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Everything posted by Zoinks

  1. Can't wait for this
  2. Exploring the middle east promods expansion.
  3. INTRODUCING ONLINE PURCHASING: https://forms.gle/S2Cpn89cycmNbbQP7 You can now request any jewellery on the Zoloto website (https://officialzoloto.wixsite.com/website) for online purchase via our online portal linked above. You may request jewellery in it's luxurious manufactured state or request custom changes to a piece, from engravings to a preferred gemstone; make the perfect gift for a loved one or own an adornment unique to you. To contact us directly, don't hesitate to call 44009900 for a quote or general questions.
  4. I'd love to get involved in this. Not only as someone who used to RP med for a bit, and would like to help out those that still endure it, but also as someone who often has too many character ideas to realistically uphold on a long term basis. Oftentimes the idea being something more in line with an NPC than a main character arc. I'd really enjoy getting to RP these snippet chars with no long-term goal bar being something interesting to interact with for that one-off moment. Great idea. +1 My only additional thought is perhaps there could be a system in place for the volunteers where by if they liked the character they used in the volunteer situation, there is some kindof process to turn them into one of your regular char slots.
  5. I'm on the fence with this, i'll start with why I agree with the current setup. Having unofficial facs/groups behind an application stops there from being an oversaturation of a concept, it stops DM groups spawning, causing trouble, closing, then the same DM group joining in a slightly different territory, and repeat. It keeps RP quality under check and I think that's important. However, I have a few gripes with it, in general and from own experiences. - One being that you can't fully dictate a group's RP quality from an application. A DM group could bullshit their way into an approval. Sure, they might get shut down in a couple of months, but regardless, for those few months they take up space that another group could take. I don't think this stops DM groups from spawning in, just delays it. - Allowing people to put up a group thread with no paperwork attached then later on applying for official and server benefits gives more of an idea of a group's RP quality because you see it. You see it in the game, you see it in threads and SS, and making the decision of making them official or not has more evidence to back it up rather than a one page application. - Let's be real, it doesn't actually prevent oversaturation of a concept. There's still MCs everywhere. County is nothing but woods. There's nothing inherently wrong with these concepts and they're much needed, but it seems like some concepts get a free-for-all while others you need to be friends with an admin to get a chance to show why it'd be good for the server. Myself with a group of friends tried to apply for an unofficial mexican faction in Harmony (not nortenos, more so a rural mexican community with some illegal activity in there) and we were denied on the premise that "our characters could join one of the other county factions." When we messaged for further information on what made them settle on that decision and how they think a 45 year old Mexican man would fit into county peckerwood groups or MCs, we were blatantly ignored by several IFM members. Resulting in the shut down of what could have been another dynamic of County for people to get involved in with illegal immigrants, coyotes, etc. I think this is a much needed part of county since the areas that sandy/harmony/grapeseed are based off of IRL are 40-50% latino population, and had we been given the chance to show it's place in the county region, I think it would have been a great alternative for people who want to RP in county but don't want to RP white or wood or biker. I think IFM needs to micromanage less, let people make groups without an application with a 1 month probation or something, and then if that group ends up stirring up problems, or is an unrealistic concept, they can act after the fact, not prior. The application does nothing, really, bar unnecessarily limiting things and DMers will reveal themselves regardless.
  6. Yeah man, North Germany -> Ruse on the Bulgarian border. Did a long run to test out this free head tracking software I found. Opentrack + aitrack + a webcam, I recommend looking into it if you drive with a steering wheel and find looking around with the mouse a hassle. Here's some SS I got in Romania towards the end.
  7. This post actually kicked my ass into gear and finally updated my promods to work with the latest version. Some SS of my latest ventures Still driving this route as we speak (26 hours!) so may edit this later with more pics
  8. Cinema RP itself might not be the most busy business but the venue provides for more Film Production RP which, in a city that has Vinewood... should be more of an employer in the region than it is. So I would love to see more cinemas again after Doppler stopped. Back when I made a film ICly it was great to do the behind-the-scenes deals of a premiere with a cinema owner. It gave us something to strive for as without a venue to showcase you can't realistically RP being part of one of the world's biggest movie industries. I can understand why no one would want to own it if not many people come, but in my experiences it has been popular if done right (our film premiere for a 12 minute movie followed by cast Q&A had an attendance of about 30 people) and I really think it's needed for that innate part of LS(LA) culture.
  9. At the end of the day, masks or no masks, the people who are going to DM, poorly portray the character, and break already existing rules will continue to do so. Someone wearing a shiesty or not is, imo, a petty thing to care about in the grand scheme of all things that are wrong on the server. I don't think this should be high on IFM's priority list. I understand that there is a level of immersion break there because of east coast versus west coast culture, but if you really compare the current state of Los Santos with it's irl counterpart, there are ALOT of cultural differences displayed that are just ignored under suspension of disbelief. - LS is a dangerous city to live in, yet many people's origin story starts with "they had a dangerous/poor life in X, so they made the move to LS..." Everyone just accepts this as if there was an NPC population, the crime and danger wouldn't be as bad as it is. - A can of cola costs $60 in LS. Probably don't need to explain that one. - LA irl is one of the most tolerant cities in America in regards to diversity etc. but most characters I've encountered are intolerant to different races, sexualities, etc. After roleplaying on a red dead text server for a bit I genuinely found GTAW characters to be more racist than ones in 19th century lol. - Majority of civilians having a gun and having no hesitations or even remorse in using it if it means protecting their $1400 cash and virtual Iphone. If I go on further it will derail the topic but these are all things that we just kind of accept in our OOC knowledge of this being a game and these are the consequences of that. And I say this as someone who, if I saw someone with a shiesty mask IC, i'd go the other way, and I don't particularly agree with it 24/7. That being said, I don't think this is harming the RP of others as much as some other pressing issues. Putting a rule on only wearing masks for crime will just make it so the previously mentioned civilians will open fire as soon as they see an approaching masked individual because they MG that they're about to get robbed. If something is to be done about it, it should be kept entirely IC. It's not difficult to create some suspension of disbelief regarding this that perhaps these characters have seen the trend of wearing a shiesty mask on the internet and have started doing the same to impress their mates or something. Whatever happens as consequence to that is an IC consequence.
  10. Nice screenshots man, I love this game. Have you ever tried the mod "Promods"? It adds extra countries, cities, roads and revamps some existing stuff too. I struggle to play without it. Only reason Im taking a break from the game rn is because I need to update my mods and cant be arsed haha
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