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Everything posted by Revolter

  1. So, I'll give you here a little "snapshot" of my experience with masks. Basically, my beloved character has a house in Davis, and until recently she was working part - time as cashier in Davis LTD. You can't believe how much folks are running around with full face ski masks, entering shop and basically RP'ing with a mask like that's something normal. Of course, since IRL you wouldn't be welcome in any store with full ski masks, I stopped ICLY serving customers who came in aforementioned LTD with masks. O...Oh man! Gun was pulled on me, knife, bat... Whatnot! Anyhow, from my experience, and... Well, this is my observation in half of year in RP'ing as cashier at Davis LTD. People who RP with masks all the time, generally, are actively looking for trouble. Of course, there are few good RPer's who wear masks often, however they are rare and far between. It's needless to say that my character is actively avoiding masked folks due to fear for her life and belongings, and... Truth be told, I more often then not had unpleasant RP'ing experience with folks who RP in this manner. And, let's be real, "StreetZ are dangerous, yo'" ain't a excuse to wear a ski mask on +40 in summer time in Los Santos (IRL Los Angeles). Should there be a rule against wearing masks? No, I don't think so. This is just a common sense. Will I continue to avoid this kind of RP'ers? Hell yes!
  2. Detailed Description Basically, I'm bit perplexed by a number of metal detectors in the Los Santos. I get that bank has it, or some financial institutions and government building, but... Nowdays I have to walk through the metal detector every time I want to get in /almost/ any public interior. That's unrealistic and quite vexing. Metal detectors are in every other bar, club, coffee place, vehicle dealership, everywhere. I just had to walk through the metal detector in order to enter spa. Feels like I'm playing airport security simulator before entering some places. Can we put in the rule to put a stop to usage of endless metal detectors. Like... If you aren't casino, government institution or bank you should get admins permission to place the metal detector. Relevant Commands/Items N/A How will it benefit the server? It bring more realism to the server. IRL you don't see a metal detector in every other coffee shop, bar or night club.
  3. Comprehensive guide to roleplay a drug addict / junkie Firstly, drugs are bad, m'kay? There is not denying that, however RP'ing a drug addict/ junkie can be quite fun and engaging and can lead to various scenarios and open a door for multiple RP opportunities, meeting new people and experiencing "deeper and darker" side of RP. So, if you are up to grimy, dark, real RP you are on the right place. Personally, I have been RP'ing a for quite some time and, sadly, someone very close to me fall ill to this "illness" that plagues our society. Without further ado, let's get started. It's also of high yield to know that this guide is based on effects of heavy drugs such as heroin, meth and other synthetic drugs, but can be used as a general guideline for any drugs. Origins To properly portray a drug addict character in RP, it's important to understand the concept of addiction and establish a pattern of behavior that leads to your character using drugs. There are many ways to get hooked on drugs, but two are most prevalent. Young people are often pulled into the world of drugs by their peers. Sometimes, close friends offer them drugs, and in order to "fit in," they yield under the pressure. Often, the drug offered is weed, which is known as a "gateway" drug. However, most people who try gateway drugs at some point in their life do not progress to using heavy drugs. The small percentage of people who do progress to using heavy drugs often do so because of a shift in the groups of people they associate with. For example, someone who is exposed to a group of people who smoke weed for a prolonged period of time may get a chance to try something stronger, such as "speed." If the person enjoys the effects of speed, they may continue using it on a regular basis and associate with others who also use speed regularly. This can become their new "normal." Eventually, they may be offered something stronger and the cycle continues. I would highly suggest starting your RP with lighter drugs and gradually progressing to more hardcore substances. It is unlikely for someone who has lived a "goody-goody" life to suddenly become an intravenous drug user. This approach is unrealistic and ultimately leads to a loss of RP opportunities. By gradually snowballing into heavy drug use, you can create a more realistic and immersive RP experience that delves into the darker aspects of addiction. This approach may not be suitable for everyone, but for those who are willing to explore the grittier side of RP, it can be a rewarding experience. Another common way to become addicted to drugs is through painkillers. Someone who is prescribed painkillers after surgery or for a painful injury may become dependent on them. If they are unable to obtain more painkillers, they may turn to conventional drugs. This situation can also snowball into nasty consequences. Understanding this process can help you create a more realistic portrayal of a drug addict character in RP. Addiction Many roleplayers struggle with accurately portraying addiction to various drugs. It's important to note that smoking weed, for example, does not result in the same level of addiction as being addicted to heroin. A knowledgeable roleplayer should educate themselves about the specific drug they plan to use in order to effectively RP its effects and side-effects. However, when it comes to heavy drug addiction, there are some patterns that have been observed in clinical practice that can give you an idea of how to approach your RP. Personally, I like to imagine that my character has a parasite in their body whose sole purpose is to ensure they take their drugs. The parasite will take control if the character hasn't taken their "medicine" on time, and it doesn't care about anything other than fulfilling its task. That's the general concept of RPing a drug addiction to heavy drugs. It's important to know that the parasite will always choose the least risky and most effortless path to get its fix. However, if it fails, it will gradually step up its game but it will never stop. This means that your character may start by borrowing money from friends, family, or colleagues, then selling their belongings for more money. When these resources run out, they might resort to stealing from their spouse, parents, friends, or partners. Nobody is spared from the parasite's grasp. Your character's criminal activity may escalate to robbing a business or wealthy homes, or even turning to prostitution for quick cash. There are countless ways to RP obtaining the money to fuel your addiction, and it can be quite fun to involve other RPers in your story. However, to accurately RP being a heavy drug user, you must turn off any sense of belonging, loyalty, or morality while the parasite is in control. You can regain these feelings and philosophies once the parasite is no longer driving. Ultimately, RPing addiction to heavy drugs can be a challenging but rewarding experience if done properly. Living with addiction Living with addiction means that you will have to lie, steal, and cheat in order to satisfy the parasite. At the same time, you will often find yourself caught in a web of lies by your family, friends, and partners. If RP'd properly, this can create very deep and dark RP situations that can be taxing on everyone involved. Most likely, your "healthy" friends will leave you at some point because no one likes someone who will steal and lie without a second thought. As your character falls from grace, they will start RPing with more obscure characters, such as drug dealers who ask you to push their products for them to make a profit. In return, they will give you crumbs, or maybe a pimp who will pimp you out and give you a fraction of the profit. However, the "reward" for living such a life is that you might get beaten, stabbed, killed, or mentally tortured. As previously mentioned, this type of RP is not for the faint-hearted. Recovery or death! In order to create more RP for yourself and others, there are several ways to deal with addiction. The first option is to do nothing and continue lying and stealing until you end up getting killed by drugs or crossing paths with the wrong people. If you choose to CK your character as a direct consequence of drugs, OD (overdose) is one way to go. It's important to note that most ODs don't occur due to "bad" drugs, but rather drugs that are too "pure." You'll step on many toes due to the aforementioned parasite, but I can't tell you much about crossing paths with the wrong people. Of course, there is always the possibility of getting caught due to your misdeeds. If you end up in TTCF (the Twin Towers Correctional Facility) as a drug user, you are in trouble. There are two ways to go about it: either you try to get some drugs in prison to feed your addiction, or you go through recovery, which can be hell for your character but an awesome opportunity to RP something new and fresh while in TTCF. If you serve a longer sentence, you can get out of jail clean! Finally, there is always the possibility of voluntarily enrolling in a rehab program. I'm sure that the PHMC (Pillbox Hill Medical Center) executive staff will jump at the opportunity to create some type of rehab program if there is demand for such RP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S - I will definitely be updating this guide. If you have any ideas, tips, or tricks that you have used while roleplaying a drug addict, feel free to send me a message on the forum or add me as Revolter#0527 on Discord. I would like to acknowledge that this guide is not solely my work; I am grateful to various authors on Reddit, YouTube, and other communication platforms for providing me with the insight to write this guide.
  4. Generally, I agree with this suggestion. It gives more opportunity for illegal RP, as well as more roleplay for LEO RP'ers. Anything that offers more RP for one or more sides is generally good in my books. Full support!
  5. Revolter


    If it isn't too much hassle to code it, I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be implemented. Generally, +1 from me.
  6. I don't think you'll be able to make report and count the bullets that have been shot, eh'. It would be quite tedious process for someone to determine exact number. We shouldn't restrict people carrying bullets, buying them, but firing 100 bullets in succession is just wrong. Plus it would save admins from dealing with a lot of reports, so... I think it's generally a better idea, than to file a report everytime someone does it.
  7. Suggestion template Detailed Description: This is rather short one. I might or might have not found myself on receiving end of gun barrel. Basically, person that was trying to retire me from life was shooting like a blind man, while I was tying to escape with my life. However, I couldn't run away because aforementioned person had 400 bullets on his person and "even blind chicken finds piece of corn every now and then". I found this fairly unrealistic. Most of the time person have one magazine that contains 7 - 8 bullets or if it's pin fired then 15 aprox. (Glock, Canik Etc.). In best case scenario you'll have two mags, but not 400 bullets. So, I'd limit amount of bullets that person can carry on 30 max. (( This number can be altered )) This would even, perhaps, help with rational use of ammo and bring more realism to server. Relevant Commands/Items : N/A How will it benefit the server? Hopefully, less shootings and rational use of ammo. People would actually have to practice shooting and not just spray and pray because they have essentially "infinite" ammo.
  8. Less of minor characters driving Buffalo STX 🙂
  9. I don't often give praise to someone but @Welsh is really good admin. He's dealing with /reports when no - one is here, he's always patient, calm and to the point. Today I have been trying to rob someone's house on my "illegal" alt. Of course, he was there to accept my suggestion to further improve house robbery system, gave his pointers and even gave few comment on the suggestion. Showing his human side, that... That's how you know that there is person behind the admin figure and this makes it all the better. Keep it up!
  10. I kinda agree with this, whatsoever. I'm not sure how is in US, but here in Europe Police has to have damn good reason to lift helicopter. I mean, yeah, if it's some high profile criminal perhaps, but... For kids running away on their scooters they for sure won't lift helicopters. Plus, I agree it gives unfair chance for any criminal to actually escape. Yeah, if you robbed a bank or murdered someone go for it, but... Otherwise it just isn't balanced.
  11. I kind agree with that. Especially since I'm in Judiciary, one of my biggest pet - peeves is that any conviction, be it prison sentence for "X" amount of time or life penalty don't have any effect, whatsoever. Often times, JSA Judges after some massacre hand down life imprisonment, only to see a player /namechage or delete character as soon as we hand down life imprisonment sentence. It's needless to say that they join "their" illegal faction shortly after on new char or with new name. It's just rinse and repeat, life doesn't have any value because often times "those" illegal RP'ers have spender characters, so they delete them when they end up in prison, or they simply /Namechage and live of huge wealth that they amassed over the time.
  12. I don't see a point of complicating things even further. We have 99 problems on our hands, and zip - codes aren't even 100th. Therefore, not for now.
  13. What I would like to see is that /ptime and /pweather are moved from Preimum Donator Status to Golden Donator Status. I think 300 WP ( 24,99 Euros ) is a lot to be able to change weather and time in your property. Generally, if that was moved to Golden, I think a lot of player who don't use Premium perks would donate and get Golden Status in order to have immersion in their property. Other then that... I think everything is good and dandy.
  14. I mean, suicide is tough topic, and basically my heart goes to every victim. However, if we'll be banning every sensitive thing, we'll not be able to RP any illegal concept soon. We have a lot of gangs/mafias/murders on the server? Shall we ban that too? I mean, there is a lot of scary things on server, but RP server should imitate life, with some minor tweaks. If that's too much for someone, well, I'm afraid that GTA: RP isn't game to turn to. That's like coming into COD game and claiming that you are against guns... Doesn't make much sense, does it? Also, we'll not do much if we forbid the RP. There will only be raise of MVA's with fatal outcome, or suicide by cop... Etc...Etc... In other words, we can only EDUCATE people how to RP better, how to stick to their character etc... Repression never works.
  15. Offering $40000, contact me on Lottie Laurier, 848484 or [email protected] ( Forum PM)
  16. I think it's just a matter of balls and understanding. Firstly, I think a lot of players on this server act like hysterical kids when it comes to reporting. They don't report for sake of improving the server or improving other person's RP, but to enjoy seeing other party being punished. Namely, if you think that person somehow crossed you. Take it to /pm, notify them of their mistake, and try to settle thing between you two. I think that's big dick energy, not plotting, reporting and hoping for someone to be punished. I mean, don't get me wrong, some people are a**holes, you can't reason with them, you can't make them stop in their ignorance and it's perfectly acceptable to report them. However, that should be last option. We are here to grown, together. Undermining each other won't get us anywhere!
  17. Buyout - Contact me on, Lottie Laurier, 848484 or [email protected] (( Revolter#0527 ))
  18. Revolter


    Let it snow, let it snow.
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