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About Wildcat

  • Birthday 05/06/1999

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  • Character Name
    Sheriff Joseph Cline
  • Faction
    Los Santos County Sheriff's Department

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  1. My brother I am being very kind when I say you don't have the first clue what you are talking about. Your invective against the faction is clear and I'm sorry it hurts you that much. Not everyone is corrupt, the faction simply allows people to roleplay flawed characters rather than a protectron-9000 making arrests and cutting tickets.
  2. ye bro look at all this vast countryside those fuckin cowboys need to stick to the prairie fields bro ..
  3. Either way, I think the fact that day time is in such a low population timespan is a concern. This game is beautiful during the day time and American / Australian / Oceanic players are more or less condemned to the twilight zone. I want more day time, damnit.
  4. To be honest, I think changing the time cycle to 18 hours day / 6 hours night would be best. I can't imagine an NA-only server working, as we work best with most of the rest of the English-speaking world, but I do feel we get shafted with not being able to play in any day light. The night time gets boring and stale, especially when this game looks so beautiful in the day light.
  5. Jurisdictions are not happening. On previous servers, that was the biggest divider between factions. It would lead to a complete break-down of relations over the most minute things. One of the best things GTA:W got right was saying anyone can do anything anywhere they like.
  6. Can you elaborate...? If there are any "senior members in positions of power" performing "OOC sexual misconduct", please DM me immediately so they can be removed / forwarded to Management to be removed from the community.
  7. Hi, It would not be our responsibility to do so, but if the opportunity for a separate faction that could better cater to a custody / correctional environment arose we would support it fully.
  8. We are taking corrective steps. We have an anonymous survey open to the faction for an extended period of time to allow people to think and give their honest feedback. As for OOC favoritism, I'm not sure I can agree with that one. To combat this perception, we are doubling down on and enforcing activity requirements for SS/CS/ES. People who do not meet activity requirements will be reduced in rank, regardless of who they are.
  9. @Paddy would be very interested in hearing you out about Dispatchers.
  10. If there is sufficient interest in the subway from a civilian/illegal standpoint and sufficient interest in the subway from a faction standpoint, it is entirely possible.
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