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Everything posted by MixedKidYT

  1. Short description: A app on the phone that allows you to set timers or use a stopwatch. Detailed description: So this is for the time for /time, this isn't a completely necessary addition of course but I think it would be helpful for RP and in general to be able to set an alarm for a certain time in a clock app, in that clock app you could also have a stopwatch if you wanted to time something or a timer for say like 15 minutes or so. Commands to add: To set an alarm: /setalarm [time]. For timer: /settimer [minutes] Items to add: None How would your suggestion improve the server? Will help for RP purposes as well as a reminder for times. Additional information:
  2. I don't think you are understanding what I am saying, PD are the people in the server that should be setting examples, they are the ones who should be holding the standards and teaching the people who don't understand how to properly RP. If a somewhat new player sees PD not rping crashes and not getting in trouble, then they will start. Like I said all this is great about PD and their effort, but IMO they aren't doing enough to set a good example, which is what needs to happen.
  3. This for sure happens, but I think that LSPD should be the ones setting the example when it comes to RPing crashes, shootouts etc. If PD won't do it how do you expect criminal rpers to?
  4. I can see your point but what do you consider a reasonable time to pull those vehicles out? Just curious. You kind of lost me on the paperwork point, members of LSPD signed up aware, I'm sure that there would be paper work to do. now it's cool that the RP when it comes to police training is above average, which is what I would expect out of the police department, but if that same level of RP is not used out in the field none of that really matters.
  5. Some members might be sure, but considering I have seen multiple instances where a police car crashes and then puts themselves back into the pursuit, that's why I am making that statement. PD trying to play bumper cars does not seem that realistic to me.
  6. I guess you haven't read the whole discussion... please go back and read the rest.
  7. Not what I mean, I more mean an OOC advantage compared to an IC one.
  8. I am not saying that the jail time isn't necessarily deserved, my point is that there is more to it for RP punishment for criminals then cops which is how it should be, but at the same time criminal rpers and LSPD cannot be compared. now I keep on seeing this thing about demotion is losing months of labor and whatever and I said that yes, RP wise there is great repercussion, but at the same time, if you get demoted you are still in LSPD and not to mention if you get demoted like you said, then you probably deserve it, and no I can never agree that the prison has good RP because it just doesn't I will not RP for 6 days in prison for a 18 day sentence (as an example) it just is not fun or realistic to me at all. EDIT: It's great that you haven't has any complaints about LSPD but this doesn't mean no one has experienced issues with PD.
  9. I'm going based off what I have seen, I'm not sure what type of roleplay your friends partake in but for me it is always the same, although I do agree that the transparency aspect should be the thing really getting addressed, continue posting comments, I am heading off to bed but will continue this conversation tomorrow.
  10. Arguable, that could be chalked up to multiple things some people who in hood areas go to shooting ranges, and might even gain experience from past situations, or maybe you could chalk the head shots up to luck, who knows. but there is a difference in between some headshots and a whole firing squad able to curve bullets around a "human shield I have some points to make about this for one, not everyone is afraid of dying and some people fear prison more then they do death, now the part about the whole gang life in prison thing is flawed, now sure from an RP standpoint your life in prison would continue, but if we are speaking OOC how many people are gonna spend their whole jail sentence RPing? Although some people do a lot of people just play on different characters or even don't play until their sentence is over.
  11. Realistically most people rping from the Davis areas cannot afford lawyers so that is not an option. For prison time, I can say for certain there is not any "realistic prison environments" all there is are race wars and taking a couple days to make a knife. Now for your last point I can somewhat agree with, but you do kind of have to realize that PD signed up for possible CK situations, most times when someone is killed it is usually self defense or revenge, so sometimes the only option is to shoot your way out and then you are forced to CK.
  12. From a roleplay standpoint sure, they will face punishment IC for their actions, but jailtime is almost an ooc thing considering you have to wait sometimes weeks to get back IG while police will always remain free men and can still RP as they please, and with the boring jail system it is even worse, and don't get me started on 48 hour hold investigations. Now for the CK thing it goes both ways, I have seen multiple instances when someone was killed by police and had to CK so I really can't say we are on the same playing field.
  13. Not to mention PG, such as using a panic button after they die, or not rping any type of injuries during chases.
  14. That's my point although cops deal with "IC punishment" they probably will get demoted or pked and go about their day, but if we mess up we might face major jail time, and you better hope that a cop doesn't see your name after you commit a crime because they will MG it, I've seen it before.
  15. And I would be fine with that except for the fact TWO admins said that he rped it correctly before it was overturned by a different admin.
  16. I get what you are saying and I can respect your opinion but I have reported cops for horribly rped scenes that ended up not going through, for an example I reported a cop for no FearRP as he got out of his car when guns were pointed at him and he ran to shoot/call backup and at first it was labeled as valid, for that situation I had to send 13 days in prison before another admin voided the situation and agreed with me. I do think LSPD have a huge report advantage, especially compared to hood/gang rpers.
  17. Now I don't know if I am the only one who thinks this but I just want to have a discussion about it and get other peoples opinions. When it comes to some members of LSPD and their whole faction I think sometimes the way they are treated seems off, when a cop does something that is somewhat unrealistic it seems that it is always seen as "My PD character has extensive training in [INSERT SUBJECT] so that is why I can do it" and usually that is accepted. For an example I saw a report one time on LSPD where someone used a hostage as a human body shield, but everyone except for the hostage was killed, even though the criminal in the situation had him super close to his body somehow all the bullets curved, this is not something police would do in real life in my opinion because it is too risky and highly possible to kill/injure the hostage". But since all the officers had "extensive training" they have perfect aim. Another thing to mention is how fast police cars are, I was in a police chase in my Hellfire (fully maxed in upgrades) and the officer somehow completely caught up to me completely, now this is just an opinion but I wanna see what other people think.
  18. I think there definitely should be some type of different system for /breakins, I had to wait 2 hours for my request and then as soon as it was accepted cops pulled up for a different crime in the area and I was forced to leave, what I think may be weird but if it would be possible maybe there could be certain staff members purely for /breakins, then they can stay off duty and RP and then when a /breakin is made, that particular staff member would handle it (and they also would NOT handle other IG reports, just /breakins) So then for one reports get completed faster and so do /breakins, it also will take a lot of work off for admins.
  19. +1 this, on top of all other advantages PD has/will be given this should at least be implemented.
  20. Short description: I think instead of having an admin needed to do a home invasion there should be a script for it for better RP. Detailed description: So this might be a stretch but I think that a script should be added when it comes to home invasions, I understand why the system you have now was put in, but sometimes it does take a while so here is what I suggest: Add a script for breaking in the house, where based off where players stash their things you have to find different stash spots around their house so it is a challenge to find what you are looking for, one where you can choose to lockpick the house (similar to the car jacking script) or maybe kick down the door. Maybe add a time limit or something for how long you can be in the house depending on the alarm level, also maybe add a cooldown for the command to stop players from doing multiple house robberies in the span of a short time. There might be some issues with the script and all at first but I think maybe it could be something really good to add for good RP. Commands to add: The same one /breakin Items to add: None How would your suggestion improve the server?: I think this would really help people who RP doing home invasions a lot so they don't have to wait so long for an admin to come in to help them, I also think this will be good for admins as I am sure they personally don't like having to do the RP for home invasions either. Additional information:
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