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Everything posted by FourmsThreadWatcher

  2. Cheeky Fuk Ching Mong Jeffrey Hao is Crip walking into the Fujian Express Like a Real Nigga… Catalina Mei spots him and Bursts into a Flaming Fury of Rage! “What the Fuck is Wrong with you huh?! Think you Can Cripp in my Hood Kuz?!” She Screeches out a bellowing yelp that Bursts ear drums for miles. Jeffrey Hao Crumbles to the Floor like a Beta Bitch, “Ohh Shiiit!!!”… Catalina Mei Turns her Rage into Fuel and Picks up The Fukn Ching Mong and Throws him out the Window?!…” FUJIAN EXPRESS IS CLOSED ASSHOLE!!! Fack You!”
  3. If you can't handle the smoke get out the kitchen. Simple... You don't press gang members that are in midst of a bloody war in their own section.
  4. cctv in houses gonna log hella sex
  5. Business owners have the option to spawn at their business, same with every other property. Having that is not an issue lol it's literally the same as owning/renting a property. won't harm anybody
  6. I think im transforming 🧍‍♂️🧎‍♂️👶 googoo gaga
  7. You didn't read the thread but basically, LEO admins get to supervise search warrants for their own factions but illegal admins can't supervise home invasions for their own faction members. And that's bias.
  8. Both are roleplay scenarios that can determine a lot of things if it went wrong or right and any admin should handle these without bias, I don't think the conclusion will be determined by the actions of the admin supervising the home invasion or search warrant but by the roleplay done and the amount of planning that have been done. Both home invasions and search warrants take some planning to do ( search warrants take more for sure ) but we should treat these two equally as they provide roleplay and there's always a 50/50 chance. I don't think any admin will risk their position in the staff team over helping their faction members, and if they do then actions can be taken against them and the players that got the help.
  9. I'm saying this for the roleplay, if the stashinfo is left empty with nothing written at all then admins should make one themselves for the scene. What's the point of that roleplay event if you want everything in plain view? Why would a druglord keep tons of drugs in plain view? Players forget about /stashinfo and there's a possibility it might happen, if we allow everything to be in plain view just cause there's no /stashinfo then the server would turn into Looting Simulator 2023. If there's a weak /stashinfo written then admins should not make one up for the roleplay. It's only for empty stashinfo
  10. I kind of disagree with this, admins can be creative with stash spots themselves to make it challenging for the home invasions or search warrants, that would be complete bias. basically if there is no stash info, admins can make one themselves cause otherwise it'd be unrealistic to have bunch of guns and drugs in plain view
  11. can this be allowed for illegal players as well? have admins from the same faction doing their break ins?
  12. illegal rp's current state can't handle any norteno sets and if you say it will improve rp and attract players, no it wont
  13. it's been nearly a year since they have mentioned that drug overhaul update and the mods is a server wide thing, not focused on illegal RP only. i appreciate your replies really but i see that they need the bashing to get a grip.
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