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Everything posted by Fremie

  1. Tekken 7 is better.

  2. Updates are the only thing that comes to mind.
  3. "Voted In" "Sewing Up" "Show Off" "Exercising Second Amendment" "Clean Up Duty"
  4. "Home Sweet Home" "First Ride" "Freelancing no longer"
  5. New Fac is probably related to the prison
  6. Pretty neat, love that you picked up something else. Keep up the good work.
  7. Tasers are common as fuck in the US, lol. And after you've been tazed, it takes 20 officers to put you in handcuffs.
  8. Honestly? Tackling can be good and bad. The good being that there's a system in place for officers to tackle or anyone else for that matter (tackling shouldn't be exclusive to cops), the bad is being that it can't be fought against if you're no the receiving in. If they ever do add tackling, I'd prefer it to be based on a chance system that your character tackles someone and not only that I don't want a 5'1 character tackling a 6'7 character. (Exaggerated heights but my point still stands.)
  9. Name: Deacon Meadows Bid: $80,000 I placing a bid, I agree to said terms. Name of the bidder is private to other bidders.
  10. I'm not exactly sure but aren't there ambiance sounds? But I think even if you can hear it it'd be a good addition. EX: You're in the bar and there's gunshots going off outside or a block away, a message pops up that a gunshot is heard a distance away, etc. Even though it isn't exactly needed in some situations there's always room for quality of life additions like that.
  11. Also, instead of alerting PD. Maybe add on the suggestion to shooting your first round creates a message for a radius that most people can hear gunshots at. Ex: A gunshot is heard a distance away. And have people roleplay accordingly.
  12. LSFD has a system where they're notified of fires in different areas and the people calling aren't even players. Even though there aren't NPC's we shouldn't go around the city doing crimes and thinking the population of the entire city is the playerbase so doing insert crime here is perfectly safe. Have the mindset that these non-existent NPC's are always on the lookout. Other than that, I support this thread.
  13. Half of the female clothing look like what a insta-thot would wear and the males look like a bunch of fuckboys. Overall I dig them alot.
  14. GTAW's discord. "I did, did you?" and "Nervous is no longer."
  15. San Andreas Multiplayer - Vampires, Werewolves, Humans (VWH) San Andreas Multiplayer - RC-RP San Andreas Multiplayer - LS-RP MTA - Owl Gaming Grand Theft Auto Multiplayer - Five RP ... ... ... History, history and more history. And now I'm here. At the promised land, I have arrived and I'm here to stay. RAGE MP - Grand Theft Auto World
  16. Sounds interesting considering my character is from Blaine County. I just don't know you well out-of-character to make some of that stuff work.
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