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Everything posted by m1m1m1

  1. 95% of robberies are conducted by hood characters tryna get guns for free, what do you expect? 💀
  2. Username: cant arguewithbiology Comment: pornstar MMA fighter extraordinaire lol, kick the retard out
  3. yeah we can tell. no @ this suggestion.
  4. username: lol comment: scam 101
  5. You just said your bar only survvies on the feature you just called money farming. Is it godsent or moneyfarming, pick one.
  6. idk if you've ever been to an actual club lol? drinks are overpriced as shit, so what. don't drink? pre game? you're literally complaining about an ic issue. they happen, ur just not involved lol.
  7. m1m1m1

    Script the lotto!

    keep your eat the rich ideologies out of this lol
  8. m1m1m1

    Script the lotto!

    can easily be made by a player owned company js.
  9. seen someone rp a 6'10 mongolian woman wearing a dress revealing 90% of her body, i logged out.
  10. https://www.amazon.com.au/b?ie=UTF8&node=5016776051
  11. "realism" "restrict it to illegal couriers" "vacuum seal loses "durability" what? makes no sense at this point, contradicts itself
  12. m1m1m1


    And factual, they're biologically different.
  13. m1m1m1


    she beats u regardless with the current system bc konda susumu somehow has fighting skills on par with any other male that dwarfs her in size
  14. no such thing, the servers based in the US
  15. Yeah, let's not. I'm unsure why PD/Law enforcement factions need to have a scriptwise edge and benefit over illegal players and so on. If you were careful with your interactions as a detective should be, you wouldn't be in this situation.
  16. No, server time should probably be completely changed to US/LA time (GMT -8). Literally makes no sense for a city in the USA to follow European time.
  17. Got a house that can be traded, has a garage too. Contact me.
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