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About Engelbert

  • Birthday February 9

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  1. It is a military installation, why would you want to be there? It serves as training grounds for LEOs due to lack of proper space and ofc training grounds are rarely put in the city.
  2. I am not saying you shouldn't get upset, the point is shooting someone over public disturbance call for example, because they "snitched." But let's not go down this path. I personally never dial 911 unless it's for ambo, cause it's pointless.
  3. By that logic I can blast you off just for wearing a mask, cause that's 100% give away about the character ready to commit a crime. Especially when said character comes close to mine suddenly. That's what the server is about? Good give us a national guard faction then or allow corporations to police themselves.
  4. GTA RP literally stands on OpenPVP approach, which means the more complex PK system is there, the more work for admins and players is there too. Right now as it stands PK is the new life rule and CK is waved around usuallty with admin approval or as a Fear RP rule break. The current PK system stands on a simple premise. A character suffers memory loss about the events the led to their death. Nothing else. The situation revolving around Bob and Lisa can only result in a CK story-wise. Which needs an application and a valid reason for it. You can apply for it, usually IF your characters have criminal background, because unless it is a self-defence, a standard civilian character wouldn't even think about getting their hands bloody and potentially landing a life sentence charge. This system isn't broken, nor it needs to be updated.
  5. So I should just level up before starting a thief rp?
  6. This whole process is illogical tbh. People keep waving realism around only when it is convenient for them. Irl I don't need to smelt car parts for a lockpick, for simple locks I just bend a small piece of flexible metal to create a small hook and that's it. Irl I just break a car's window and reach inside.
  7. Whoa interesting reading on 6 pages. But let's debunk this step by step. First of all KyBallin IS well known throughout the server. There is this IC section on forums called internet you know. None of my characters are fans of hip hop, yet Kyballin is simply everywhere. But the real issue here has been mentioned quite several times and sadly there's only one way to work around it. Low population = low exposure = low income. Given majority of server is EDM oriented, the only viable solution here is LFM scheme, which was discontinued at some point, but basically sit down with LFM/PM to draft new revenue generator based on new conditions of activity etc etc etc. This is the only way to combat low server population.
  8. Well I never roleplayed with Davis High, so I can't say much about it. However instead of moving it out of Davis area, how about trying a different approach? Opening a new school for testing purposes, a school not intended for low income families, to see if we can also portray teens, that aren't necessarily gonna end up in a gang. This project can be event oriented for starters. I always rped Los Santos not having only one high school. For instance my (M) character goes to Vespucci High.
  9. Well since I don't rp being robbed or having a car stolen. I don't mind really. +1
  10. Honestly, it's simple. Drive normally, like you would irl and there'll be less accidents to worry about.
  11. Exactly, people think they are entitled for this or that. They are forgetting, that this is a private server, not policed by any game developer studio or production company. Harsh as it may be, private roleplaying servers always been policed more, than say official ones. But it is all for a common goal, that should be common to everyone. A nice and polite community where people can relax after a hectic day in real life. Where people like and engage in stories. And in order to achieve that, honestly people who like to disrupt the roleplay, sadly need to be schooled or they need to go. Like it or not.
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