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Everything posted by Woona

  1. day 2, still popular opinions this thread is now as lame as cursed images
  2. Boomboxes should be be removed entirely. They're more of a nuisance and offer no roleplay value.
  3. unpopular fact, this server has literary problems
  4. I'll level mine by severity. We need more incel characters. Riced out cars and rainbow coloured cars aren't even that bad when you look at real life videos and pictures of L.A We need supercars to be available, even if just a lease. Some trolls who have been banned shouldn't have been banned. We need to stop letting Europeans be in government. Adding onto yours, we should allow more edgy roleplay in general under permissions once more. Even if it's just fade to black shit.
  5. I mean... yeah. It should remain within the timeframe you spawned the car.
  6. Pardon me if I make spelling or grammatical mistakes I'm on my phone. Instead of giving you sarcastic answer here's why we shouldn't do that. LSSD does indeed patrol in Los Santos and the county. This is possible because as per continuity the entire map available ingame is the entirety of the county, making it Los Santos County, so Blaine County does not exist at all. That crosses off why we don't and won't have a BCSO at all. In addition everyone apart of LEO factions are likely fine with how it's setup currently, and changing it would only cause a pointless headache that wouldn't improve and even further separate some of the LEO factions and their current connections. I recommend you read through server continuity so you'll have further context on how the server is set up currently.
  7. Gee, maybe being an unexperienced criminal shouldn't and doesn't pay. Who would've thought. Obviously against this.
  8. Something tells me you guys really don't care about this being a problem, and it stems from the meme of mechanic roleplay being dogged on constantly.
  9. Simply no. You don't know how the system works, and basically you're being ignorant out of anger.
  10. Username: Onyi Comment: wow this is a shit article and only shows the mommy and daddy's money cunts of the car community. ratio + L + seethe + cry about it
  11. Bullets and humans do crazy insane shit sometimes and having it where it matters via script would be annoying as fuck for the future. I think it's fine how it is right now, just because again, bullets and human beings are uncomprehendable and just insane to work out and having RNG be a factor would just make extra pointless work. Adding in random factors for bullet damage and shit would be pointless.
  12. pot meet kettle. the only people who cared about rushed roleplay in deliveries were and are people who spend too much worrying about others, and not themselves. if you cared so much about people having shit portrayal then asides from crying about it with a circle of friends, make a forum report or rpqm. this is a problem created by people who just in general were too anal about small things on a video game.
  13. months ago: "lmao trucking rp? low tier your suck" now: "where trucker :(" you guys really write the best modern tragedies. the roleplay is boring and it's sickening when you get mass lumped in for "lazy roleplay" and a "grinder" by several players of the community.
  14. I have a pretty high tier system for GTA V, and months prior I was able to play the game with no issue. The following weeks I've barely been able to roleplay out in the city without texture loss and/or frame loss. Last night during a pursuit that started in the county and ended in the city it was fine out in the county, but once it hit the city limits? Texture loss with frame loss. It hit me like a bad omen which is incredibly annoying. I feel like it was a combo of the new Buffalos and the amount of lighting changes happening. I feel this because once more vehicles left the pursuit and when the sirens turned off my textures and frames started to stabilize rather quickly. It's worth looking into the lighting changes the sirens give off, and perhaps lower the amount of new cruisers every department need.
  15. Civilian roleplay is weak because there's little to no punishment for low quality roleplay. Same goes for illegal roleplay, and so on. Players will keep doing their low quality roleplay because they notice the punishment for such low quality roleplay is weak. I'm 100% sure most players who care for their roleplay will care if they see people get banned for breaking over one or two rules in the same situation; which should be the norm. This isn't fault of administration at all as they try so hard to do their work. As for civilian roleplay, illegal roleplay, and legal roleplay? Grouping off sort of roleplays into categories creates a linear mode of thinking for lesser experienced players (which behold, creates poor roleplay). Players who think "i'm a cop" will only try to think as a cop at all times, same goes with those who think "i'm a criminal" will think like a criminal all the time. Being a cop is secondary to how a character should be, and being a criminal is secondary (and I guess being a sex fiend should be secondary). Either way I just believe we should remove these categories of roleplay and just have characters.
  16. going to a sushi place IC with friends to casually hang out. tough slavic gangsters come in, get a seat next to us, and proceed to say in their language "ah great, we got seats next to the mallrats". i think anyone who uses mallrat IC is pretty annoying.
  17. Riots and protests are fun. Some people take this server to serious, as their second life. I just wanna destroy virtual property.
  18. Detailed Description: Just remove the guy after x (x to determined) amount of hour Relevant Commands/Items: None. How will it benefit the server? As it stands right now you really don't need to get a job at all. I understand players will have an issue with this because "they don't want to simply 'work' a fictional job", but I also feel like it gives a player no incentive to roleplay. Most businesses are shells for players to quickly raid and get out (i.e 24/7's) I believe it would be a plus if we got rid of the safety net of hourly checks and have them work at these businesses. Another benefit is there's no longer a money faucet to worry about, which means the created money sinks can become much more of a benefit than another pointless addition. The reason why it would be a benefit to remove another money faucet is that money in the server is already easy enough to come by. I've seen players complain that they casually can give a bum 10,000 dollars and not have a dent in their pocket. This shouldn't really be the case at all.
  19. The person who knows the minimal knowledge for roleplay scenes is having a lot more fun than the person who spent hours researching every niche and bit regarding it. If you're too caught around with details that only you know and only care for then you're not having fun. No one outside of your circle of roleplay cares that you know "advanced" EMT training or that you know some niche case law, or what gang belongs in what part of Los Angeles. Literally no one cares for your niche knowledge.
  20. I believe being a neutral character in the server makes you fodder for the illegal roleplay community, and nothing more. This server is faction leaning heavy, to the point civilian roleplay is either stay inside all day, go to yet another club/bar (because normal businesses are scared to open because of extortation), or just become a ricer (or ERP if that's more to your taste, I guess).
  21. i've never really seen any admin not deny a void if every party involved is 100% okay with it. if there has been then im sorry but you got a relatively shit admin who cares a bit too much about the rules. oh and literally players can void their own situations easily (if again, every player is 100% okay with voiding ) cos admins aren't an all-seeing eye as we think em to be.
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