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Everything posted by DollaBillz

  1. Fireee, keep it going brother!!
  2. less see those fire screens
  3. "Don't be afraid to steal, just steal the right stuff" We live in a world where everyone is chasing money, where everyone wants more and more, being willing to do anything for them. But still, how do they come to satisfy their desires? Well, it's a whole process, from an early age they are taught that they have to survive, to place themselves in the first place in the food chain, most of them only understood the basic idea that they have to survive, the poor areas have faced and still faces this problem every day. Most end up stealing, not once, but countless times. What do you do when survival is no longer the problem, just the burning desire to steal someone's belongings? Well, this is called kleptomania and Levi Matamoros is in the same situation. Levi is 15 years old and lives in the notorious neighborhood, Rancho. He leads a normal life in a circle of teenagers who share the same fate as everyone else does from that area, lack of money. Many would say he's a normal teenager given the context, right? Correct, this is until Levi's urge to take possession of an object owned by someone else is triggered, he becomes almost unrecognizable, almost forgets his name when confronted with the exhortation. The first time this inability manifested itself, he was 13 years old, walking quietly on the street at a late hour, listening to music. A little further ahead was a woman heading in the same direction as him, with a purse in her hand. Levi sees the woman's purse and begins to get closer and closer to her, and when the woman saw him, she stopped thinking and stole her purse. Fortunately, the boy was not caught by the authorities, only what he did not know at the time was that these were the first symptoms of kleptomania. Until now, Levi has often had to deal with the police, for the same felon, theft. Statement on the goods theft - 13/May/2020
  4. The character died before I could catch up with the screens, straight to the archive I guess.
  5. When the lights go off You may wonder, why did he do that? Then let's take a look in the past. During his childhood, the boy witnessed the daily quarrels between his parents, who always had the same subject, lack of money. His father, Rafael, used to drink alcohol, which made him violent with other family members. At that time, Samuel tought that if he gives enough money to her mother, the nightmare would end. As a result, the teenager got involved in drug trafficking, spending most of his time in the club's parking lot trying to sell drugs. After two weeks of selling narcotics, the kid received his cut, one hundred and fourty bucks. Samuel was proud of him, thinking that he is going to protect his mother and he went straight to his home to hand the money to her. When the kid flashed the wad of twenty dollars to her mother, she asked him the long awaited question "How did you get that money?". In that night, a whole argument took place, that ended with the heartbreaking words "pack your things and get out of the house". After that rough day, Sam stepped in a new chapter of his life, "My own path"
  6. Danger would be proud
  7. The faction been fire, my respect for what you built. Take care of you. @sage
  8. Username: ZeroDollars Donation: $0.01 Comment: How long will the cock be? Asking for your mother.
  9. Username: ZeroDollarsDonation: $2 (PayPal Payment Cancelled)Comment: Yes, it dog town, not fag town. Dollars rullz.
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