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Everything posted by cryybabyycryy

  1. More helis, longer patrols? What over South LS? That won't solve anything. A large part of this issue is people not wanting to rp/patrol in slow areas, you allow them more and they are still not going to want to patrol in these areas.
  2. I am just saying, we got 22 year old models owning million dollar night clubs, sixteen year olds driving half a mil cars.. We can't keep screaming realism each time something doesn't go someone's way. The server always has been and will be problematic, forcing ooc regulations on one thing and not another makes little sense.
  3. We sit and argue the “realism “ of a game that has so many unrealistic factors. This thread preaches realism but thinks cops shouldnt patrol boring areas… and we need to add restrictions to an already highly restricted map. can someone define what realism we are taking about in make believe world were you are “forced” very basic rules and the rest of your actions are up to you?
  4. Ic issue still. Cops shouldn’t be exempt from “dead areas”.
  5. I stuck with LEO rp 3 years.. there is no rule saying you MUST go to every big event or pursuit, tbh there are rules in place disallowing so many in a pursuit line and or attending a robbery alarm. It's 100% a matter of preference. Again, I see this all a IC issue with a lack of interest in passive rp.
  6. But why implement more ooc restrictions on something that can be totally delt with ic?
  7. “Broad daylight” hasn’t ever been a worthy reason on this sever due to timezones and whatnot.
  8. LS/SA is a a pretend area for a game, there is a lot that doesn't match up to any realistic counterpart... Part of the fun of it. Anyway I still disagree. Learn to move careful, stash goods right and protect yourself. We need to STOP catering to the lack of pd/sd/fd on the server or the lack of them wanting to rp/patrol in less active areas. Keep it IC, bring it up to gov. You'll have 12 cruisers in south LS looking for something to shoot and 0 in the hills, this is a IC issue.
  9. We don't need more scripted limitations, if PD/SD don't patrol that area to your liking take it up IC.
  10. -1 God please no.. Will get a increase in 2 week pregnancies and teenager chars within less than a month. There is more than enough cringe available on this server.
  11. Glad to see activity moving into that area. Good luck and take it far and all that
  12. +1.. this rule makes no sense especially now we have options to remove license plates and what not.
  13. Something needs to give, even getting a guard from /jevent is impossible, it took me longer to get released than I was in jail.. til someone told me where to let myself out without rp. The real only option when you are a female and arrested is log off for the time, You will never see yard, commissary, people.
  14. Yes but not here. The size of the server and the maturity (lack of) of the players are two things that would make perma death less than beneficial and more of a headache.
  15. -1. People disappear all the time, stay on the run for years and all that. Forcing rp isn't going to create rp worthy of doing, its going to be rushed, half assed and pointless.
  16. -1.. that should be up to the player not examine. There are too many factors that cannot can change the smell, visual effect, ect of a drug. It can be simple as taking an edible vs smoking, snorting meth vs smoking, using perfume and eye drops and ect. Having the effects stick in /examine is way power gamey and back when it was like this they were horribly written anyway.
  17. don't forge to .stripdance1 and afk.
  18. Id say keep it but change the cooldown to like a week or two,
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