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Everything posted by Westen

  1. I'm more smooth jazz than EDM
  2. Westen on EUW. Dirty Twitch/Cait/Vayne player.
  3. Thanks to big James McClaren hitting me up with this banger
  4. You don't even need to do /trunk, just make sure the boat's on some fairly static water and try /outfit all over.
  5. This is a sick song. Plus the dancing is neat.
  6. Westen

    Skid marks

    FiveM has miles better sync than RageM, which is probably one of the key causes.
  7. Westen

    Skid marks

    Skid marks are an inherent part of GTA V as much as say shooting or running. To the best of my knowledge, this is not possible. Skid marks might sync when vehicle sync improves, but we can't force sync.
  8. When I queried this I was told that there was a bug with RageMP and rims which is why it's not currently a feature.
  9. I have already done this. It will be made live when Nervous gets back next week.
  10. I completely agree with your sentiment, however the /me and /do commands use the same function which can very easily be managed. Managing the text is a little bit more complicated so whilst possible, definitely more challenging to do. I'll look into it because I do see the benefits of implementing it with chat too.
  11. In the majority of situations it is easy to focus on text because it will be a lighter color and therefore easier to distinguish, so I don't really think it's necessary.
  12. Update 1.5.3b Fixes /contacts now shows who is online/offline. Fixed multiple phone and custom number bug, allowing you to only have one phone at a time. Fixed /sms notifications between admins. Fixed leaving a message printing the wrong number. Changes Players may now name their phones with /namephone - this allows you to easily see what phone you're being called or texted on. /stats now reflects the player's custom number and their main phone number.
  13. Westen

    Rot Garden

    hey look mum i made the cut!!
  14. Hey that's a thread I posted. And now I'm a dev, maybe I can do something about it.
  15. is now a bad time to mention about the new house i just bought ... eek
  16. I think this has been approved. Will stick it on the development board.
  17. PART time ERPer. I gotta arrest criminals too!
  18. breaking pd cards and it's both at the same time actually
  19. getting shot and then not giving me my money back
  20. Making me feel bad after I commit awful code to the repo expecting it to get pushed to live
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