.. So.? Commands to add: Allow us to store caught fish inside sea vehicles. Items to add: N/A How would your suggestion improve the server? I believe it would improve the state of the current /fishing job, it would increase traffic on the maps surrounding water and probably add to more than just those fishing but also add to EMS/PD/FD interactions. Additional information.
    1 point
  7. Short description: The ability to cook crack from materials that can be bought at the hardware store & 24/7. This suggestion also reworks the way that drugs affect your health, addiction, and dependency. I write this suggestion in good hope that drugs will then serve a purpose, opening a variety of roleplay possibilities, expanding the black market, giving more purpose to EMT, and expanding endless new stories through player's lives. Detailed description: The server right now is really sparse when it comes to drugs whether it be the availability or selection. Right now there are no real repercussions for using cocaine, which is one of the only three available drugs in the server (correct me if I'm wrong). This suggestion will give criminals/dealers more ways to interact with their peers & markets, increase the repercussions of using drugs hence developing interesting RP stories, developing a heavy drug addiction and dependency. EMT will now serve a purpose to hospitals, thus opening the possibilities to even having players roleplay "Doctors" or "Health Specialists" whilst opening "Rehab Centers", etc. The suggestion also implements some items which will give police and law enforcement an array of possibilities to make arrests based on probable cause through drug paraphernalia, etc. The best part of this suggestion is that a lot of the functions are already built into the server, some just need a rework. This suggestion was partially created to add new features and to compliment additions to the existing addiction system. I hope this would be looked over as I truly believe this is something that can indeed add the environment we need in the server. ❤️ A lot of the materials needed are already available through the brewery job, so that'd make those items highly recyclable and give them more purpose. * Please note, what I'm about to suggest demonstrate are based on personal experience and extensive research on the effects. Some things I may have changed to accommodate the server economy & game's limitations and for the sake of simplicity. * C R A C K " Crack cocaine, also known simply as crack or rock, is a free base form of cocaine that can be smoked. Crack offers a short but intense high to smokers. The Manual of Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment calls it the most addictive form of cocaine. " INGREDIENTS: (x3) Cocaine [3 Grams] (Bought through a dealer, distributor, supplier, etc.) (x3) Baking Soda (Bought in a 24/7) $50 (x1) Cooler Freezer (Bought in a Hardware Store) $2500 (x2) Water (x1) Iron Pot (x1) Mixing Bucket (x1) Burner (x1) Propane Tank COOKING CRACK: The process would be similar to how you'd brew moonshine by placing the items you need in order to cook & with the possibility of a bad batch. 1) Add [2] Water to the Mixing Bucket 2) Add [1] Cocaine to the Mixing Bucket * Start Process Timer Begins (30 Seconds) / This will form a new ingredient called: [1] Dissolved Cocaine * Collect 3) Add [3] Dissolved Cocaine to the Mixing Bucket 4) Add [3] Baking Soda to the Mixing Bucket * Start Process Timer Begins (30 Seconds) / This will form a new ingredient called: [1] Cocaine Mix * Collect 5) Add [1] Cocaine Mix to the Iron Pot * Start Process Timer Begins (45-120 Seconds) / This will form a new ingredient called: [1] Boiled Mix * Collect 6) Add [1] Boiled Mix to the Cooler Freezer * Start Process Timer Begins (45-180 Seconds) / This will form a new ingredient called: [5] Crack Cocaine * Collect COCAINE TO CRACK RATIO: 3 Grams of Low Grade Cocaine = 8 Grams of Low Grade Crack 3 Grams of High Grade Cocaine = 5 Grams of High Grade Crack CRACK EFFECTS: 1) Blurry/wobbly screen - similar or the same to the one you get when you ingest cocaine. (Lasts 120 Seconds) 2) Your HP will increase by 40%. (Lasts 5 Minutes) 3) Regain Full Health HOW TO USE THE CRACK? 1) Buy a Glass Pipe available to buy in either General Stores or Hardware Stores. 2) Do /useitem [inventory id of crack] once you're in possession of the Glass Pipe AFTER THE GLASS PIPE IS USED Another cool thought I had was once the glass pipe was used, it will then become a "Used Glass Pipe" in the player's inventory. I believe this could be simply done through conditional bools programmatically. This opens up the door for law enforcement to have probable cause to search the player and/or their vehicle to see if they uncover anything more. Not to mention, in possession of a Used Glass Pipe would technically be a criminal offense if it has any crack residue on it. A D D I C T I O N Note: This would exclude Marijuana as data show Marijuana does not have any known addiction properties but rather prone to persons with addictive personalities. If anyone could clarify this and send me links to data, I'd appreciate it. ADDICTION CHANCE: For every time the player does not become addicted and uses again, the chance of becoming addicted increases. 1) First Time Use - Random chance of becoming addicted (eg. Fiening for more) - Dice Roll (1/10 | 10 Being 100%) 2) Second Time Use - Random chance of becoming addicted (eg. Fiening for more) - Dice Roll (1/6 | 6 Being 100%) 3) Third Time Use - Random chance of becoming addicted (eg. Fiening for more) - Dice Roll (1/3 | 3 Being 100%) ADDICTION ACCUMULATION: What happens every time the player smokes? - An addiction meter can be implemented to reflect the level of addiction the player has accumulated through the back end. - The total number of percentage would be from 0-100%. - For every use (even if the player is not addicted), this integer will rise per (random) %. - The higher this number, the more chances of the player becoming addicted. - This can be multiplied by [Addiction Accumulation * Addiction Chance = Addiction Level] ADDICTION EFFECTS BY %: Players will see their conditions worsen dependant of the total of their "Addiction Level". These numbers only reflect an example and I shall leave it to the devs to come up with a proper % system. The effects can be withheld by ingesting more crack cocaine. 1) 0-35% - Players suffer a loss of 20% health p/hour. 2) 36-65% - Players suffer a loss of 35% health p/hour. 3) 65-100% - Players suffer a loss of 50% health p/hour. O V E R D O S E Another feature that was brought up was overdosing. This would improve the quality behind roleplaying drugs and what it can lead to. Again, please note that the systems put in place are not meant to be 100% accurate but more to compliment and abide by the server's capabilities and laws. FEATURE OVERVIEW Just as the Addiction system, the overdosing system would work on a similar system, only that it will be timer-based from first ingestion-per-gram. For every gram you ingest, the overdose chance rises (x) amount of points. For every gram, there will be a cool-down timer until (x) amount of points get taken from your overdose level. The overdose meter will not be visible to the player, as this would be unrealistic. Rather, the player can detect an overdose by a slightly red screen which sets in depending on how close the player is to overdose. The slight red screen can be a visible form of displaying the player's "Vitals", such as heartbeat, etc. The overdose system is a compliment to the quality of the drug. Each drug has its unique Overdose Points (for the sake of time, let's call it ODP). How does one overdose? Too much of that drug within a short time frame will lead to... You guessed it. An overdose. People can often overdose even with one-time use. But since there is no vital implementation on the server (Not even sure if it's possible) and there is no weight/height based system, this is something that would be hard to do systematically. So for the sake of simplicity, this is the way I'm suggesting it. ODP ACCUMULATION: How will the player accumulate Overdose Points? - A point system ranging from 0-10, 10 being a complete overdose. (This can be modified as see fit). - A cooldown timer of 10 minutes per gram before the points reset. (Up to devs to decide the amount of time). - Overdose Points are accumulative, meaning, each gram will add on top of the other. - Each drug has it's own unique ODP per gram, depending on the quality & drug. - The quality of the drug will determine the ODP. The lower the grade, the less ODP the player gets (less purity). COOLDOWN TIMER: How will the cooldown timer work? - 1 Gram Of High Grade Cocaine = 4 Points - Timer Begins For That Gram If the player does not intake any more cocaine, once the timer hits 0, the points for that gram reduces from the overall ODP. If the player intakes more cocaine while the timer is equal to or more than 1 minute from the last intake, then the timer resets to 10 minutes with total points of 8. EFFECTS OF AN OVERDOSE: What will happen on the overdosing player's screen to let them know they're overdosing. - The player screen begins to redden - The player cannot type - An animation would be displayed to show the player on the floor either unconscious or having a seizure - Player addiction level instantly goes to 100% (This will help connect with the treatment system) - If the player is not treated and taken to the hospital within 10 minutes, they will die (PK). TREATMENT: A shot of Methadone is needed to stop the overdose (PK). Once the player has been given the Methadone, they must be transported to get treatment. EMT / DOCTOR COMMANDS: A command to help EMT/Doctors diagnose if the player is having an overdose. /checkvidals - Oversees the player's vitals which would display their overdose points level /givemethadone [id] - Gives Methadone to the overdosing player Example: * John Doe snorted some Low Grade Cocaine. John has never done Cocaine, so his ODP is 0. Once he snorts the Low Grade Cocaine, his ODP would add 2 points. John feels fine, dancing the night away, but it hasn't been 10 minutes yet. * John Doe snorted some High Grade Cocaine. Oh, seems like John got some better stuff... He just added 4 points, equal to 6. John seems to feel fine, still dancing the night away... John decides he still needs to keep going but is feeling tired... * John Doe snorted some High Grade Cocaine. A few minutes pass, but the first ODP points are still accumulated on top of the others. Since the number of points has reached 10, John starts to feel sick. His screen goes red, he can't type, he falls to the ground and starts to seizure. This is just an example of a club night out and too much cocaine. Q U A L I T Y In addition, I've come up with a system that introduces quality to drugs. The quality would impact the effects, duration, and price of the drugs, as well as increase or reduce the risk of overdose dependant on the purity (aka quality). The system can introduce quality to both drugs given to suppliers and drugs which are manufactured. This could be used as a base which can be expanded as the developers see fit. RULE OF THUMB: For simplicity, quality of all drugs could be driven by 2 classes of potency. Low Grade - Cheap but shorter-term effects, higher chance of addiction. Low Grade - Wobble lasts longer, while the incentives are shorter. Low Grade - Since the drug is most likely to be "stepped on / cut" hence less potent, overdose chance is lower. High Grade - Expensive but longer-term effects, default chance of addiction. High Grade - Wobbles are shorter, while incentives are longer. High Grade - The higher the purity, the more chances of overdose. This is common knowledge. Wobbles? Why does it matter? Wobbles make you swerve whilst driving, it can also impair your walk, thus, hinting law enforcement that you're intoxicated. So the general rule would be; The higher the quality the less wobble time & wobble / The crappier vise-versa. ADDICTION CHANCE MULTIPLIER: If the drug has an "Addiction Chance Multiplier" through "Low Grade" this is the system that'll determine the final percentage. To showcase this example, let's say the low-grade drug has an Addiction Multiplier of 30%. You would multiply the base addiction change by that percentage to achieve a final chance of addiction. See below: * John Doe snorted some Low Grade Cocaine. This would activate a multiplier of 4 (or 40%) of the initial base chance. In this case, it is John's first time using Cocaine. A dice would roll (not visible to the player) - let's say the "Addiction Chance" rolls a 6 (or 60%). if (Addiction Chance >= 1) [ 6 in this case ] then add (Addiction Chance + Low Grade Cocaine Multiplier) This would equal the chance to 10 (or 100%) In this case, the player would now achieve Stage 1 Addiction (0-35%). [See Addiction Accumulation] * DRUG EFFECTS BY QUALITY: (Looking for suggestions on how Heroin should work - a benefit and a downside.) 1) Cocaine Low Grade Cocaine - Wobble Effect Lasts 1-4 Minute(s) - Aftereffects (Fuzzy Screen) Lasts 5-10 Minutes - +20HP for 20 Minutes - Addiction Chance Increases By 3 - Overdose Chance +2 High Grade Cocaine - Wobble Effects Lasts 0:30-2 Minute(s) - Aftereffects Last 2-6 Minutes - Gain Full Health - +50HP for 30 Minutes - Default Addiction Chance - Overdose Chance +4 2) Crack Cocaine Low Grade Crack - Wobble Effect Lasts 4-10 Minute(s) - Aftereffects (Fuzzy Screen) Lasts 5-10 Minutes - +40HP for 20 Minutes - Addiction Chance Increases By 5 - Overdose Chance +1 High Grade Crack - Wobble Effects Lasts 0:30-2 Minute(s) - Aftereffects Last 3-5 Minutes - Gain Full Health - +100HP for 60 Minutes - Default Addiction Chance - Overdose Chance +3 3) Marijuana Low Grade Marijuana - Wobble Effect Lasts 2-5 Minute(s) - Aftereffects (Fuzzy Screen) Lasts 5-10 Minutes - +10HP for 30 Minutes High Grade Marijuana - Wobble Effects: None - Aftereffects (Fuzzy Screen) Last 2-6 Minutes - Gain Full Health - +30HP for 60 Minutes Please note that Marijuana is a give or take situation - Either you enjoy the screen effects or you don't - Please feel free to comment on this. T R E A T M E N T & H O S P I T A L S Players can get treatment by going to the hospital and/or getting treated by EMT through the use of Methadone. This also opens the possibility of having hospital interiors where players can RP a "Doctor" treating patients. This also opens up the possibilities of "Rehab Centers". The possibilities are endless. /checkaddiction [ID] - A command letting doctors/EMT use to see a player's addiction percentage. Using /checkaddiction will let doctors/EMT scan the player's addiction percentage in order to properly diagnose the treatment they need and help establish a Methadone plan. In order for this command to work, the player will need to be at a hospital and only Doctors / EMT can check this through IC tests. The player must obviously also be within reasonable range. Obviously, through IC, people are expected to roleplay these scenarios. The amount of Methadone needed would be varied by the "Addiction Accumulation". 1) 0-30% - Players would need 1 Methadone 2) 31-50% - Players would need 2 Methadone 3) 51-75% - Players would need 3 Methadone 4) 76-100% - Players would need 4 Methadone The amount of Methadone given can be roleplayed through "sessions", which can be roleplayed as needed. This, of course, is just one idea which can develop to many others. Commands to add: /checkaddiction [ID] /checkvidals [ID] /checkvidals [ID] If a player tries to use Crack Cocaine without a Glass Pipe: ALERT MESSAGE: "You need a Glass Pipe to use that!" Items to add: Baking Soda (100 Grams) (General Store) [$50] Cooler Freezer (4,500 Grams) (General Store OR Hardware Store) [$2500] Dissolved Cocaine Boiled Mix Glass Pipe (50 Grams) (General Store OR Hardware Store) [$500] Used Glass Pipe (50 Grams) Low Grade Cocaine High Grade Cocaine Low Grade Crack Cocaine High Grade Crack Cocaine Low Grade Marijuana High Grade Marijuana How would your suggestion improve the server? This suggestion will give criminals/dealers more ways to interact with their peers & markets, increase the repercussions of using drugs hence developing interesting RP stories, developing a heavy drug addiction and dependency. EMT will now serve a purpose to hospitals, whilst opening opportunities for players to train in becoming doctors and/or rehab specialists. The use of glass pipes will open the door for more RP possibilities to law enforcement, encouraging probably cause and beyond. Overall, I think this suggestion will establish the start of a unique feature that can easily transition into bigger diverse projects. In summary: - Profession Possibilities - More Criminal Activities - Great Addition For Law Enforcement - Drug RP Would Serve Bigger Purpose - More RP Story Development Through Addiction - Overall Higher Character Development Environment Additional information: Be on the lookout for my Mushrooms/LSD suggestion. ? Thoughts & comments appreciated. ?
    1 point
  8. Feature Showcase - Los Santos County Sheriff & Jail Showcase Overview The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department faction, in conjunction with the DoJ, LSPD, Faction Management Team & Mapper Team are proud to announce a rejuvenation of the server's Criminal Justice dynamic with both criminals & Law Enforcement alike. The upcoming update brings forth a host of new changes regarding the Judicial System & Law Enforcement process. Criminal roleplayers within the server will now face physical penalties for their actions, as well as pre-trial detention depending on particular circumstances. Law Enforcement Officers will now have to in-process arrestees at the newly-mapped Los Santos County Jail, operated by the Sheriff's Department. Commands /releaseme - Exit the jail permanently after your time is up /jailtime - Check how long remains before you can be free'd /jrequest - Request a deputy if any is available, offline guards will be notified on Discord through an IC notification channel /cellinfo - Prints information about the cell /jevent - Report an event to the guards, for example : /jevent You would notice a body left in a blood pool in front of cell A001. Guards will receive the event on Discord to notify them OOCly about the event that they would discover ingame. /onduty - Check how many guards are online /jlockdown - Open / close all doors of the current interior you're inside (guards only) /assigncell - Change the cell of an inmate (guards only) /release - Releases an inmate (guards only) /checktime - Check how long an inmate is jailed for (guards only) /showwristband - Show your wristband information to another player /setjailstatus - Set a special status written on the prisoner's wristband (guards only) Jail time will decrease 3x faster if you actively roleplay (This current value is temporary and might be modified in the future) How Arrest Works Former System: Arrest > Temporary Detention at Police Headquarters > Potential Court Case or Release New System: Investigation > Warrant > Arrest(starts with arrest if 'on-view') > Booking at County Jail > Detention > Bond Hearing > Due Process > Release or Sentencing/Conviction Expected features of the jail The Los Santos County Jail will provide an interesting roleplay dynamic for both Government & Criminal Roleplay. The circumstances of the jail allow for criminal gangs to manifest within the incarceration system, as sentenced inmates will be assigned to the jail to interact with pre-trial detainees. Features in development include: Bond System - allowing inmates to place surety/collateral to bonding companies in exchange for release from the county jail, on grounds they may loose assets or finances if they do not show up for court. Commissary / 'Books' - this serves as a means of both sustenance and institutional currency for inmates within the county jail. [In development] Weapon features - inmates are able to fashion weapons from items they find or create, to include shanks. Booking - inmates will have their arrest record & incarceration status on-file with server Law Enforcement entities. Conviction / Sentencing - inmates facing sentences may be assigned to the county jail for long durations of time. 'Prison Gangs' - long term inmates may be able to create gangs 'within the walls'. Phone System - inmates will be able to place calls from the jail. [In development] Other features to come. Full album : https://imgur.com/a/zSH60EK Additional Information Judicial Faction Los Santos County Sheriff's Department Special thanks to the Mapping Team for the hours and hours of hard work that they have dedicated to this. Not only in building, but research, discussion and reworking when it became apparent mid-mapping that things were not going to work as the floor plans dictated. As a server we are lucky to have people who will selflessly give up their own time to provide interesting and immersive features, from the Mapping Team right up to the administration team, past and present, who have worked to make this project what it is. Looking forward to our next grouping of projects, and working to manage such an amazing group of people.
    1 point
  9. This would be neat. Could redesign the fishing job to be more like trucking and tie that into our closed economy. Fishing without working for a company gets taxed at 30% for example, then having your own boat working independently at 25%, then working for a fishing company at 20%. This would bring more RP into the fishing sector, just like how they fixed the courier/trucking system. @Nervous can this be done? I'm sure it would have to be entirely custom coded, so I know it's not an overnight thing. A great suggestion nonetheless. It would pretty much close off the last non-RP job on the server bringing it into the closed economy and encourage people to RP with established companies, just like trucking. Not to mention this would open up marine/boating opportunities more and lead to other things (PD/FD on the water, fishing on the lake or ocean in designated spots, etc.)
    1 point
  10. There actually was! One of my favorite shots was of the forensics team in the robbed house with Detectives questioning the victim but it got cut due to time constraints where we couldn't make it "make sense" in the story-progression! The Rockstar update really came at a bad time and put me out of action for a good week, then the holidays right after. It was definitely planned but unfortunately I just didn't have the time to find a spot for them where it fit naturally and didn't disrupt the flow. It was definitely a missed opportunity as there was a bunch of shots that I have recorded involving as many different divisions in the LSPD - but will 100% be used in future division showcases.
    1 point
  11. If anything I think the Tug should defiantly be able to hold fish. It's big, slow, and looks like a real fishing boat. It would also be nice to place fish in buildings for RPing a fishing business. If a few fishing spots were added in the middle of water that would be so much better than fishing off the shore. I also had a few ideas for fishing businesses: 1. Add a fish processing system (Cut up, fillet, and package fish. Turns a set amount of fish weight into a single package which can be sold for slightly more.) 2. Require refrigerated trucks to transfer fish/ boxed fish. 3. Set laws regarding fishing.(Maybe add a coast guard position and/or require fishing business to have a license.) 4. Allow for fishing business to become food suppliers for the shipping jobs. (Business can add their processed fish into the shipping checkpoint. These checkpoints don't regenerate and can only be filled by placing the boxes of processed fish inside.)
    1 point
  12. Interested in purchasing for the asking price.
    1 point
  13. We were pretty late joining the competition compared to everyone else. Even though civilian staff is just as important to us as the law enforcement officers in the faction, we simply didn't have the time to sketch proper scenes with them in it. We had several set-ups with civilian staff in them but didn't agree with the scenes; due to this being very late in the process we were unable to set up proper scenes and put them in. Next time they will be represented strongly, if not be the sole focus of a future video.
    1 point
  14. No civilian staff representation? I can see fitting scenes depicting a forensics unit collecting evidence after the initial response, and, perhaps, a department psychologist counselling officers. Apart from that, well done.
    1 point
  15. Hello, I was wondering if switching the output for the /weather command to show the weather in LA would be something people would want? Right now it's significantly colder on average than it is in LA from day to day. Here's the difference at the time of this post: IG: Los Angeles: I just feel like having the temperature sync would allow for a better LA-type vibe in terms of character outfits and RP around temperature/etc
    1 point
  16. You guys keep posting the same suggestions every 2 days, go back in the archive and look. Nervous literally told himself a week ago that we do not roleplay exactly LA but a bit to the side as well.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Creeper & Sneaky Creeper, Spooky & Sneaky @ Taco Farmer Tiny's Tattoo
    1 point
  19. Getting To Know Everybody ll / Learning To Stick Together Squashed Beef
    1 point
  20. I see Boosie I automatically fw it
    1 point
  21. back in the days when I started role-playing, I tried to join this gang but I couldn't because they used slangs in /b, /pms, /mes, everywhere. It's a bit annoying when they're talking like that, especially in /mes and /b because, sometimes, you can't understand them lol. I guess it comes with being part of gangs, dunno.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Re: Going into buildings. For clarification on this because I've witnessed a few odd scenarios: Police Officers can enter a place of business that is open to the public, but only those areas which are clearly open and accessible to the public, especially while on legitimate police business. They do not need a warrant to go into any publicly accessible section of your bar. This is not a thing. They do, however, require exigent circumstances or a warrant to enter the staff only sections of your business. Second point, officers entering and looking around and immediately leaving. Typically, officers enter a business for one of three reasons: They are a customer. They are doing an immediate sweep for a suspect they reasonably believe to be there, or community relations work. Officers can and will enter, do a sweep, look for the person, then leave. This isn't them not wanting to roleplay, per-se, but that they want to get in and out as quickly as possible to minimise disruption to your business. And also because they're likely horribly busy and having a chat at a crowded club/bar is not a priority at that time. If you're a bar or club you're not typically going to encounter the other two; community relations officers are not going to engage in community relations with a bar/strip club in downtown Vinewood and officers do not typically purchase alcohol on duty. So, I hope this has cleared up officers going into businesses for people.
    1 point
  24. Gravedwellers MC's faction video: This wouldn't have been possible without @PaganFears & @hipsxn, massive shout-out to @PaganFears for the work.
    1 point
  25. /me's should only be used to describe actions IMO (literally what it was made for) and as universal as possible in public or even among the ppl you rp with. But this is a prime example of novel /me's that should never ever be used
    0 points
  26. lotta rap in here... feel like im in the wrong neighborhood...
    0 points
  27. how dare you revive this. now im obligated to post more content tonight
    0 points
  28. Our promotional video that was submitted to the GTAW Faction Video Contest:
    0 points
  29. I don't mind people going "/me hops out with the toolie" or anything like that. Someone calling a pistol a "blick" or anything of the sort in a /me is so minimal. Of course you'd get some people butthurt after they just got domed by a guy calling his rifle a Llama, so eh. You got people who RP their weaponry as very specific models from IRL, and you got some people who call it the most simplistic shit. It is what it is. Out of all things to worry about, someone calling a pistol something other than it's actual preferred name should be the least of someone's worries. People putting actual dialogue in /me's is a bit weird, seeing as you could just normally type it out without quotations after said action in /me. I've never done it, but I know a lot of people who do. It doesn't ruin the experience whatsoever, I think people are just being overly dramatic or simply just nitpicking.
    0 points
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