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Everything posted by cryybabyycryy

  1. "[2:39 PM]Nervous: A rage silent update was deployed and broke connection to servers, you'll be met with an army of errors. We'll update you when they fix it!"
  2. @IHateItHerecan lose a whole crews payment in one hand…. I still can’t fathom casinos not being a profitable business.
  3. Its not a matter of cheapness or not wanting to pay the fee, it's realism.
  4. Name: ThatWhiteBitch Rating: 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 🍕 Comment: Really good ham, most delicious.
  5. Name: B3TT3RF3ATHER420 Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Comment: Broke this bitches nose here.. Great place.. Great people.
  6. Name: ThatWhiteBitch Comment: Build a wall around the hood and let nature take its course.
  7. This can be said about so many businesses. I work at a bar ic, we profit $20 a drink and get no bonus for people walking in. I am not complaining because it’s the rp that counts, not the profit. Player ran clothing stores, places to eat, and so on but they all survive without much profit and no entry. can anyone confirm if casino workers get the $4k a hour?
  8. Hi there, Will start off with saying I live in the Casino capital, Nevada. I have worked in marketing and on the floor of casinos, go out to eat at them and gamble sometimes. There is NO such thing as a entry fee to any casino I have frequented in my life (and its a lot having lived in both the reno/vegas areas). Charging upwards of $500 a person just to step foot in a casino is silly, its unrealistic and possibly illegal in some parts of the USA (dont quote me). Casinos are generally free parking, free entry and free drinks for players. I get this is a game and the last one would be costly, but the entry free is pretty far fetched. Feel free to google casino entry fees for a closer look at how these are not a thing. Casinos (AFAIK) already get the bonus when people walk in and I hear it a really profitable business, without the overhead of a real casino (gaming board fees, free alcohol, power and heating/cooling, major taxes, ect.) They should not require fees the same, if not higher than a club. So yea. Thanks!
  9. -1 I prefer to passively rp this, we don't need a script for every day functions such as eating, showering and poopin. If I wanted a game like that I can go play sims or dayz (i love both, don't get me wrong) but that would only, in time, hurt the server moreso than benefit it.
  10. I’m not crazy about random cause you always check miles before a car and this also depreciates value but a one time command at purchase would work too.
  11. Kinda cool idea for older cars, +1
  12. +1 it doesnt need to be on the wheel.
  13. Nice car, pretty, fast and needing to sell. Under 80 miles driven on it. Lots of cosmetic and mechanical upgrades.
  14. Great idea! They had some really nice floor plans on lc.
  15. Im sitting here in awe that you even get such request answered!!! But really, stashinfo is here for that reason, I put a lot of effort into mine as do others, while still keeping it realistic enough that maybe something will be found. Maybe a solution to this would be the ability to request the logs of the break in (names edited out or what ever) from the handling admin.
  16. A quick google image search will show this is not unrealistic in LA and it’s surrounding areas.
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