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Everything posted by Mecovy

  2. Mecovy

    Mallrat Method

    get a time machine and just get involved with admireme. stupid how much money that site made.
  3. Maybe not remove it. But alter it. If people are obsessed with the mystery box that is whatever they've killed drops, then why not adjust what exactly is dropped? Food items etc? they dont need to be there as who tf is gonna rob a burger that's been in someones inv for 3 years. So why not make it drop the gun and a % of the ammo on the body? (to account for the fact you'd have to literally sit right next to a dead body going through pocket by pocket to find where exactly ya pinata stored their stuff. As for cash, that's their fault if they carry any more than 1 dollar to piss off the robbers.
  4. Name: TheDevilYouKnow Comment: Absolutely shameful! How the fuck is a shop selling a little bit of smokable plant material more of a crime than the 5 shootings last night alone and 30+ car robberies last night? Or how about the armed folks trying to rob people? You consider a shop selling a little bit of Marijuana more important than trying to reduce the actual crime rate. The same crime rate reducing this cities population daily.
  5. Mecovy


    I find myself currently in need of a 3 hour rental for a Marquis, for Saturday the 15th of July. Rental period from Eight PM to Eleven PM. Please email offers to [email protected] ((Forum PM))
  6. just wanna 'ave a personal pot plant i can grow for myself and my own chars consumption only, is that too much to ask :<
  7. Username: D.A.Bordeaux Comment: Like watching a slow car crash. Instead of engaging in debate and expression of political opinion, these folks prefer instead to strip rights and belittle their opposition. The senate stopped being a senate two years ago.
  8. guy who runs it is corrupt douchebag who launders and skims money wholesale off the operation to fund flying women out to meet him and buy overpriced CSGO skins. He's failed to deliver on this refresh for what...2 years or something like that. It'll drown before it'd ever get its feet off the ground. Before someone warns me for toxicity, let a brother vent. I was close to that A-hole around the time of the coup and the monumental disappointment/frustration caused by events back then still haunt me. If my first sentence is naughty just hide the post :<
  9. Looking forward to the holiday to Kabul.
  10. Even for PHMC patients if this ever comes in, it won't be free. I'm not a fan of the fact healthcare is free atm but without a scapegoat its impossible to change. But with changes to Prescriptions these would almost certainly see people paying regardless. Although I may do discounts for those RPing long term like Alzheimer's, Epilepsy etc, since Marijuana's a game changer for those folk.
  11. 44-8 and apparently no one wanted it. I think this is beginning to show us that in fact the opposite is true, and more than likely has been since the fabled drug update came out.
  12. Howdy, its me single issue Steve! As someone who's rallied against that decision since it came to happen, here's some thoughts I had on it. First of all my primary goal was not to remove Marijuana from the illegal drug market without providing some form of replacement, nor do I even want to remove it from the illegal market at all (I just wanna be heard by ifm and acknowledged that there is a more efficient way of doing the drug economy). My plan focused on two main parts, at least to move marijuana to the medicinal phase. First, 4-5 contracts would be set up permitting full legal protection to whomever holds it to mass produce marijuana. 3 of these were to be kept aside strictly for illegal rp'ers only, 1 for legal and 1 for best concept. These factories would then be permitted to distribute their product to approved vendors (PHMC, ULSA's pharmacy and any other clinic that speaks to city gov prior and gets correct licensing). The product they would sell to Pillbox and these other clinics would be 2-4x more expensive than the current market rate (taxes). In turn these venues could then provide prescriptions (They would be FORCED to charge) to patients for their legal weed. That's a TLDR of the legal aspect of the first step of my plan, now lets dig into how this benefits ILLEGAL(s). Firstly, these big grow houses will be primed for opportunity to skim product and sell it on for far far cheaper. In kind, marijuana patients who hold a prescription would be pushed to seek out illegal dealers who could save them that 2-4x tax increase per gram. Obviously these warehouses would create major control of Marijuana to a small niche of groups, but that's okay. With this Marijuana would no longer be the primary street drug. Fentanyl Some of you may or may not have heard of what this horrible little bastard is, but to sum it up really basically. It's an insanely effective opiate that is currently being mixed in with people's heroin and such to give it more of a kick, but in reality just makes it lethal. Opiates, thanks to the greed of the United States Government and Big Pharma, now rule the street market from coast to coast of America. Some may have seen the opportunity presented here, others may not have. But we do have a hospital that prescribes opiates. If the server were to add Fent as a street drug, there would be an easy development of tiers to an opiate addiction. In plain English, if you keep taking your prescription opiate, the scripts going to push you deeper and deeper towards needing Fent. This could be done through tolerance and debuffs pushing you to find something more potent or suffer through a couple of days of increasing negative effects (unless rehab can be found and a way to allow that to help a user) until the addiction has passed. This is a very simplified version of what I've been attempting to get anyone from LFM/IFM to hear since around Jan, this to me seems like a very logical and reasonable new way to refresh the drug market and stop us living in the 90s.
  13. there's like 400 cops on this server when u combine PD/SD. Saying they're all staff is straight madness. it may FEEL like they have all the staff in em, but that's just because of the % of players they draw into the factions. Admins can't handle reports on their own factions/friends so your perfectly safe from bias. If they do, that's the easiest staff report in their life. If you want more admins in your factions, create factions with appeal to wider players and I'm sure one will make their way into the faction at some stage. But in my own experience of illegal factions, i've seen one guy openly claiming a warcrime in the Balkans war of the 90's straight up didn't happen, and went on a massive hate fueled anti west rant in discord, the other faction straight up banned admins/ppl with histories of RPing legally from their discord. Mentalities which Ik do not represent illegal RP as a whole, but are still present which may repulse people from joining.
  14. Cba to ss the phone ig with it but that one scaled down.
  15. i dream of gta w when i look back and wanna see what the world was like in the 90s
  16. Your honor sorry I'm late, my name's Troy Mcclure, you may remember me from such cases as; my 16th wife divorces me and takes all my money. I'm here for the defense and presenting my opening argument as follows. Tuus honor hoc iudicium est illicitum. Stultum pretium est simpliciter iudicium sustinere. Pro immediata custodia emissionem vocamus. Nemo congendus est herbam tangere. Thank you.
  17. Another nice way to balance this is reduce alarm prices, and let them auto renew. i cba to remember exactly which day i brought it to go reinstall another.
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