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Everything posted by Ley

  1. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    I make one suggestion in a full year of being here and I'm trying to "change everything." Tell me you're arrogant and make wild assumptions without telling me.
  2. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    "If you don't like how things are here, leave." Okay conservative mindset #3000, relax. And honestly, I wish there was an equal competitor. This community is toxic way more often than it isn't.
  3. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    I do want to roleplay, but I also want to sometimes get on and prep how my character looks for future scenes without being pulled into roleplay by circumstances I have no control over. My god, the narrow-mindedness in this comment section is astonishing.
  4. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    "Serious RP server." Meanwhile Davis DMers run rampant lol. Let's not throw out I-wish-we-were labels.
  5. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    "It doesn't happen to me so it must not happen to anyone." Yikes!
  6. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    1. "This is a... RP server... should be... a serious RP server..." I get interacted with constantly at clothing stores by male roleplayers trying to flirt. I wouldn't have even suggested this if that wasn't the case. I shouldn't have to spend time driving to Paleto Bay to be left alone. It's also not unrealistic. The characters have lives outside of what you see in-game, if you really want to tote the realism angle. They could handle errands off screen without much of an issue. You can still have serious roleplay without having the customization options subject to it. Your unfounded elitist mentality is showing. 2. People already fuck around with each other OOC all the time. Do you guys even spend time on this server? Lol. I honestly think an allocated place for that would make people who are on the actual map take it more seriously. Anyone spending a huge amount of time in a designated OOC Lounge wouldn't really be here to roleplay regardless, so why do you care? Also, spend time around any illegal roleplay in any sense of the word for any extended time and you'll see people rolling around, aiming guns, and mc'ing a lot more than you'd expect. Frankly, a lot of roleplayers suck at idle time roleplay and don't know how to write their characters. If you feel like fucking around OOC, this would give you a place for it.
  7. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    What are all these supposed problems...? It's not that big of a deal, sure, but it gets annoying after a while when I just want to pick out some outfits and people blow up a character's phone or try to have a full on dialogue session while you're trying to focus on that.
  8. Ley

    OOC Lounge - Spawn

    On top of all the places your character can usually spawn as it pertains to their homes, businesses, and the airport, I think an OOC Lounge option would be nice too. This would be a closed worldspace that contains the necessities for editing your character: a clothing store, a hair stylist, a tattoo shop, and a plastic surgeon. I think it'd be a clean way to edit your character without the potential of being bothered by people trying to roleplay with you in one of these places on the actual map. I think it'd also be neat to show as offline and disable all phones tied to that character while in the OOC Lounge worldspace. If people like this idea and it's actually implemented, I think in the future the stock car companies where vehicles are bought could be placed here too. That's more of a luxury. Once all of these locations are accounted for in the OOC Lounge, this would allow for a decluttering of the map and less of a need for as many no-crime zones as there currently are.
  9. How am I not calm...? I asked a simple question. And who determines what is "wrong"? That's the fundamental fallacy. It's teamwork, and if characters in leadership positions have others pitted against them, they can file CK applications like the rest of the server.
  10. As a counter to the rigid tradition permeating through the illegal world, The Windfall Connection’s hope is to set aside differences and focus on the one thing that is diluted by held prejudices: making money. Men and women of all races and backgrounds are accepted here, as long as they embody the lifestyle. Due to the founders being based out of New Chinatown, Mission Row, the Connection takes on Chinese paraphernalia. It is not a gang, nor is it wholly or majorly criminal. There is a balance between the legal and illegal, creating a mutual partnership. Business owners work hand-in-hand with those more steeped in the illegal world, letting them run themselves as siloed, autonomous groups. The business owners cover illegal expenses and fund criminal projects for these groups, and in turn, these groups dedicate their ruthless individuals to protecting the business sites that they are allowed to base their operations out of. Windfall Wealth (偏财) is an unexpected form of income. It’s a fitting way to describe those who take advantage of the system. This, along with the connected nature of the legal and illegal campaigns, is how the Connection finds its name. Chinese artists have long used five bats to represent the five blessings: health, long life, prosperity, love of virtue, and a tranquil, natural death. The bats often are bright red—the color of joy—but the Windfall does not find solace in embodying happiness. Our mark is instead a jet black. The Chinese word for black is "hei," which stands for bad luck, irregularity, and illegality. We take on the very last interpretation of the word, reminding ourselves of how we're viewed by the world at large. The five bats encircle a stylized caligraph known as the prosperity symbol. Among the Five Gods of Wealth within Chinese mythology, Zhong Kui stands as the Windfall God of Wealth, and as such, he is idolized by The Windfall Connection. He is a vanquisher of ghosts and a fighter of demons, but to fight is not always to kill. The practice of The Windfall Connection is to unify groups that would otherwise be without structure and without home, and so we look to the painting of Zhong Kui where the demon bows to him, for he realizes his life and his prosperity is greater when working alongside Zhong Kui. Zhong Kui is oft affiliated with the Five Bats of Prosperity, and this too is why the mark of The Windfall Connection was chosen. While steeped in Chinese mythology and ancestral knowledge, The Windfall Connection is modernized and corporate-esque in architecture and hierarchy. Leaders of the autonomous groups sit beside the heads of business, not beneath them, creating an unnamed council of proven men and women that seek to maintain their lifestyles and build the community that cultivated their own ascension. Discourse and cooperation are the glue, and anyone who chooses to neglect these basic principles will be replaced by the greater whole. Fly with us, or be cut down and replaced by another with larger, healthier wings. Founded on Chinese teachings within New Chinatown, Mission Row in Los Santos, San Andreas, The Windfall Connection will always prioritize those in need within the the community. To join us and to embody our ideology is to set upon the goal of uplifting one's self to a new lifestyle, but that does not mean only those born of Chinese blood, or Asian blood, are accepted. Diligence, intellect, skill, and amiability will take you far. NOTE: These ranks will not be used, or referenced, IC. They are simply meant to represent OOC development and how the characters in game organize their work and advancement up to the council. Intrigued 好奇 — Curious about The Windfall Connection, but have yet to be involved or have yet to involve themselves in the lifestyle. They've had discussions about unsavory work but have yet to run with something to completion. Vetted 审查 — Have expanded upon their curiosity and have been given minor tasks or busy work by a Connected, Winged, or Champion. They are still in the process of being tested, to see how they carry themselves and how successful they can be when provided minimal information or direction. Associated 联系 — Have stood out among their Vetted peers by proving their ability to take initiative and carry out their minor tasks without any setbacks tied to their own shortcomings. They are not yet Connected, but are privileged with a higher level of trust, and thus are given more meaningful, lucrative, and dangerous work. Connected 连接的 — Having proven themselves and carried out Associate level work to the satisfaction of those on the council, they have been uplifted and now officially belong to the Connection. They answer directly to a Winged or Champion; work is delegated down through them to the Associated and Vetted. They are the utmost trusted of the Windfall outside the council and are given work that requires a delicate hand, a thoughtful mind, and a keen eye. Winged 有翼的 — Finding your wings is no easy endeavor, for it is a test of skill, loyalty, resolve, and leadership. They have proven time and time again that not only can they drive their own success in the illegal realm, but the success of others beneath them, securing themselves a seat on the council. They often lead their own criminal groups, or are the next in line to lead a group once numbers permit. To be named a Winged is no mistake, but once someone grows their wings, they are expected to keep them in flight. Should they falter and refuse to let another find their wings, others among the council will make that decision for them. Champion 状元 — Bearing the original Zhuangyuan title of Zhong Kui, Champions are beacons of capital and governors of legal affairs among the Windfall, having earned their place on the council. They are self-sufficient, funding the projects and schemes of the Winged, and in turn, are provided protection and able hands from the Winged and their subordinates. This isn't to say that they never dabble in the illegal side of the coin, but their movements are cautious and obscured. Should a Champion's wealth wane, it is a show of their ineptitude and inability to contribute to the Windfall and the community as a whole. In this scenario, if they do not willingly step down, the council is entrusted to make that decision for them. Illegal activity we are attempting to portray and cultivate are crimes typically expected of, but not limited to, Asian Organized Crime. These include the production and sales of narcotics, car theft, automobile exportation, chop shop operations, crimes involving electronics, money laundering, illegal gambling, lottery scams, skimming, and possibly prostitution. The Windfall Connection does commit violent crimes such as robbery and murder, but on a much more seldom basis as to keep the organization's true nature under wraps. Since we are attempting to portray a secret society in West Coast America in the 2020s, a lot of violent crime will be well thought out and properly weighted for its worth. Asian Organized Crime Groups focus on generating money undisturbed. Violent crime, especially in a city like Los Santos, will garner unwarranted attention, even more so with the various other Asian groups in the city. Law Enforcement has proven they'll use a broad stroke to crackdown on all Asian criminals in Los Santos and the disruption of other groups' cash flow is something the Connection wants to avoid at all costs. The Windfall Connection is meant to be a story heavy group that focuses on characterization, human behavior, and emotional development. Your writing in game should reflect your character as a human being, first and foremost, who happens to be a criminal or head of business. The opposite circumstance should not be practiced — a criminal or business owner whose characterization comes second. If your primary focus is shooting or robotically working deals while barely interacting with the group IC, this is not the group for you. There should always be a balance and our roleplayers should try their best to give their character realistic depth. Those who belong to this group should try their very best to separate OOC and IC interactions. Narrative drives all, and as a show of good faith, I am personally embodying this ideal by making it clear up front that OOC management of the group is a responsibility kept completely separate from IC dealings. If my own character falls from grace through roleplay, I will not allow OOC privileges to provide me an unfair advantage. I will still help with upkeep for the group, or hand off the responsibilities to someone I know will handle them properly. I value story above all else and when it is skewed by OOC scenarios, the enjoyment of the entire experience is diluted. I want to try and avoid that at all costs, and I hope everyone who is interested in this group joins me in trying to uphold that ideal. If this group ever becomes an official faction, CK rights will not be carried out like other factions. Winged 有翼的 will have full autonomy to acquire CK rights for those that belong to their particular group / cell. However, no CK rights will be held across groups and no Champion 状元 or Winged 有翼的 will hold CK rights over another. This enforces the council mentality and breeds trust and respect among our members from the very start. Lastly, we personally do not tolerate any kind of disrespect, bullying, or toxicity to any of our members. We want this to be a friendly, open-minded community that focuses on writing and having fun. We do not care where you stand IC; if your OOC behavior is appalling, you will be removed from this community and the council will decide on a way to move the narrative forward without you in the most realistic and seamless way possible.
  11. Asking price has been adjusted due to a misunderstanding / misreading of the city's regulations ((PM rules)). Feel free to adjust your offers. @Resick @SimonX6 @Brizzyx2 @Hendrixx20
  12. The Cloud Coffee Cafe business in Paleto Bay is being sold! Please let me know if you have any questions or require any further information. Asking Price: $259,000 Contact Number: 625-502-82 ((If business concept would like to be kept intact, Discord and menu can be handed over! The "Leased by" part in the in-game stats screenshot is a typo. Admin Adv confirmed this via a /helpme.))
  13. That idea at the end there seems like a good one! It makes things fair, it's not a huge takeaway from the coveted realism, and it makes sense with how crime heavy LS is for them to mandate partners for safety. I just think it has to work differently. Voice chatting LEOs have such an advantage on reaction time and coordination. It goes against everything they try to preach.
  14. I don't think it really matters. The criminal could communicate with friends via a phone call and better evade the police, but they aren't allowed to do that either, so why are LEO? If the criminals are too busy to engage, then the LEO should be too, unless they're efficient enough typing to pull it off. Focus on pursuing the target instead of communicating and the criminal won't get away.
  15. If you're going to enforce a no voice chat policy for illegal roleplayers, enforce it for LEO roleplayers as well. Them being allowed to utilize it for pursuits because "pursuits are difficult and impossible without it" is nepotism. It's a game set in a fictional city. It's okay if some criminals get away because everyone is using text chat. LEO respawn anyway if they die with all their equipment. You cannot preach that you weed out play-to-win mentality when this environment and culture is perpetuated.
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