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Everything posted by H04X

  1. Name: Egg Rating: 5 Review: VERY GOOD PHOTOS, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! 🥚
  2. admins dont know who they're messing with. free my boy
  3. the 2nd coming of jesus christ
  4. Turns out it's not /giveaccess, it's/givecctvaccess! Quickest L&A I've ever requested, cheers
  5. Detailed Description Beyond simple. If you have an active CCTV subscription, characters that are /partnered should have access to them too, either by default or after manually turning it on the website. Relevant Commands/Items Nothing new needed, at most a button on cctv.gta.world How will it benefit the server? Partners can access CCTVs that they would realistically have access to anyway.
  6. Not a fan of these RPG elements like sickness script. Add the ability to be in crippling debt. Free healthcare makes it boring asf. Opens up the possibility of getting insurance too.
  7. Hank Jerrmann would fall for this scam.
  8. I'd say I put a distinction between my character's ideologies and my IRL views. I don't talk about it to many people because it's nobody's business but mine, but I'm a demisexual socialist and I roleplay as a typical old white man in his 50s with (perhaps far) right social views influenced by religion and populist agenda. Yet I still get accused OOC of many things that my character does. But ultimately, there's nothing wrong with representing values ICly that you also stand by OOCly if that's something you feel comfortable with. All comes down to personal preference. But I do have to admit, sometimes when I've done research into a topic for an IC debate, my OOC opinion also changed in that regard, eg. the death penalty and how it's potentially not the best deterrent.
  9. i equally hate @Hugh-Gi-Oh @Zani and @NexusExodus
  10. (( Comments would be enabled, though in traditional government manner, filtered by GOVNET™ ))
  11. Username: legaldeagle Comment: The nub of what I intend to say here is that we have much to fear from Dr. Bordeaux. Personally, I’m afraid that one day, she’ll impale us on a Morton’s Fork: Either we let her utilize legal, above-ground organizing in combination with illegal, underground tactics to convert our children to cultural zombies in a mass of unthinking and easily herded proletarian cattle, or she’ll unleash the forces of adversarialism upon an unsuspecting populace. Regardless of which we choose, Dr. Bordeaux alleges that embracing a system of authoritarianism will make everything right with the world. This allegation is false and can be construed only as a part of an effort to degrade, divide, and destroy our nation. Be honest; can you in any way believe Dr. Bordeaux’s claim that doing the fashionable thing is more important than life or liberty? I cannot, mainly because the next time she decides to eliminate the plebiscitary mechanisms that ensure a free and democratic society, she should think to herself, cui bono?—who benefits? Perhaps you’re wondering why I insist on turning her assistants into decent, civilized people who actually have something positive to contribute to society. It’s partly because Dr. Bordeaux’s coadjutors are so passive, pliant, and subservient that they willingly heed Dr. Bordeaux’s call to suppress all news that portrays her in a bad light, and it’s partly because—and this is one of those times when a cliché can acquire renewed force—somebody has to do it. That’s why I like to say that Dr. Bordeaux has a natural talent for complaining. She can find any aspect of life and whine about it for hours upon hours. Unfortunately, imprudent, counterproductive curmudgeons who make individuals indifferent to the survival of their families make no effort to contend with the inevitable consequences of that action. In spite of the fact that I, hardheaded cynic that I am, can hardly believe how in this day and age, lawless, devious losels are allowed to permit lily-livered harijans to rise to positions of leadership and authority, every so often, she tries creating an atmosphere that may temporarily energize or exhilarate but which, at the same time, will pose the gravest of human threats. Whenever she gets caught doing so she raises a terrific hullabaloo calculated to envelop us in a nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror. As you have presumably determined, this has been a letter of bittersweet observations and conclusions. I daresay it may have come off a bit more tart than tasty. It nonetheless comes to you from the heart and with my sincere belief that there is a special place in hell for those who deny citizens the ability to draw their own conclusions about the potential for violence that Dr. Danielle Bordeaux, M.D. may be generating.
  12. Name: Anonymous Comment: Highly professional. Not LGBTQ+ friendly. Hire at all costs.
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