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Everything posted by DoctorJxy

  1. Before jumping onto LSRP then ultimately GTA:W. I too was part of PLA! Lmao got banned being a security risk because I jokingly tried to login to the RCON. I was Jayden Summers with my rp bro Jordan Summers who was an admin. I think I remember seeing the name Chris Farmer.
  2. Vehicle Photos Technical Specifications: Starting Bid: $36,000
  3. LMAO i need sleep! I read that extremely wrong.
  4. It was announced via the official GTA:W discord. > https://discord.com/channels/312217302961618946/315046409428664331/1082716756361097388
  5. To clarify is this your opinion of what the state of RP was like before the announcement was made?
  6. If you just saw the announcement of GTA:W moving towards Medium RP I'd be interested in opinions due to this. Also, I'd like to know if this came as a surprise to anyone and what further context can be provided. One of the things I loved moving from LSRP back in the day to GTA:W was the continuation of a serious/heavy rp server!
  7. Hi, Co-founder of PlaybackFM here. My partner & I are looking to start up our IC talk show radio station again! But rather stupidly, we've both forgotten the email associated with the PlaybackFM forum account. Would there be any chance of receiving a PM with the email address associated with this account so we can begin to get things underway for our grand re-opening. Please and thanks in advance!
  8. Business Development Manager for a hospitality tech firm
  9. @Allegra Appreciate the love! Keep those newsreels coming!! Adds to every show we have and the people love it soo ❤️
  10. Additionally I've personally done shows that run before midnight. Around 8PM onwards servertime. Like we said, as we grow we aim to have a proper schedule which will be updated on our social platforms for all to see! Right now the tests shows are literally at anytime we feel like. Some at peak server time and some off peak.
  11. I think so far, my fav series has either been between Rick & Morty or Misfits! God Misfits was a banging show for its time. Still watch re-runs from time from to time ? God I miss it
  12. Always posted in that discord 'general'
  13. Banned for Rp'ing a female aswell as a male! Erp fiend.
  14. Lmao perfect description of the outside world. With your tinder's, Love Islands ect ect.
  15. Banned for living in Dubai ?
  16. Banned for me assuming you actually have a black beard.
  17. +1. Simple and effective!
  18. banned for being a donator
  19. I just got here not long ago, and I already support this. The people need variety pls!
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