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Everything posted by Oak

  1. I am glad that you're making six digits out of politeness and fresh RP then. But I wouldn't think that it'd apply to your every day Joe. I guess majority of guards have the disability to not make such large portions, I see.
  2. So, we're going to base the whole argument on the assumption that the guards at the entrance of the club are receiving such portions of money. That entirely is based on luck and cannot be used as a justification to say that the bouncers or guards are receiving that much amount of money. Because they're usually left with only their base pay cheque per hour.
  3. I don't think entrance fee goes to the guard, it rather goes to the owner of the club. Plus, you need at least 40 hours in the server to obtain GC, which wouldn't qualify you to receive 5k pay cheques.
  4. I don't understand. How are you going to make 40k in two hours "guarding some clubs?"
  5. Reading books and, RP'ing with people who have extensive vocabulary help.
  6. These threads pop-up every now and then just like herpes. My take is to give players the freedom of whatever they want to do without breaking any server rules. My personal opinion? Single-liners are good if you want to conclude some sort of a character development, I guess. Other than that? That'd seem a bit excessive. But again, this matter is highly subjective unless it breaks the server rules.
  7. People who are immune to fear. They have come from afar... From the worlds of the Titans... They do not fret of dead bodies or people with guns... They can withstand and force in their way! Those are over-played.
  8. I play "The Schindler's List Theme" on YouTube whenever I see a dead body on the street. Nobody calls for 911, nobody takes care of them. They're just there, laying on the ground, lifeless. It reminds me of a scene from the movie "The Pianist." Of course, all jokes aside, people do not want to RP these kind of things because they are not in character in that moment. I mean, who wants to report a dead body when you can simply drive off and RP something else? I am aware that there's a rule that requires the players to keep in character at all times. But is it really possible for all players to apply this rule to themselves? People find it easier to just ignore the dead body, which is a reasonable decision when you come to think of it. Who wants to wait around for 30 minutes for LSPD or Coroner's Office to show up?
  9. It differs on the context. If you need to give out a detailed emote in order to make people understand what you're doing, you do that. But if you are just going to write an emote that consist of a simple activity, I recommend you keep it simple. Of course, everyone has their own liking, some might like long emotes, some might like shortened ones. In my opinion, a good RPer is a person who portrays their character correctly.
  10. Ah, here we go again. Shooting at the problems that we cannot solve. It's a matter of personal choice, we can't do anything about it whether we like it or not. We can't just bash people in the head because they like roleplaying as something we don't prefer to roleplay, you see where I am getting at?
  11. There are worse portrayed characters than the weird portrayed British people is all I'm trying to say.
  12. I ain't even using the grammar of a "Bri'ish person," and you're still mocking my typing style. Your real purpose here to create an argument just for the sake of it.
  13. You know what? I ain't gonna say nothing no more. You guys just say whatever you want. At the end of the day you spell "pay cheque" as "paycheck."
  14. Get outta here. Just because a certain portion of the playerbase does not like the certain portion of the playerbase, it doesn't mean that we should ban them.
  15. You really can't do that now, can you, wiseguy? Who are you, Stalin? We can't decide on people's behalf on what they should roleplay. This suggestion is very immature.
  16. You can't really tell people what to do. "But it ruins immersion." So do people with chessboard pants but what can we do?
  17. Yeah sure, dude. Keep discriminating against the majority of the server's population. That'll get you somewhere.
  18. Dude thinks that British chars should colonize the parts of the city I think HAHAHA
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