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Everything posted by Lomadias

  1. This isn't a suggestion for OOC notes indeed.
  2. I think removing the script death from animals and letting people RP it instead would be best. The AI can be unpredictable and forcing them to accept death is a bit meh. They could down you, but perhaps not kill if that's even possible to get them to lose aggro. Cougar's be PG'ing in this joint!
  3. I'd love to see this in with an ennnntiiiiire vehicle overhaul where batteries die, windows can be smashed, engine failures and so on but for a start? Absolutely +1
  4. Detailed Description Provide a notebook and journal purchasable from a 24/7, or by faction flag to enable for factions like PD/SD. This item will enable the player to write notes or a full on journal for their character should they wish. Plus, you could have sticky notes for say on a fridge, on a monitor etc. Hear me out ... One of my character's RPly keeps a journal, has done since I properly started developing him when I found his niche. There are a few occasions where I have roleplayed leaving said journal out, but I then have to /do what would be found on what page, blah blah. It's annoying and I think a reaaaal cute, simple system could add some in-depth opportunities. For example: Notes left around for players, i.e "gone to shops, back soon". Notes for ingredients when batch making meth. Perfected the recipe? Make a note. A journal. Having therapy? Give it to the therapist. Loved one found it? They can take the item. Serial killer been approved? The kind that writes down a victims schedule? Evidence right there should they not stash it properly. Notes on a scene. Copy paste into reports for LEO's so they don't need to re-write. Price list in stores for employee's to see at a glance. I would suggest overhauling the current note system in line with this, perhaps add /imagenote or something and simplify the whole command. I'd also reduce the cost in 24/7's. You could use an icon, like a tiny version of the CIM "?" where a note is placed. Or just use a visual indicator of a note or journal. I'm sure something would work out. Relevant Commands/Items /journal, /writenote, /stickynote, /stashjournal, /imagenote How will it benefit the server? More depth to the current note system, also add ways for written hints and journals for those that want to keep them.
  5. As a Bushwookie, I can only say YES PLEASE. +1 to foraging in general. Hell I'll help with all the types, this is my jam.
  6. -1. Heavy RP server imo that should enforce at least SOME realism in terms of travelling like this. Plan ahead, we shouldn't be spamming visits from one to the other.
  7. Sick idea. Could make a furniture based script as well which a player can "claim" on the spot, so airsoft places can have temp lockers. Or map them in and business owner can do /createlocker, or a PM command if there's a worry about abuse. Might need to be PM to prevent people doing it randomly in their prop dim and abusing it like a safe. Wouldn't hurt to have both iterations, one that's friendly for LEO's and their weapons, so having named lockers, and one that's more QOL for businesses.
  8. Looking to see if there is a specific reason for it. My only worry might be lag on lower end machines with the lighting but I think Tiddy custom made those lights to potentially prevent this. If there's no issue, we can trial it and see if people suffer. The goal is more people to enjoy it, rather than a minor immersion breaker which can be ignored, even if it is a liiiiittle annoying!
  9. Something else I'll add! We have definitely lightened up in terms of what we're expecting from you. We will NOT be denying you for missing information, we are taking steps to simply ask the question. This means your application MAY take a little longer as we have to come back to it, but I think it's better overall. We will lock the topic here as I THINK I've explained everything, please feel free to reach out.
  10. Don't really worry about word limits. If you can't hit it, you're not writing what you're meant to be. Idk if we HAVE to have a limit for the formatting of the UCP and how it handles stuff but as long as all the points are hit, I don't care how many words you write. Backstory is hugely important, if not THE most important thing. This will not change. This could be reformatted better over the requests overall, I agree. Important also, but doesn't necessarily deny a request. Non-experienced chars can have a business however we want to see what they can do, so as what to expect! We can make it clearer I guess if it's misunderstood? Not manageable, we cannot be on top of them all and clear out all of the other work we have to do. This adds a LOT of extra work on us. Generally is not a reason for denial, there would be a very specific set of circumstances for this. I wouldn't worry too much, we'll work with you on it. We do, always have. You would request it via property requests and ask for it to be a lease. Sometimes we'd rather it be owned outright, but we also have a lease-to-buy scheme you can use if funds are low! We do, but need the help of players to report them sometimes too. Also, ANYONE inactive is covered, I don't care what you RP. Inactive is inactive. If it's a faction property, handle it with your faction. I'm not allowing any inactive player to horde props. Would be the ideal, however right now it's not feasible. Has been requested before but with staff LOA's and changes in the team, we need to be able to control when/which requests we get. It's not as drastic as you might think, this was something I always wanted to do, but being in PM now for 2 years I can tell you it ain't as simple as that :D Not really a need! If someone requests a property to be a lease, we review it and we can add it. This would require us to go and actively seek out more properties to turn into leases. Not really something we need to do, when you can request it. If there's something specific people want to see added? Please suggest! We'll have a look, even see if we can have a server mapper map it out! Yes and no. There are some very specific circumstances where we have and will allow franchises to exist, but it would follow an industry type. We are not against it, and you can apply for another business of course. We would expect however, to see a lot of effort in running the business and quality RP coming from it. Not actually how it works, and it ends up being "first come first serve" for buildings. It doesn't really decrease that much over time, as people so frequently are requesting businesses for new concepts, because they drop the old concepts fast. I would love to try it again some day but right now, we are not in the place to do so, and manage it like we do currently. Easier processes to a point, otherwise we're allowing anyone to get any business for the sake of filling things out, but tossing RP quality out of the way. What I CAN say! Is that there are some changes already coming with the layouts of the requests/house requests sections. I will bring up the formatting of the leasing section within PM leads and we'll see if we want to review this as well. The future UCP requests for property requests and houses give you specific criteria we want to know about, anything extra we will ask. Let me end by saying ... property requests do not need to be a thousand words guys. I don't know where that's come from, but I can tell you fewer words hitting the right things is PERFECTLY okay. If you want to write an essay, you are welcome to, however it will not guarantee you a property. A lot of the appeals come from people writing a giant request but telling us nothing at all, and understandably it's frustrating to get denied. Hopefully the UCP criteria we are introducing (waiting on Dev work) will help with that. I hope that sums up some of our thoughts! If anyone has any specific questions about something I've said, DM me or @Selena
  11. Why not? Seems harmless and a little more immersive. +1
  12. We also currently have a system when you open and push a /cad, where players can use that to locate your business with a marker on the GPS. Don't forget about it, it's helpful.
  13. I think that sums it up. There will be no changes to the mapping rules, there's no need. - Pick suitable buildings. - Match the exterior features as best as you can. - Match the size and shape as best you can. - Refer to the mapping rules or a PM admin for assistance if you're not sure. Locked!
  14. I've just splurged that out, but if anyone needs clarification or I'm unclear, please lmk. Boots is also aware of the thread and will look over later when she's done with work. Also, don't be afraid to come to us for an opinion on your mapping. We're not going to turn around and say "fix now or lose it". We map ourselves, it's a pain in the butt, we know. Don't stress about it, we'll give plenty of time to make the change, if any if necessary. Also See my last. Doors should be mapped, it is a viable entrance. We didn't pick the building, your client did. As for windows, see my last message. As long as it's "close enough", I'm not too anal about it. He picked airsoft in that specific building. Not really our fault.
  15. I'm not really sure what is new here. We've required you to at least make an effort to make it match the "exterior" of the building, including windows and doors, since forever. Sometimes, it's really hard to do so and we're forgiving of that. If it's one window at the front and you've mapped the entire thing glass, then we're gonna ask you to fix it. For example, people make eclipse a glass cube. Nada, go at least TRY to match the exterior. We're not asking for completely 1:1 but a good attempt at least so it feels like the building you're walking into. Sometimes there's some really awkward windows, like some of the Chumash houses. If it's decently similar like, I don't care at all. I'm not gonna come and stomp on you because your window is a step small. Just try to ensure there's a window THERE. If it's one of those tiny silly windows and it's a pain with the shape of the wall, I don't care if you miss it. It's whatever. However entrances should be mapped. If the door/window is on the outside, it's on the outside and you can't RP removing it, unless someone actually modifies the exterior of the property (I mean modder level and not exterior mapping). This is not fair for a thief for example, who see's a door, but might then randomly get reported because "oh I RP'd the door not existing so their RP is void". No. There's no need to go to this level and affect other people's RP, and we won't be putting cims down to say "the door isn't here". As for your own businesses, we're busy people. If we happen to pay attention and notice, we'll handle it. I've walked into yours and I'm gonna be honest, I'm busy. I'm not really looking at your interior, so please don't take an admin walking into your property as "oh it must be fine". If it doesn't match in size, and the exterior is totally different, at some point you'll come unstuck and will be asked to remap. That's not on us, that's on you. We allow a great deal of creativity already. It's not much to ask to match the building. In terms of STYLE ... we DO sometimes enforce things. For example if a sandy trailer is turned into some absolute modern tiny home, I'm gonna have some questions. If the exterior of the property looks trash, it's super immersion breaking to walk in and boom, it's marble. By all means, touch it up, but don't try to make it some modern masterpiece. In terms of apartments, you should generally TRY to match the vibe of the apartment. For example, I don't expect a forum drive apartment to feel lavish. I don't expect an eclipse apartment to look run down. There's common sense and there's a difference between a renovation, and mapping outside of what would be acceptable. In essence ... just because your property hasn't been reported, does NOT mean it's within the rules. These rules have been in place for a while now and the only complaints we've ever had are someone wanting 2 floor in an apartment, or a pool in one (the answer to both is no). It just means either indeed, it hasn't been reported or we've not yet checked it out. Unless a PM admin has specifically said to you "yes your interior is fine", you aren't necessarily "safe". Avoid hassle by just mapping within the rules.
  16. I have a more generalized comment at first, before I speak on dealerships. Not intended to de-rail, rather offer another opinion. I think overall we will need to look into specific rules surrounding businesses operating across BOTH environments, in order to protect against easy, passive income without any actual IC presence in the other City, and we should be able to encourage and support businesses where this expansion makes sense to do so, with the right ruleset to back it up. There's way's around this, business trips for example will enable executives to travel from one to the other. This is great for companies (for example APPROVED investors) being able to travel between cities to expand their investment portfolio (reasonably and without trying to own the flipping map, seriously). Car dealerships, forgetting about the obvious points about databases (let's speculate and discuss rather than immediately shut something down) I don't think are ran in a way that would make this a viable business option. And I don't mean that in terms of the players not doing it well (though it's a consideration at times), I mean in the case of dealerships being server owned and public as well. It's VERY easy to just hop over to a server owned dealership and buy the vehicle you want. Sometimes, people will ignore the possible roleplay interactions with a dealership, buy one new and carry on with their day. They have the script wealth to do so, what's stopping them? Why roleplay for an hour inspecting a vehicle when you can just ... buy one and drive away in under 30 seconds? It's horrible, I'd prefer server dealerships required an ordering system where you wait some time (since it's a brand new car) OR they were leases and ran by players, but that's a WHOLE other conversation for another day. Importing vehicles as well falls under the category of, well what RP is there to be had apart from a phone-call and maybe an email? No. You want to test drive the vehicle, inspect it for damages, speak to the dealer face to face and actually roleplay. I'm against this for the above reasons. I want to encourage more roleplay than enabling businesses already making plenty of money, making more. It doesn't entitle you to anything, it will not make you a millionaire in terms of roleplay quality (generally, there is one or two exceptions at most) and you should focus on the RP you can bring to your physical business premise before maximising profit. THAT is what adds to roleplay experiences, not being able to get an asset elsewhere. I understand IRL this happens, blah blah. We should not strive to be 1:1, it ruins the balance here on a game. There is a happy medium, this concept, in my opinion, is not it.
  17. Stock Alert - New Products in Stock! Apparel We've had a brand new delivery of our favourite outdoor apparel, from Revolution Race, Hestra, NRS and more. We only stock items that have been tested internally before we offer them out at reasonable prices. Satellite Phones Satellite phones are an expensive necessity for many outdoor enthusiasts. If you're travelling off-trail, or on a remote trail, we recommend spending a little to ensure you're reachable at all times. We only currently stock two models of satellite phone, based on external reviews and performance testing internally. Contact Ben on #666-777 for specific stock inquiries
  18. Won't work, and your properties will be taken for hoarding. I'd suggest avoiding attempting that method.
  19. This is the issue. This is part of the reason so many people don't login, with that mindset. You can find RP yourself with 50 people on the server, hell you can create RP for others with 50 people on the server. LC is a different server, different game. I wouldn't expect to just keep my properties because it's a GTAW branded server. Play here, keep properties here. Play LC and don't touch LS? Either lose them or sell them. We would be the same way for Red Dead RP, the new WoW classic DLC launch, Overwatch2, doesn't matter. By all means, try LC, there is no harm in having a character there as well. If you cannot balance more than 1 or 2 character's then you need to make a decision. Play to what your time allows and what you enjoy more. 3 hours every 15 days for non donators is a very minimal time to ask for, 180 minutes. -1 for me.
  20. Handy yeah. Instead of faffing with the counters because I've used a fuck ton of cabinets too I can literally just /spf counter and delete from there. Would like it to include the ranges as well, otherwise +1
  21. Toyota Rav4 2021 Dynamic (not my pic)
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