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Golden Panda
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Everything posted by HappyGecko

  1. Check your gpu drivers if they are outdated. I used to have the same error. Its possible that playing in full screen may also cause it as well as some other in game settings. Try googling the error it gives you and you should find some answers. Especially if it only occurs on gta5. If you get the same or a similar error in other games your gpu itself may have issues. ( wrong section BTW but I hope u can figure it out!)
  2. The only illegal groups who can't get one are street gangs like others said. Coming from someone who used to be in fld: pf abuse is very annoying and hard to catch. Most of the time the damage is done by the time its found out so yeah. Giving more people access to said guns is not a good idea.
  3. It ain't a proper discussion thread without ZaE and pateuvasiliu arguing. But yeah to stay on topic: hyper realism will never work and it's a good thing in most cases. Enjoy the game for what it is :) as long as "bullying" stays IC and people don't take their characters believes ooc? It's easy to avoid.
  4. Looks like a skill issue to me (In all seriousness read my thread in the discussion archive which has some nice examples of recoil in it)
  5. It's 100hp trust me on that. So if you get hit in your legs for 90 raw damage? Your hp is 10 and ur armor is still 100 since it hasn't been hit yet. Its a separate bar meaning you could technically go down with all your armor left if u only get hit in places it doesn't cover.
  6. The kevlar adds another 100hp armor to the area it covers (torso) not 300. It's an okay suggestion only problem is that there's no difference in the armor types you wear they are just cosmetic. So if you for example swing at someone wearing full tactical gear including helmet you'd be able to hurt them the same despite you puncing a steel or ceramic plate as well as an armored helmet (for example) If a cop and your character have a planned fight and they wanna be fair? They can just remove their armor benefits with a special equipment type LEOs have.
  7. I can show you a video once I'm home tonight if you really want. The recoil doesn't change if I shoot it stock or with attachments sadly.
  8. Idk if you read my main post since everyone (including yourself) decided to derail it with passive aggressive posts but the thread was made so people can give their experience on the recoil to help fix it for all sides. An IFM admin confirmed that some rifles are bugged when it comes to their recoil before.
  9. Like oggy said there are bugs with it. A friend and I used the /take 10 rifle yesterday. Her recoil was completely normal while mine went all over the place. Idk why that happens but it does its weird!
  10. Our attachments are mainly cosmetic trust me on that! Changes nothing if u use a stock rifle over one with a grip etc. And we are also banned to use certain attachments.
  11. And you have aks and bullpup rifles? But it doesn't matter. The navy carbine has no real advantages over any other rifle. And honestly it looks bad! You still need the same amount of shots to down someone than with any other rifle! But let's not turn this into a back and forth! The fact that even on semi the rifles we use have more recoil than a pistol even if you shoot it slower than a pistol is really weird! :)
  12. Thank you for the amazing feedback! If anything this shows me that my suspicions are correct and recoil isn't experienced the same by everyone! :)
  13. The range does not matter. The way your rifle behaves matters. And the two videos linked were not the first and only I saw. I've seen plenty of videos in which the rifles acted like laserbeams. I highly believe that not everyone is affected by the same recoil 🙂
  14. There's no controlling in the two videos. There is no recoil. Especially if you run, you will not control the recoil our rifles have. I don't know if you realize. It is either a 'bug' that the script does not effect each and every rifle, mainly the ones that are equipped on LEO duty, or someone simply having a third party program.
  15. It has nothing to do with skill, the system is completely bugged. Here's a few videos from illegal RPers. Their recoil seems to NOT exist at all. This seems to only apply to LEO rpers, which is weird. https://streamable.com/3c5zs1 https://streamable.com/0yaozs
  16. I'd agree with you but then again! I've seen a few clips (mainly in compilations) of people using rifles and it appeared to me as if recoil barely or not exist at all. I have a strong feeling that it's not set the same way for every rifle type for example. Then there's attachments. One in particular which (my faction) is banned to use since its allegedly negating the entire recoil. However, I've seen it being used in a video before by a non LEO party. Which raises the question as to if everyone suffers from the same recoil or not. It's hard to do it right. The older system seemed way more realistic it is strange to find a perfect pattern as it seems like the weapon is "programmed" to raise after an x amount of shots are fired.
  17. To start this off, yes recoil was needed. The way weapons like rifles behaved before the respected updates was way too ''laser like''. However, ever since the new custom recoil and weapon damages update came in, the rifles (speaking from a LEO perspective) are basically useless. The way your recoil moves the gun, even when shooting on semi is beyond extreme, let alone once you spray a few rounds while being in full auto. I'd like to know if other people share similiar experiences. Especially illegal rpers. Is it the same for the guns you use, do you also feel like it's way too much or do you simply accept it? I'll leave some videos down below, feel free to share your thoughts. In my opinion? Things need to be toned down a little 🙂 https://streamable.com/vloqfm https://i.gyazo.com/649d40956f4b0ffc174c8966dd6c910d.mp4 https://streamable.com/2r4sjp (maybe I just suck?)
  18. What stops people from randomly breaking into homes with a lockpick to check and see if they'd find a safe, just to then come back a day later for a proper breaking with an admin to go for said safe?
  19. Ninety percent of the minors act like hardcore hood veteran adults anyways, no point to treat them differently in court. The only difference is the (M) next to their name.
  20. Yes. This is a known rage issue right now that gunshots do not sync from vehicles. It is unfair for people being shot at, who have ZERO chance to react. A rule should be written until rage fixes their issues 🙂
  21. The problem with 'escapism' is that it heavily depends on a person to person basis. If someone is constantly bullied in real life and they try to escape their problems by coming on here, does that give them a right to call for a ban on ic bullying? No. They can simply walk away from people who bully them in game. That being said. In my 4+ years on this server I've heard the word 'abortion' maybe once or twice mentioned in character. I wouldn't have a problem if the mentioned topic was banned to be used ic as it won't really ruin anyone's roleplay if they couldn't talk about it.
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