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Everything posted by mj2002

  1. As far as I know, its not possible to resell a property immediately. This is already restricted through several rules; This features both time and money restrictions;
  2. Why should there be a forum application and more paperwork for who decides to buy generic 2003 San Andreas Ave apartment 57?
  3. What about /bmanager <shopID> without any location limitations?
  4. One could argue that it would benefit this server by giving an alternative text based roleplay server for those who are having difficulties with heavy roleplay. In other words, players that are looking to not be punished for metagaming or deathmatching, but still prefer text roleplay over GTA Online or existing alternatives. I think that's what is being hinted at here.
  5. It all depends on how its implemented. If you're considering to take rules like metagaming, RPQM, and deathmatching away, ease up on the application process for server access but also for things like properties, you'll probably have an easy time finding enough players to make it work. Remember, GTAW is limiting itself a lot by its application process and its strict rules. The more you move towards GTA Online, the bigger the potential audience becomes. Though, you'll get more competition as well of course. It'll work if you do it right, but the question becomes, is it worth the effort? Might be, depending on implementation.
  6. Just because that your scenario isn't preferable doesn't mean we should switch to a system that's even worse. When you roleplay in a video game, you use the tools that are available to you. For GTA5, that's the in game mechanics for shooting and punching, adjusted somewhat. Switching to emote fighting or some system where each has to 'declare' before being able to engage is not the way forward.
  7. If only the part about buying WP was available then I wouldn't mind it being added. Removes money from the economy whilst players with limited IRL funds available have a better chance at enjoying plat.
  8. This should be part of a system where, through banking.gta.world, you can set up periodic payments from one account to the other.
  9. if we're seriously considering this idea, we should investigate a little bit more than just throwing the idea out there for people to be shouting 'No' and "+1" at it. This is a concept that is widely available in other games, some roleplay games/servers/environments, etc, so there is plenty of experience for us to review. First and foremost, lets do a basic analysis of the pros and cons; How does a clothing-item system aid in storytelling? What problems would said system solve that we are currently experiencing? There are some immersion related issues that this would resolve, such as people being able to change clothes almost anywhere at any time, without realistic considerations. Which possibilities open up with such a system? I can imagine that this has the potential to move clothing stores from being NPC stores to being the most widely visited businesses bar none. This has a lot of potential for roleplay. Players enjoy customization now, but we forego almost all roleplay around this. One could argue that this is easier, but I think this might actually be worth it on average. What is the level of inconvenience that we're adding if this were to be introduced? How many times are characters going to have to run back to their property (or car?) in order to change clothes? How much time is 'wasted'? Lets answer some concept related questions; Out of all the existing concepts, which would suit GTAW best and why? Are there examples of such systems that prove to be a failure and what can we learn from this? What do clothes cost? Do we keep the supply the same, or are we moving to a system where certain stores only sell certain clothes? How do we store and organize clothes in properties? We'd need an alternative to /pinv. Perhaps character-unique in order to make motel rooms feasible? How do we represent clothing in inventories? Issues with icons have been brought up before. I'd suggest starting off simple with a few basic icons for the different clothing types. This creates some problems for clothing that is in the wrong category, though naming conventions can resolve that. They only have to be identified once ( and each update if the order changes) and correctly be assigned to their true category and then come with a generic 'shirt' icon. How are these items named? If managed through the same NPC stores, then this presents a problem. If managed through player run stores, which in my view is preferable, then this responsibility is moved to players and they can come up with their own naming conventions. Lets answer some implementation related questions; What restrictions are required to be set in place in order to avoid abuse? Can you steal a cop uniform? This brings challenges, but also potential for roleplay. How would we deal with the switch from one system to another? Do we need some sort of grace period where clothes weigh 0 grams? What if you log on for the first time 5 months after the change comes through? Will your character be overburdened with clothing items? How much should they impact inventory space to begin with? With a wide variety of clothing types, that could present an issue. It seems easiest to just make each weigh only 50g to 250g though, to avoid it having a heavy impact. If they only weigh 50 grams, you could even consider limiting each clothing item to be present in the inventory twice, and derestricting it when the character is wearing a backpack or something else that extends carrying capacity. This to avoid players just carrying 30 different types of shoes, only because they can. Let's consider some potential issues that this system would encounter; With clothes becoming items, items will be lost, thus creating financial pressure on the average character. Is this manageable? How much do characters spend on clothing customization now, and how much can we expect this to increase? How does a system like this influence the balance between players in conflict? Changing appearances is very easy now, but this will become harder if a system like this were to be implemented. How much load are we putting on databases with this new system? Is this manageable? We're adding a lot of variables and items into the mix. Right now, you can roleplay fairly well without a property. But where will you store clothes if you do not have one, or only a motel room? There are many and more questions to consider when reviewing this concept. I would invite people to go beyond "+1" and "No" and think a little more about the problems, but also the potential of this idea.
  10. Money is easy to come by and owning an expensive vehicle has barely any downsides. Maintenance is mostly irrelevant, insurance is hardly a concern, there's no meaningful depreciation. Until there are some downsides, this isn't going to change.
  11. I think the proposed solution for temporarily allowing more to be carried, perhaps with an animation, would be a good choice then.
  12. This is a very one sided view. From this perspective, the server caters too much to all of the archetypes. It caters too much to law enforcement roleplayers because they get the fastest cars, an overabundance of script support compared to any other type of faction. It caters too much to illegal roleplayers, because weapons are extremely easy to obtain, forensic evidence is mostly non-existent, and jail is meaningless as a deterrent It caters too much to civilians roleplayers because flashy cars are extreme easy to come by, everyone's a supermodel, there's strict rules on robberies, etc. The problem is that the shortcomings of the scripts in the server, and GTA5 in general, are constantly being abused from all directions. That isn't catering to legal roleplayers, its calling a halt to players who aren't interested in portraying characters and collaborating with each other to tell stories, but instead just are playing to 'win' at the expense of other players. If there's no smart way to stop this, then the rules have to be blunt. That's just how it is. In my view, your anger is misdirected. Take it out on the players who keep trying to exploit every single possibility to get ahead of others. If that wasn't happening, we wouldn't need all these rules. No one is sitting behind their desk on the forums, grinning evilly at themselves and thinking up on new rules to fuck a group of players over. They're implemented because there's no good way to combat the abuse otherwise.
  13. Sorry, I mean like an example of when you're trying to carry more than 5KG without a backpack or duffel bag?
  14. mj2002

    Towing RVs

    Trailers do not sync correctly, period. This goes for towing of any sort of vehicles. Opinions about this have been voiced and expressed for years already, that's not the problem. We have to wait for RageMP to figure this out, or someone clever needs to sort this out themselves.
  15. You're welcome to contribute mods, but for most of the clothing that's added to the server, you're dependent on modifications that already exist for GTA5. Find good ones among those, and they can be considered for addition to the server.
  16. Its fine as it is now. If certain items weigh more than they should or is reasonable, then just adjust those instead.
  17. If you really want to prevent misclicks, then suggest a command/hotkey that disables left-click attack for your own character until you manually enable it. This /fight request command really isn't it. It doesn't fit in what the community is used to now, and forcing this through just makes it a bad experience for everyone involved.
  18. You should find out under which circumstances this happens and report it as a bug, because I use the clipboard animations all the time, cancelling them with /sa or /as, and the clipboard almost never sticks. I have it with phones more often, when messing with animations in the mean time, but its not been happening as much in the last few months as it had before.
  19. I've seen this too, from the other perspective. I think this doesn't happen as it would in real life because there's no real consequences involved. In real life, you could argue that treating skinheads 'nicely' can definitely have detrimental effects for society at large, but what good does it do in GTAW? From a civilian perspective, what is really the difference? Is it worth the risk? Probably not.
  20. I understand that this is your experience, but it seems difficult to substantiate that claim as it compares to how it is now. It would mean that characters are 'hiding' more in magnitudes of three to six times as much as before. It seems more likely to me that characters are more spread out now, as well as hiding more.
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