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Everything posted by Westen

  1. I would be particularly interested in a psychologist role within the FD so that we could integrate it with the PD given there's a distinct lack of counselling available. I've sent you a PM with more info.
  2. In my Force, depending on the call taker and the job, you might get a text saying "This is a message from ENGLISH POLICE. Your log number is POLICEFORCE-LOGNUMBER." and then a further text or call saying when an officer has been dispatched to speak to you.
  3. I love this. I agree with it, and I especially like the incident numbers thing. Realistically you'd need it for your insurance or whatever. However, I think rather than having them incremental (01, 02, ...) they should be formatted by the date and an incremental number e.g. 20181119-001.
  4. My mistake! I read it to mean that if you remove the plate, the vehicle becomes unregistered
  5. I don't think vehicles should be unregistered as that's not how it works. The vehicle is tied to the plate in the DMV - short of hacking into the DMV, you're not changing that. I do think it would be good to be able to remove vehicle plates. That way, you can hide your plate from the cops, or even put your plate on a different vehicle temporarily.
  6. Whilst it is possible, I think we'll need to wait for 0.4 for this for a number of reasons; namely sync and, as far as I am aware, the relevant bridge functions aren't implemented that would allow us to do this right now.
  7. I like this. Possibly have it green if it's in date, red if it's out of date?
  8. That's fair enough. It'd be interesting if cops had to have the tubes in their inventory but the actual items would have to be RPly ordered as I don't imagine there's much of an ingame market for disposable breathalyzer tubes.
  9. If you're going to make an argument for PD buying their items, then breath testing tubes are possibly one of the worst examples simply because of how cheap they are. Police departments can order them in the hundreds for a negligible cost. At that point it becomes pedantic and is just a waste of time having PD order 1,000 breathtesting tubes.
  10. Breathalyzers are already a part of the police department's kit - we can use /checkalcohol on a person to see the % of alcohol in their blood (0.08% is the legal limit), however I prefer to RP it because people sober up really quickly. It wouldn't make sense to have cops buy new breathalyzers because they aren't throw-aways. You buy one breathalyzer and then the disposable tubes for said breathalyzer, a la the following: The tubes themselves are cheap as anything and I believe you can get them for 100 for £10? last time I checked.
  11. Should the servers be hosted in the UK as I have been told, this may be something that the National Crime Agency would be interested in. More and more they're becoming increasingly involved with Cyber Crimes so it might be worth considering contacting them in lieu of any local police force for an appropriate response. It may still be worth having an incident reference from your local force for the NCA, however.
  12. Westen


    18/06/18 - REFERENCE: TS-180618-0001 Returning to town, once of Spencer's associates is hit by a vehicle that fails to stop. Having only a photograph of the offending vehicle, it is Spence's goal to find the offender. After Spencer's associate was sent to hospital, Spencer's goal was to find someone with no connections to the incident. After locating a suitable candidate, Spencer uses one of Moscow's fronts to draw up fake documents for an insurance policy. Posing as associates from an insurance company, Spencer and the candidate utilise social engineering to obtain the necessary details from the police department. https://imgur.com/a/ZS52Z3z
  13. Westen


    MOSCOW What is Moscow? Moscow is an organisation whose goal is to broker deals between parties. The organisation's involvement in a deal virtually guarantees its success and is run entirely on word of mouth. Moscow operates with a brutal lack of mercy and conscience. Moscow was started as a continuation of an organisation originally started in the United Kingdom. Operations Moscow operates through a series of contractors and anonymous third parties. It uses both legitimate and illegitimate methods to achieve its aims, from social engineering to extortion and murder. Contractors & Associates Moscow has need for people with skills from every walk of life - both legal and illegal. This includes lawyers and mechanics, to forgers and contract killers. If you have the skill necessary for Moscow, you will be approached by an associate who will introduce you to the organisation. Requesting a deal To request a deal, the appropriate member of a group or organisation must do one of two things. Firstly, if said member has never interacted with Moscow before, they must find someone who has. Once they have made contact with the relevant Moscow contact, a dead drop will be arranged. This includes the key details of the deal - who, what, where, when - and why Moscow's intervention is required. The aforementioned member will then be approached if the deal is deemed to be beneficial and will be given a burner cellphone which must only be used for the duration of the deal. If the organisation has previously dealt with Moscow and is trusted, they will be given a method of contact. Once the details of the deal have been arranged and confirmed, any party that attempts to cancel the deal or double cross any other party will have the relevant members executed along with their family and friends. If any law enforcement agency or other irrelevant party is made aware of the deal, the offending party will have its relevant members executed, and anybody else who is aware of the deal is executed. Once the deal is carried out, the initiating party must deliver the payment to a pre-determined spot within forty-eight hours. Failure to do so carries the same penalty as attempting to terminate the deal. Identities All contractors and associates of Moscow operate under assumed identities that are provided at the start of a contract. Once the job is complete, these identities are erased. All identities provided by Moscow are back-stopped and guaranteed to be secure. If an identity is compromised through no fault of the holder, the holder of the identity is guaranteed free and safe transport out of the country within twenty four hours. If the compromise is the fault of the holder's, they are executed. Deals To Date: - To Be Completed
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