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It's all in your head.


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My cope is that we're a proto-cyberpunk dystopia and mallrats and DM gangs fit that aesthetic too well to RP otherwise.


Everything is IC if you just accept the "elite" lives off of ERPing and cancelling each other on socials (OOCly) and that gangs just have a powerful crime intranet (Discord dealing).

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23 minutes ago, Koko said:

My cope is that we're a proto-cyberpunk dystopia and mallrats and DM gangs fit that aesthetic too well to RP otherwise.


Everything is IC if you just accept the "elite" lives off of ERPing and cancelling each other on socials (OOCly) and that gangs just have a powerful crime intranet (Discord dealing).

Honestly there been attempts to rp hackers even soviet spy families....

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  • 4 weeks later...

nobody walks around or just hangs out anymore because criminal rpers just see you as a walking lick no matter where you are in the city so its literally against your better judgement to just walk places or chill out randomly because there's too many people on the server that dont want to rp and just want to farm you


literally cant stand somewhere for more than 5 minutes without some car with 4 people in it cruising by then suddenly showing back up again and a bunch of skinheads or 13 y/os jumping out with guns saying hands up mallrat/dyke/lesbian and doing /b dont stall 2 seconds after unless theres nobody online then you get anywhere from like 10-40 minutes depending where you're at


it happens every time. my way of rping out and about is literally just driving around with ic friends and bsing in the car and stopping at businesses here n there if RP's going on (when im active anyway) or hanging out in crowds where possible though thats rare without going to a club. there isnt a lot of realism allowed to exist as a result of this. too many people just want to provoke a fight or rob you instead of just interact with you in passing and leave you be. i cant tell you how many times (and i know 90% of legal and even some illegal rpers know this group cause its always there somewhere) that i've seen a group of like 2-4 dudes in fucked up textures cause their gang modpack just roll up to an area with RP, not RP a single thing and just walk around mindlessly until someone says something only to then immediately try and provoke conflict to try and dm/fight. everyone preaches just report them but the reality is that most admins wont do anything about it except tell you "avoid them" or void the situation so nobody really wants to bother reporting them. 



im jaded i know



also to attack the legal rpers too, majority of them/us are dull with no real personality or willingness to do things outside of club or sit inside waiting for ERP to happen or struggle with socializing to the point that they physically have no idea what to do or say and dont understand in any way the concept of yes, and... so even interacting with them is just boring replies and cat memes a lot of the time regardless of character gender or role or persona or player. its a whole lot of stand around at the club not really doing anything until the 1 person that actually has at least some idea of what to do kickstarts some tomfoolery and makes everyone join in on it, whether it be the one random goofy dude that types 30 /me's in 5 seconds and has everyone laughing their asses off and actually coming out of their shells or that group of friends coordinating the same anim in a line so they can group dance with sync.




but to answer the question, ls icly would be populated with millions, viewing it in a different way such as a small town or like gotham isnt a good idea. its a big city, treat it like one. dont say x or y because you dont see anyone and dont harp on artificial emptiness. treat it as a boring day that not much happened. the minute you start treating it like some small town your RP will naturally reflect that and you'll start RPing as if you're somewhere else. thats why you get county people rping racist hillbillies screaming about city folk saying howdy and feller like its rdr2 and acting like thats what should be there when logically they should just be addicts and random land owners or people fresh out of jail just trying to get back on their feet again. not too much different than in the city. go to businesses that open, make friends, get numbers, contact them frequently, hang out. shit happen naturally when you network, and not enough people network. any time myself and friends are active our rp's only dead when we dont do anything. 2-3 calls and you can have 10-30 people show up and do dumb shit for an hour or two of fun. its not that hard if you can actually socialize (assuming you want to)


im a yapaholic but thats my 2 cents on the topic i could rant about this shit for hours lmao

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