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About Tsarna

  • Birthday 05/18/1988

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    German Teacher/EDF

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  • Character Name
    Karol Zarnavic

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  1. Actually, when you take out reports and see factions thread as ic one since most factions post ic stuff there, then this forum is extremely IC-oriented. Look at the threads and how much people post. A lot more ic is on the forums. But again - stop being offended and do your thing. Only IF someone is constantly attacking some group of people in OOC threads, an argument for looking closely at that person by staff might be valid. Otherwise- totally not and definitely a way of getting rid of a group of people you and your circle of offended people dont agree with. When it comes to English spoken and what type of the English language someone uses... what gives you the right to say what the standards here are? American E, British E, Australian E, Canadian E, South African E...they all different in some ways, less and more, and they all have so many slangs in them. People are open do speak the kind of English as they please- thats that. Sorri, but I definitely see that you belong to the group if people, who clearly get offended by some roleplay (example - Nazis) and then, since faction banning is out of the question yet (idk for how much longer as more of the same kind of topics are coming up lately - overturning of Roe v Wade as a clear example, where people press for some kind of censorship and cancelling what they feel offends them), you are looking to ban individuals for their profile names. Utter nonsense. If this is allowed to be regulated, then some type of factions are next to be banned, since people are offended and can not actually just move on and not get offended by someone, whose name reflects their character ig. Btw - a lot of German usernames in this forum. Ya all should check, if there was no Nazi officer with the same last name decades ago. The censors are hard at work.
  2. In all honesty - this is so-so stupid. Banning people for usernames, which they have, while they are posting not all over the forums, but only stay in the sub-forum, where this name actually does make sense. It is not like they go in general and do topics - "Why do I hate black people" or "Why white people are all racisty". I can guarantee you, if I would look hard, I would find some black guy, whose name has some bad meaning as well. But then again - since I am white, that would be probably racist. The long game for some surely is that - first: try to ban forum names, second: try to ban actually factions, which offend them in some ways and get them out of their comfy bubbles irl. This is where the censorship bs leads us. So short answer is - NO. If people are not pushing their beliefs in any single thread (OOC threads!!! IC thread - allowed 100%), leave them be, go to another thread and don´t whine. "Whiteandproud" - what a joke, that this name led to a forum ban.
  3. Username: ARepublican Comment: I do hope that you Demonrats will lose bigger next time in the future. You are a dimwit in believing that it takes away women´s rights - you yourself right on this post said, that you can make laws to make abortion the states business and how it is done. And this is exactly HOW it should be - abortion is not in the Constitution. THE END! Stop fucking gaslighting the rulings of the highest court - it is people like you, who bare responsibility for the riots in LS. And at some point, you will get it all back - karma is real. It is quite funny, how dems whine that if the court rulings are in their favor, that "MAJORITY OPINION SHOULD BE RESPECTED AND FOLLOWED", but when it does not suit your asses, you go and try to enflame and get some riots and also I am pretty sure, that you are good with pro-lifers getting assaulted, because that is how you people are - spawn of degeneracy. What you sow you reap 😉
  4. I wanted this. Don´t speak for others, okay? It is all political RP - why ban them doing it if the want to? We have murder, drugs, adultery, et cetera...in the server, and we certainly can find a person somewhere, who is offended about those topics. Oh, and then stereotypes prevail in this server also - can be very offensive for some. Imho - speak about everything and do what you want in the server, which is not against the rules. If you find the topic hurting your feelings, then just simply walk away from the rp, and thats that. Banning different topics is a slippery slope. Of course - COVID was an exception, but there is an argument also, that a lot of interesting rp would have come out of it. But - if we go down that road and ban topics, which might hurt someone, then this leads to many other things being banned, and in no time, we can´t speed in this server, because someone finds it offensive, because they have an ooc trauma from it (figure of speech, not meant to attack no one).
  5. Username: KZarnavic Comment: Can that piece of shit be recalled? Is there a way to get rid of that imbecile? We do not need no fucking RINOs. No major work can be done like this.
  6. If you wanna reward good RP, ask the person you rp-d with their UCP name and send them some gifts. This "good rp rewarding ig" is not good at all. Why? Because people come from different countries and have different backgrounds - some make more unique characters, others are more bland ones, which is fine. And who will give the rewards? Staff? Well, then it might become a "I-am-a-good-friend-of-the-admin-gimme-rewards" system.
  7. Please, do go to UCP and look. You can change WP to PP - duuh. Meaning, you buy World Point for real money and then change em to Panda Points. There are minors in this server and at some point, this will become a problem. Imho - this will end pretty badly for the server.
  8. Username: JustAnOpinion Comment: What can go wrong there? 17-18 year old girls writing to sexual offenders and manipulators. Sorry, but this program should stay out of the University, imho.
  9. Username: ARepublican01Comment: Ahh - nice riots. Kudos to the SD and all the others. What I would like to see, is more hard-knock-baton education. Translation - if those soyboy fucked up wannabe shitface gangsters show up, beat them to a pulp. If they come back, beat them again, and more hard. They only learn by broken bones or if they are six feet under. Fucking illiterate liberal shitheads destroying our city, or what is left of it - after that bald-headed BLM spokesperson Skye started it all. Each and every protest ends bloody. And for what? Because the cops shot a fucking copkiller, who started to shoot first. Fucking degenerates. I am starting to think, that maybe at some point, a normal person would start to think that it is time for the normal people to use their Second Amendment, go to Davis, and clean this shit up.
  10. I mean - why kill ICly in the server? It has became so natural to see dead bodies all around, that maybe it is time that gangs/mobs/killers can just RP killing NPCs too - because killing has become the one of the most common things in this server. So - a gang should just go like "Hey, let us RP that we kill five people today" and they do the lengthy RP, and then they call in the admins, who will shake their powers and dead bodies all drop from the skies. All would be happy - people who do not want to get killed every day, if they are not part of the IFM. Example: /me does not like that Johnny Q is walking in the neighborhood, where our gang turf is located. /me takes out his pistol and loads it. /s "Hey motherfucker - Ya ain´t welcome here!" /me shoots ten bullets into Johnny Q. /me reloads his weapon and shoots ten more, just in case. /s "Fuck YOU, mano! Ya dead now! /me collects the casings. /me runs away from the scene. Go ahead and copy it - and mostly, have fun. Tbh - the death rate in this server is already comparing to those non-RP FiveM servers. It is getting quite ridiculous. (oh - and do get the sarcasm, which I expressed here, except the sentence, which begins with "Tbh..."
  11. Going to chime in. 1) Do not take it in a bad way, but to the author - have you thought in moving to Cali irl and enjoy real life "roleplay" there, with all its benefits: cultural, historic and geographic? 2) Why you say this? Do not try to replicate real life into a game by micromanaging to a level, where most needs to be taken over from real life Cali? Where to you stop? I am 100% sure that most of the criminal factions arent really part of real Cali lore. Or how about the politics? There are 5 vs 5 in the Senate, so we gotta change it to 8 Dems vs 2 Repubs, since realistically, that is how it is. 3) The server should strive to be a self-breathing organism with 300-700 people who are shaping it daily, not copy-pasted from ooc California. Or - then drive to Paleto also 5-6 ig hours with your car with 1mph. Game should have its own lore, thats about it. God bless.
  12. Username: ARepublican01 Comment: Actually counted the male participants on the photos and came down to 2-4, at the march. Disclaimer: some might be just there, because they were drunk or "white knights" to protect the dyke population of LS. But I was shocked though - only 20 people or so at the march?! 😄 Really shocking, since 85-90% of the female population of our state is LESBOS IDIOTICUS.
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