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Fix fuel economy

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Fix fuel economy, because this is silly now.


That's the fuel consumption of a semi truck not a regular vehicle. 30 mile radius LOL, it should have a 350-400 mile radius. All the cars are like this now, I don't like it.


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How will it benefit the server?


Edited by Late
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Honestly just revert the fuel update. The update was clearly rushed because all the devs did was raised the consumption of fuel across the board without accounting for each individual vehicle's fuel capacity, consumption and such. And now the result is that we have a ton of vehicles where, the fuel consumption is realistic, but a ton of other vehicles that it just flat out doesn't make any sense.

Edited by ScarletRose
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Well, 30 miles as described here is not with a full tank. Your real radius is 79 as seen above, you're driving with 16L in a 30L tank. I think the update is good considering how long you could previously go without ever refuelling, days at a time. -1 from me

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11 hours ago, Late said:

it should have a 350-400 mile radius

It shouldn't have a 350-400 mile radius on a single tank because that doesn't take into account that cars in GTAW travel far less than real vehicles. Maybe a factor of 50-400 compared to real life. Your vehicle has a range of ~80 miles, which would translate to 4000 miles on a single tank compared to a real vehicle, if we're being generous. If we're being less generous, that's 32000 miles per tank. Not exactly realistic. I think 80-100 miles on a single tank is just fine.

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