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After X amount of hours remove unemployment checks.


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Just remove the guy after x (x to determined) amount of hour


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How will it benefit the server?

As it stands right now you really don't need to get a job at all. I understand players will have an issue with this because "they don't want to simply 'work' a fictional job", but I also feel like it gives a player no incentive to roleplay. Most businesses are shells for players to quickly raid and get out (i.e 24/7's) I believe it would be a plus if we got rid of the safety net of hourly checks and have them work at these businesses.  Another benefit is there's no longer a money faucet to worry about, which means the created money sinks can become much more of a benefit than another pointless addition. The reason why it would be a benefit to remove another money faucet is that money in the server is already easy enough to come by. I've seen players complain that they casually can give a bum 10,000 dollars and not have a dent in their pocket. This shouldn't really be the case at all.

Edited by Woona
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It would mostly penalize people who are only RP'ing instead of grinding jobs, so I'm not sure exactly where the benefit would be :x Especially since it seems to be aiming to solve a non-existent problem. You can't become rich with that paycheck (to buy an expensive sports car like a Jester RR you'd need to not spend a single cent for 400 hours), most of it is paid to people working RP jobs. :x 

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This isn’t the main concern as the farmer job offers $760 per paycheck for doing absolutely nothing, the unemployment paycheck is superseded by this and utilised by players for doing absolutely zero. 

If you were to remove the unemployment check then the farmer job would also have to only pay the check based on using the /startfarming command within that hour of being used. This would be a simple addition to the script as well as removing the unemployment check as stated above.


I personally believe this is also essential alongside the terms for removing the unemployment check.

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I agree with this but I have to twist this a little bit. On the illegal side you have people who most of the time live on welfare and earn dirty money as their main income. For that we can have a command such as /welfare, that will automatically ban a player from working a regular job, he will not be able to join a regular join because he’s on government assistance. If he wishes to work somewhere he’d have to do /welfare again to reverse it but will have a timer for it so people won’t be able to abuse it.

Edited by Shanky
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This goes against the philosophy of the server to focus on roleplay from the get-go. The economy is already completely inflated, unrealistic and unfixable without a full reset and rework on multiple fronts which will never happen. I'm also against any measures that force stress on players OOC to make money in-game to source income for the money sinks. Rebalancing stuff? Sure, stopping passive income altogether? No, people have lives and shouldn't be kept from roleplaying a concept just cause they're limited on playtime.

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I think the biggest issue with this system is that we're literally having some people afk for 16 hours a day to farm this system, and they end up getting millions doing this every day as a result, its rather odd people do this, but it is happening. Removing it altogether isn't the way, people work and have real life obligations, what I would like to see however is the amount reduced a bit, and a command added, something along the lines of /receivepaycheck in order to receive the money, which should be used within 1 hour or something. This probably wouldn't stop all afkers farming this, but if caught abusing a 3rd party program to type this command, its easily banable whereas being ask isn't.

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The overall fix for this is to just report people to RPQM who RP as having sports cars and luxury houses without having a job at all. It all boils down to trusting everyone to RP appropriately. But sadly some people just want to RP a rich person and not actually have a job. Which isn't okay. Realistic asset management is the key. I use my cash as a tool for my RP. But sadly a lot of the server uses it as actual wealth. It's all about moderation. My character has almost 1mil in the bank. But to me, thats there as a buffer to fund my future projects in RP. I still only have the one car that is insured. And a dirt bike that is currently uninsured due to the weather not permitting good off roading on a two wheeler at times to RPly save money. So the dirt bike is off the road and not used.


tl;dr Just report those with unrealistic assets to RPQM. The hourly paychecks are fine as is.


edit: I could be wrong, but don't qoute me on this. As far as I know the game doesn't just "print" new money. There is a finite amount of cash in the system. And all the paychecks come out of the governments bank account.

Edited by Unity
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