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Everything posted by Selena

  1. Let's keep it respectful. IFM and FB made amends and we allow this and have done for probably the best part of a year. So let's keep it at that 🙂
  2. I understand the frustration - I share the same opinion. It's not for me to decide the restrictions on that, though I will say it has been mentioned - and recently too.
  3. Fine with me - I'm open for people to send me forum DMs with their concerns so we as a team can iron them out. I'm happy with suggestions being made. I'm likely going to post a WIP version of the rules for feedback so that everyone's been included in the decisions being implemented. So you can send me tyour concerns, comments, feedback. Whilst I can't promise FB mods will take action on everything, we're trying our absolute best.
  4. Plus to add - it's players who push to post whatever they want (i.e topless photos, short shorts, borderline-explicit content) who end up reporting others for posting whatever they want. I find it a hard limbo to get out of.
  5. It was kept this way because if we made it an IC entity you know that someone would take a step too far and attempt to lynch the IC moderators for say... deleting a comment, a post, you name it, these iC individuals will face a severe amount of backlash - additionally, that opens the door for players to be mods too. That alone will not be an IC thing, nor an OOC thing due to the amount of data FB mods get exposed to. It's kept OOC for security, trusted admins, trusted admins to not leak your information too - it's meant to be this way imo. I think its safer that way instead of opening the avenue up for players who (not all players) could potentially abuse it, log into other acounts, leak data, change passwords, change subscriptions and so forth. EDIT: Not saying that ALL players would abuse. Not saying that the intention of players joining FB mod is to abuse, it's just an example. It's more secure this way.
  6. No worries. Unfortunately, I did write up a long winded response but felt I was diverting from the original topic - what I can say is, FB Moderation is here to ensure the rules are kept in place (which reminds me, I have a new set of rules being finalised that are in fact, fleshed out and further explained) - nudity is a no go. Nervous has expressed his thoughts to myself and we've unilaterally agreed that nudes will not sit on the site. However! If Jane Smith wants to post an explicit photo, that's on Jane Smith for the backlash she may receive, the scrutiny or the love she'll get for it. As FB Moderation has progressed under my leadership from 2019 - time and time again people have aired their thoughts about being allowed to post what they want. Rules have been tweaks and demands have been met. However, the players that use it are still not happy with the rules - now being able to post (nearly) whatever you want except for outright nudes, players report one another for posting explicit photos and bitch when it doesn't get deleted. I will state that FB is not here to dictate what you're posting. There limits to what you should and shouldn't post. Outright genitalia being one, porn is another, murdering someone etc. But when you find the funky side of Facebook you will find accounts that do this and unfortunately we cannot step in as it does not breach the rules we've got. Nor does it breach the "nudity" rule. Whilst I wish we could go back to 2018-2019 FB where people were genuinely wholesome and kind to one another, I have to accept as should everyone else, that communities progress, people progress, new people join, factions join, civies join, gang members join and at some point they will clash, and they have clashed before. I'm fine with letting people use this platform for what they wish to display - but QuickDate is there for a reason. It's supposed to allow players to post what they want without the immediate reaction from FB mods. Additionally, I will mention thanks to our wonderful Development Team we've got a new feature being implemented in the coming days to attempt to tackle the NSFW content. What I will say is, it's less likely to be removed (your post that is) with this feature and it allows players to scroll past unbothered. Should they be bothered. My vision is not going to be met due to each and everyone being their own individuals so thus, the vision has to be bent to fit the playerbase. We're implementing features for all players to utilise and hopefully improve a large portion of FB as is. What I will mention is as a side note: Please stop mentionining FB Administration/Moderation/Mods etc - we're OOC entities moderating the site and we're not to be taken IC. I hope that clears some things up - finally, if there are fundamental issues with something going on, arguments taking it a step too far, OOC mixing, OOC motivation towards bullying, RPQM cases etc, you can forward them to me, you can send RPQM a report yourself, you can submit a forum report on whomever. There are avenues, but with roughly 10,000 active users on this site, it's unrealistic to expect a couple of Mods (voluntary) to handle the influx of reports coming in.
  7. What are you looking to get out of this thread? Genuinely asking. Are you looking for some sort of clarification from admins sides to what's going on with FB? Etc. Let me know, thank you!
  8. [18/AUG/2022] Added: Post deletions by Admins/Mods are now logged - Photos - Comments - Posts - Albums Fixed: Players will now receive notifications when content published by them has been deleted and will display the handling admin
  9. [18/AUG/2022] Fixed: Verification ticks upon purchasing pro packages (Star, Hot, Ultima, VIP) Fixed: Modifying your account no longer throws an error Fixed: Report counter on the MCP no longer displays a random integer and displays the actual report count Added: Restricted the Mod access on editing user's wallets Added: A search feature for Moderators and Admins to search for a user via GTAW UID Added: Other page admins are now able to boost Best regards, Selena & Dama
  10. [12/AUG/2022] Added: World Cup Penalty
  11. learn to keep your sexist opinions to yourself, bozo
  12. [07/AUG/2022] Added: Flappy Panda Added: Angry Birds Added: Fruit Ninja Added: Bomberman Added: MarioKart Added: PacMan Added: Tomb Raider Added: Cargo Truck
  13. All the updates that were made to Facebrowser. [06/AUG/2022] Added: Gender specification on profile picture/cover photo changes. Added: Notification notice on post removals by moderators Added: Other page admins can edit and delete comments and replies Added: Series of mini-games where you can entertain yourself in boredom Added: Ability to quit group chats using the Delete button Updated: Events can be created by anyone without PRO Updated: Automatic group additions are replaced with group invitations Updated: Page order by creation date ascendingly [newer->older] in Discover Pages Updated: Page categories with more added in the lists Updated: Login and register pages to match website's theme Fixed: Deletion of a boosted page or page never returned the used boost Fixed: Number of report count on the ModCP Fixed: Missing 'Unboost' button Best regards, Selena & Dama
  14. Lets keep this on topic please, thanx!
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