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Everything posted by Moe

  1. As the title says, we'd like faction leaders to be able to see /trace logs on the MDC. Who used the command, when they used it, and the phone number they used it on. Ideally this will only be accessible to faction leaders in factions that have access to the MDC. Thanks!
  2. Moe

    Cops and Robbers

    Yeah this is pointless now. My last post wasn't an invitation to tag me in every post because someone said something toxic. This topic is now pointless. If you see a cop breaking rules, camping, or whatever else you wanna call it, report it to LFM. Making a public topic like this does not work, as you can see. As for the traffic light situation. As you can all see, the law for traffic lights is on hold due to the desync, meaning that traffic lights are to be treated as a 4-way stop.
  3. Moe

    Cops and Robbers

    If this is just gonna be a toxic back and forth, I'll lock it and it'll end up like every other discussion ever. Stay on track. Any more toxicity and derailing comments will end up with a warning.
  4. Auction closed or? I'd like to finalize this by tonight if possible.
  5. No I have never heard of this, I'm not sure where you got this from.
  6. Some nights there are simply too many calls for them all to have an immediate response. While there definitely are situations where too many cops are on a scene unnecessarily, we encourage cops to build and engage in passive roleplay rather than jump from shooting to shooting and chase the action. We'd rather see 10 cops standing in their station having passive RP between them than chase pursuits and shootings. Obviously everything should be done in moderation. In an ideal world, you'd have a response to every call but this isn't an ideal world, crime in this city especially during peak hours, happens at a rate higher than what cops can keep up with. However, like I said, there definitely is an issue with some scenes getting an unrealistic and an exaggerated response but the solution to that isn't to pull cops away from passive and meaningful roleplay and force them to respond to every call that comes in, essentially making them "robocops" who only chase pursuits and shootings.
  7. I knew it was April fools when you said "bug free cinema"
  8. Corruption perms have always been a thing requested and granted by the faction leaders, and I have personally never heard of any issues where they leaked that information or metagamed it or any reports related to that. Faction leaders understand that confidentiality is crucial in these situations and they're not here to grant your characters corruption perms just to metagame it and bust your character down the next day, what do they gain out of that other than having one less member in their faction? We can't really remove all corruption perms restrictions and applications and let whoever roleplay being corrupt because then no one would be straight and by the book, but we also aren't here to micromanage everyone. We encourage people to roleplay characters with normal lives, normal humanly reactions to things, etc. As someone mentioned on this thread, things aren't always black and white. If you're in a government faction and you wish to roleplay someone who's corrupt, then I suggest you reach out to your faction leader and they'll point you in the right direction as every faction has a different process/guidelines. We will, however, look at reviewing how these things are handled and whether there's a better way of going about it, especially for government factions that aren't LEOs, so all feedback is welcomed and will be taken into consideration.
  9. We already have all this stuff logged, so this should not be an issue!
  10. Introduction Legal Faction Management offers financial funding to individuals/small groups who wish to roleplay unique, creative concepts that would realistically generate money, but are unable to do so on the server due to a lack of script support or other reasons. Examples of this could include Influencers, Streamers, Youtubers, Athletes, Musicians, Artists, Actors, and many more. This is not meant for everyone; the server as it is has a wide variety of different jobs and industries where you could easily make script money. This is purely for those who wish to roleplay concepts that would be impossible or extremely difficult to generate script money from. Keep in mind that we expect to see actual development and roleplay around the job that you are requesting the funds for, and not just have it be a background, NPC'ed concept. Application In essence, this is exactly what our current business/faction budgets scheme is, but tailored towards individuals instead. In order to apply for these budgets, please fill out the form below and send it to @Moe and @Storm, and we'll get back to you with any questions we've got or an answer: Regulations 1 - You may only apply for a budget/payment on the same character once every 3 months. 2 - We will only offer these budgets to people who take their roleplay seriously and create unique and fun roleplay for the community as a whole, rather than just NPC their roleplay. 3 - You need to show consistent activity on the character you're applying for the funding on. 4 - The amount we give you may not always be the amount you request, we will take into consideration how long your character has been in the trade for, their fame, their status, etc. 5 - We will not provide funding for concepts that can make money in-game. This should only be a last resort after you had already attempted to generate money through IC means. 6 - The money you receive will be roleplayed as payments from the job you're doing or whatever makes sense IC for the concept you're taking part in. 7 - All applications are subject to a full review by the Budgeting Team. There is no guarantee a Budget Request will be accepted, all decisions are final.
  11. Username: Jenny Tulls Comment: hispanic* But the cops are the racists, right? Not you for assuming that just because it's the ghetto then it must be black kids.
  12. Love you Jackie, you're amazing ❤️
  13. No. PM me if you have any questions but this concept will not be allowed at this time (or probably ever).
  14. Let's keep this on topic and a friendly discussion, please. We'd love to get more feedback from people on how to fix this issue and what the community thinks, but if this turns toxic then I'll just lock it.
  15. Increasing the time it takes to trigger the alarm is one way to do it, in my opinion. Typing out roleplay takes time, especially with the level of quality we expect to see as admins. Whereas in real life, searching a house is much faster. Right now, the alarms are triggered within a minute or something ridiculous like that. Giving the criminals more time to RP would be one way to balance it.
  16. The one part I'm a big fan of is the false positives. False positives happen irl all the time and they'd actually help reduce the police response on the server. That, I'm in full support of.
  17. I'm against this. House breakins are already extremely popular, we don't need to make them even easier. The prices suggested are absolutely ridiculous and no one's gonna buy them. I appreciate that we're trying to make alarms less OP because I agree they're ridiculous right now, but this suggestion completely flips it onto the other end of the overpowered scale. We need to find a balance, but this ain't it, in my personal opinion.
  18. Moe

    2326 Jamestown Street

    ((On hold until you add a screenshot of the /pinfo))
  19. I will give a genuine answer for once. When you make a report, don't write a 3000 word essay about how your character was sipping tea with his sister in law from another mother before the situation took place. Having to read a 2000 word essay just to understand that X killed Y because Y robbed X makes it much harder to handle the report. Secondly, don't let reports reach 6 pages of you going back and forth about how your cat stepped on your router which made you desync and the other person swearing on their crip mafia XIII that it wasn't desync. Post one short response to a short report and trust me, the wait time will decrease DRASTICALLY. Yours truly, Moe
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