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Golden Panda
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Everything posted by Bandit.

  1. Prison is in the works currently. to be honest I don’t think eme or ab escalate non tax paying situations that quickly, a lot of times it’s just for roleplay and if it’s a big issue then some stuff might be pressed. @The Plug
  2. I believe over all the criminal scene has vastly improved. Well, I'll speak heavily on what I've seen so far... White's and Sureno sets and roleplay have never been better, I haven't actively been engaged in the Black Car scene so I can't speak on it. I believe these rules may have deterred the ones that are out to get items rather than give enjoyable roleplay. While it sucks to lose items, you have to think about the roleplay that is being facilitated. I don't believe anything should be changed in regarding a gangs claim to an area at all, because even in real California beaches are rampant with crime. I think the big focus to take away from this is not classifying the one time you ran into someone who was after items as all illegal roleplayers, and instead think of them as a misguided roleplayer who hasn't been around a structured faction or had the opportunity to learn the correct way to facilitate roleplay.
  3. We held this down. Best believe our names ringing in the streets. L&A. Thanks to everyone who helped in this badass faction.
  4. Username: 14Will88 Comment: Where's the mugshot I wanna see what this monster looks like...
  5. I see these suggestions and ask one thing, “how is said person so out of touch.”
  6. This is understood by the illegal community, nobody attempts to do that or at least anyone that has any sense in the illegal community. I’m saying that an admin is not needed for every role play experience.
  7. What’s up with everyone saying approval this approval that? You aren’t an admin and have no right to dictate someone else’s roleplay. The majority on this thread complain all the time but offer no help to the illegal community. If you want to be the change become a corrupt cop, or do illegal roleplay and see how hard it is for us to actually operate.
  8. “Attention on the tier…” ”Knowledge is like money: to be of value it must circulate, and in circulating it can increase in quantity and, hopefully, in value. Louis L'Amour” ”Goodnight on the tier”
  9. I half agree, and don't agree at the same time. There has to be a clear black and white line for both illegal and legal admins as sometimes it can be seen as favoritism and such. But I agree that admins should be able to handle small tasks if they are from a faction and no other admin is able to do so. I got a feeling most of them are unfortunately not in the same timezone's as myself and probably you too, so if you do see that many on they're probably in their "off" time and just enjoying the video game too. But I also agree to the point of why become an admin if you hate it or find yourself constantly ignoring reports?
  10. Actually in favor of not having minor characters at all on this server. -1
  11. Removing the health boost would simply allow me for just to RP being a meth head without getting the negative effects from using the script. My character has been using meth for the last six months irl and it's also counteracted by the health removal it does every time I log in which forces me to get more drugs, the way it should be. -1
  12. There's a clear problem, people need to realize it's a simple solution!
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