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Charity 2023 Tier 4 Donator
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Everything posted by mj2002

  1. This isn't really how that works. Certain players like going to casinos. The competition isn't that fierce, so they'll just go to any that's open. Entry fees are usually less than change to these players.
  2. I would prefer IC enforcement of the Gamble code, and possibly include this somehow, ICly? I mean, I completely agree that this is greedy, but where possible we should try to use IC means for these things. Gives cops or other LEO/GOV roleplayers something to do other than chase shooters.
  3. I guess this wasn't possible?
  4. I made the original suggestion to change it from 24 hours to 48 hours. The reason for this was to make it more viable for niche businesses that had trouble reaching the 20 entries in 24 hour limit. Beyond that, it allowed larger businesses to do 'larger' openings, being able to reach 40 entries in a single opening, rather than having to open twice in 24 hours for 20 entries each. The financial incentive is the same, because the limit was $20.000/24 hours before this change. The change to $40.000/48 hours was not a punishment in any sense. Only if you're comparing it to a $40.000/day limit that never existed.
  5. I mean, in one reply you're telling one group not to generalize, whilst excusing the generalization of that same group? I don't really get this.
  6. Inspired by this guide by @Moe Available emojis Colored ☹️ Frowning Face ☠️ Skull and Crossbones ❣️ Heart Exclamation ❤️ Red Heart ☀️ Sun ☁️ Cloud ☂️ Umbrella ☔ Umbrella with Rain Drops ❄️ Snowflake ☃️ Snowman ☄️ Comet ⛅ Sun Behind Cloud ⛈️ Cloud with Lightning and Rain ⛱️ Umbrella on Ground ⛄ Snowman Without Snow ✌️ Victory Hand ☝️ Index Pointing Up ✍️ Writing Hand ✋ Raised Hand ✊ Raised Fist ♨️ Hot Springs ✈️ Airplane ⌛ Hourglass Done ⌚ Watch ⏳ Hourglass Not Done ⏰ Alarm Clock ⏱️ Stopwatch ⏲️ Timer Clock ♟️ Chess Pawn ☎️ Telephone ⌨️ Keyboard ✉️ Envelope ✏️ Pencil ✒️ Black Nib ✂️ Scissors ☘️ Shamrock ⚓ Anchor ⚒️ Hammer and Pick ⚔️ Crossed Swords ⚙️ Gear ⚖️ Balance Scale ⚗️ Alembic ⚰️ Coffin ⚱️ Funeral Urn ♿ Wheelchair Symbol ⚜️ Fleur-de-lis ⭐ Star ⛷️ Skier ⛹️ Person Bouncing Ball ⛰️ Mountain ⛪ Church ⛩️ Shinto Shrine ⛲ Fountain ⛺ Tent ⛽ Fuel Pump ⛵ Sailboat ⛴️ Ferry ⚽ Soccer Ball ⚾ Baseball ⛳ Flag in Hole ⛸️ Ice Skate ⛑️ Rescue Worker’s Helmet ⛏️ Pick ⛓️ Chains ⛔ No Entry Ⓜ️ Circled M ㊗️ Japanese “Congratulations” Button ㊙️ Japanese “Secret” Button ♻️ Recycling Symbol 〽️ Part Alternation Mark ✳️ Eight-Spoked Asterisk ✴️ Eight-Pointed Star ❇️ Sparkle ➿ Double Curly Loop ✨ Sparkles ☕ Hot Beverage ➰ Curly Loop ☢️ Radioactive ☣️ Biohazard ⚡ High Voltage ⚠️ Warning ➕ Plus ➖ Minus ➗ Divide ❓ Red Question Mark ❔ White Question Mark ❕ White Exclamation Mark ❗ Red Exclamation Mark ⭕ Hollow Red Circle ✖️ Multiply 〰️ Wavy Dash ✅ Check Mark Button ❌ Cross Mark ❎ Cross Mark Button ✔️ Check Mark ↗️ Up-Right Arrow ➡️ Right Arrow ↘️ Down-Right Arrow ↙️ Down-Left Arrow ↖️ Up-Left Arrow ↕️ Up-Down Arrow ↔️ Left-Right Arrow ↩️ Right Arrow Curving Left ↪️ Left Arrow Curving Right ⤴️ Right Arrow Curving Up ⤵️ Right Arrow Curving Down ▶️ Play Button ◀️ Reverse Button ☑️ Check Box with Check ⬆️ Up Arrow ⬇️ Down Arrow ⬅️ Left Arrow ⏏️ Eject Button ⏩ Fast-Forward Button ⏭️ Next Track Button ⏯️ Play or Pause Button ⏪ Fast Reverse Button ⏮️ Last Track Button 🔼 Upwards Button ⏫ Fast Up Button 🔽 Downwards Button ⏬ Fast Down Button ⏸️ Pause Button ⏹️ Stop Button ⏺️ Record Button ✡️ Star of David ☸️ Wheel of Dharma ☯️ Yin Yang ✝️ Latin Cross ☦️ Orthodox Cross ☪️ Star and Crescent ☮️ Peace Symbol ♈ Aries ♉ Taurus ♊ Gemini ♋ Cancer ♌ Leo ♍ Virgo ♎ Libra ♏ Scorpio ♐ Sagittarius ♑ Capricorn ♒ Aquarius ♓ Pisces ⚛️ Atom Symbol ♾️ Infinity ⚕️ Medical Symbol ⛎ Ophiuchus #️⃣ Keycap Number Sign *️⃣ Keycap Asterisk 0️⃣ Keycap Digit Zero 1️⃣ Keycap Digit One 2️⃣ Keycap Digit Two 3️⃣ Keycap Digit Three 4️⃣ Keycap Digit Four 5️⃣ Keycap Digit Five 6️⃣ Keycap Digit Six 7️⃣ Keycap Digit Seven 8️⃣ Keycap Digit Eight 9️⃣ Keycap Digit Nine ◼️ Black Medium Square ◻️ White Medium Square ◾ Black Medium-Small Square ◽ White Medium-Small Square ⬛ Black Large Square ⬜ White Large Square ⚫ Black Circle ⚪ White Circle Not colored - Symbols ☺️ Smiling Face ♠️ Spade Suit ♥️ Heart Suit ♡ White Heart Suit ♦️ Diamond Suit ♣️ Club Suit ♧ White Club Suit ♀️ Female Sign ♂️ Male Sign ‼️ Double Exclamation Mark ©️ Copyright ®️ Registered ™️ Trade Mark ▪️ Black Small Square ▫️ White Small Square ☳ Trigram for Thunder ♭ Flat ♯ Sharp ♙ White Chess Pawn ♆ Neptune ♜ Black Chess Rook ☷ Trigram for Earth ❥ Rotated Heavy Black Heart Bullet ♬ Beamed Sixteenth Notes Ξ Greek Capital Letter Xi ♛ Black Chess Queen ♝ Black Chess Bishop ★ Black Star ☇ Lightning ❦ Floral Heart ☭ Hammer and Sickle ☏ White Telephone ☤ Caduceus ♁ Earth ✐ Upper Right Pencil ☼ White Sun with Rays ☬ Adi Shakti ☓ Saltire ♄ Saturn ☾ Last Quarter Moon ♅ Uranus ☩ Cross of Jerusalem ☴ Trigram for Wind ♢ White Diamond Suit ♮ Music Natural Sign ☽ First Quarter Moon ☌ Conjunction ♖ White Chess Rook ☻ Black Smiling Face ☍ Opposition ☵ Trigram for Water ☶ Trigram for Mountain ☲ Trigram for Fire ☧ Chi Rho ☱ Trigram for Lake ♤ White Spade Suit ♕ White Chess Queen ❧ Rotated Floral Heart Bullet ♘ White Chess Knight ☐ Ballot Box ☜ White Left Pointing Index ♃ Jupiter ♔ White Chess King ☈ Thunderstorm ✎ Lower Right Pencil ♩ Quarter Note ☋ Descending Node ☚ Black Left Pointing Index ☨ Cross of Lorraine ♞ Black Chess Knight ♫ Beamed Eighth Notes ☛ Black Right Pointing Index ☡ Caution Sign ☰ Trigram for Heaven ♗ White Chess Bishop ☞ White Right Pointing Index ☉ Sun ☊ Ascending Node ☟ White Down Pointing Index ♚ Black Chess King ☒ Ballot Box with X ♪ Eighth Note ♇ Pluto ☫ Farsi Symbol ☥ Ankh ⁉️ Exclamation Question Mark ☙ Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet ♰ West Syriac Cross ♱ East Syriac Cross ☖ White Shogi Piece ♶ Recycling Symbol for Type-4 Plastics ♽ Partially-Recycled Paper Symbol ⚄ Die Face-5 ⚂ Die Face-3 ⚁ Die Face-2 ⚃ Die Face-4 ♲ Universal Recycling Symbol ⚅ Die Face-6 ⚉ Black Circle with Two White Dots ♵ Recycling Symbol for Type-3 Plastics ⚀ Die Face-1 ♺ Recycling Symbol for Generic Materials ☗ Black Shogi Piece ♸ Recycling Symbol for Type-6 Plastics ♴ Recycling Symbol for Type-2 Plastics ♹ Recycling Symbol for Type-7 Plastics ⚇ White Circle with Two Dots ⚆ White Circle with Dot Right ♳ Recycling Symbol for Type-1 Plastics ♼ Recycled Paper Symbol ⚈ Black Circle with White Dot Right ♷ Recycling Symbol for Type-5 Plastics ⚍ Digram for Lesser Yin ⚑ Black Flag ⚌ Digram for Greater Yang ⚋ Monogram for Yin ⚊ Monogram for Yang ⚎ Digram for Lesser Yang ⚏ Digram for Greater Yin ⚐ White Flag ⚧️ Transgender Symbol ⚭ Marriage Symbol ⚢ Doubled Female Sign ⚤ Interlocked Female and Male Sign ⚦ Male with Stroke Sign ⚣ Doubled Male Sign ⚨ Vertical Male with Stroke Sign ⚚ Staff of Hermes ⚘ Flower ⚬ Medium Small White Circle ⚥ Male and Female Sign ⚮ Divorce Symbol ⚩ Horizontal Male with Stroke Sign ⚯ Unmarried Partnership Symbol ⚲ Neuter ⚼ Sesquiquadrate ⚶ Vesta ⚷ Chiron ⚵ Juno ߷ NKo Symbol Gbakurunen ⚝ Outlined White Star ⛀ White Draughts Man ⚸ Black Moon Lilith ⚺ Semisextile ⚹ Sextile ⚻ Quincunx ⛁ White Draughts King ⛃ Black Draughts King ⚳ Ceres ⚴ Pallas ⛂ Black Draughts Man ⛐ Car Sliding ⚿ Squared Key ⛉ Turned White Shogi Piece ⛯ Map Symbol for Lighthouse ⛼ Headstone Graveyard Symbol ⛆ Rain ⛕ Alternate One-Way Left Way Traffic ⛖ Black Two-Way Left Way Traffic ⛘ Black Left Lane Merge ⛛ Heavy White Down-Pointing Triangle ⛬ Historic Site ⛠ Restricted Left Entry-1 ⛜ Left Closed Entry ⛞ Falling Diagonal In White Circle In Black Square ⛗ White Two-Way Left Way Traffic ⚟ Three Lines Converging Left ⛮ Gear with Handles ⛣ Heavy Circle with Stroke and Two Dots Above ⛇ Black Snowman ⛿ White Flag with Horizontal Middle Black Stripe ⛨ Black Cross On Shield ⛒ Circled Crossing Lanes ⛚ Drive Slow Sign ⛻ Japanese Bank Symbol ⛋ White Diamond In Square ⛊ Turned Black Shogi Piece ⛭ Gear Without Hub ⛝ Squared Saltire ⚞ Three Lines Converging Right ⛶ Square Four Corners ⛙ White Left Lane Merge ⛟ Black Truck ⛍ Disabled Car ⛾ Cup On Black Square ⛫ Castle ⛡ Restricted Left Entry-2 ⛌ Crossing Lanes ⛥ Right-Handed Interlaced Pentagram ⛤ Pentagram ⛢ Astronomical Symbol for Uranus ⛦ Left-Handed Interlaced Pentagram ⛧ Inverted Pentagram ₿ Bitcoin
  7. You're saying you cannot roleplay properly unless you have access to server side modded clothing with real life brands? Creating your own fictional brands (not the innuendo Rockstar ones) is not even an option you're willing to consider?
  8. Then help out and create your own fictional brands/modded clothes/textures/whatever. You seem to be very invested and appreciative of the GTAW community, going by your replies in this thread. So why not help everyone out and put some effort into creating the modded clothing you want to see? If you don't like lemons or sexual innuendo, then come up with modded clothing with something you do think is suitable for gang roleplay? Also, this was a thread about rules regarding Davis High School.
  9. They're being replaced by modded clothing. Feel free to help with contributions there, because ideally it will be replaced by fictional brands. Mods with branded clothing are in the process of being removed as per RageMP and Rockstar guidelines. https://support.rockstargames.com/articles/11374598771091/Roleplay-RP-Servers Your boycot of this server is not relevant here, because this is happening as per the announcements above, posted by @Kraethas. This is also a completely different topic and has nothing to do with the rules regarding Davis High School.
  10. They're in the process of being replaced, because they contain real life brands. You can read more about this in the Discord announcements channel. This is a different topic though.
  11. Or just outside the designated Restricted Crime Zone area. Why is this such a problem for you?
  12. The rules are fine as they are then.
  13. Agreed. This should be removed entirely. Let people take cabs, lease a car, or buy a used car, a bicycle, walk, whatever.
  14. I have no idea which faction this could be, but I guess I'll stay away from them. I'm curious though, why haven't they been reported? I don't read every single forum report any more, but I can only really remember one or two that actually involve cat ears and automatics over the course of a few years.
  15. This is a very proper answer, but it discounts the fact that the server has chosen a specific measure of punishment based on severity of the infraction. This measure is a choice. For example, it isn't uncommon to find someone who was banned from the server multiple times, and was allowed to play again later on. A choice could be made to punish more harshly on average, but unfortunately this has not happened. I'm not saying it is a perfect solution, or that we should instantly ban everyone who only somewhat breaks the rules, but the current approach does contribute somewhat to the current problems. I think it is fair to acknowledge this.
  16. These rules are applied equally to all players. So what's unfair about it?
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