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Everything posted by petrosxo

  1. 1804 Forum Drive Room 2 Rent price is negotiable. Contact info: Name: Payton Coleman Email adresss: [email protected] ((forum pm)) Phone number: 373-95091 Please make sure to include your full name when contacting.
  2. Can't see why this isn't in the game yet. 100% Agree.
  3. I think this suggestion isn't getting the attention it should. This would be a really useful feature, it's a pain in the ass to change the stash info in a property right now. 100% supporting this.
  4. Davistan 😭 The illegal RP community would 1000% complain if an update like this happened (or if healthcare stopped being free). But in the end I believe that by having more serious consequences to getting shot, less people will fail to RP and will actually value their characters wellbeing way more.
  5. I'd say fairly so. I believe having some RPG elements, as you call them, in the server is really good for it. After all it's a game, if we let EVERYTHING up to rp, it's pure chaos. +An injury system is way less "RPG-Like" than some systems that are already in game (like the trucking system you mentioned). I'd argue that it's more of a realistic detail rather than an "RPG mechanic"
  6. That's a bad admin decision, that doesn't mean that scripts are a bad thing.
  7. Because RP and game mechanics are equally important in a lot of situations. If IRL taking stimulants usually make you faster/stronger the same should exist as a mechanic ig. Because when you get in a fight with a random person while you're high on coke, you won't /b "hey, my character is actually high on cocain right now, so let me punch you a few times before we start fighting, since I'd realistically be stronger". Same thing goes fro when you're injured, if you're injured and you go in a fight, you shouldn't have to type /b "hey, I'm RPing being injured so hit me a few times before we start, so you can have a realistic advantage." Also in a competitive RP enviroument (such as gang rp), if you RP being injured you literally get stepped on, that's why people avoid it. If there's a system making you RP it, less people will fail to RP an injury since there's the system there.
  8. And why is that bad exactly?
  9. Since when is a buff or a debuff in health/strenght/pace an "RPG mechanic"? Aren't drugs doing the same thing right now in the server?
  10. Really interesting perspective, can you explain this logic a bit more? How is making powergaming a bit harder through script making things worse?
  11. As I've said, the "recovery time" wouldn't be realistic. It would be 3-24 hours and the debuffs would go as far as not being able to sprint or hold a ton of items in your inventory. I'm sorry, I don't really understand what you're saying here 😕 -"Any script of medical RP will be absolutely terrible", so... no script at all? Scripts are ment to enhance roleplay, and they do. Having the right scripts is really important, and we already have some scripts for medical rp. So, again, I don't see what you're trying to say here. -"Factions exist and function perfectly fine within medical area.", So you're saying that there's literally nothing to improve in Medical RP? +It's not always about factions, there are other parties involved in Medical RP such as businesses, which currently barely exist because of the current nature of Medical RP in the server. -"Furthermore, when you quote realism.. people storm into our hospital, run up to the nearest person and scream in their face or threaten them, to treat their buddy. All doing this mind you, when staff are already juggling two people." what does that have to do with anything? How would you improve Medical RP? Do you have any suggestions that could improve it?
  12. It's not necessary, I'd say just a good addition. Makes it more realistic and allows pharmacies to make profit. Also, I'd say that prescribed drugs shouldn't be created items, they should be added as actual drugs, that can cause addiction (depending on the substance).
  13. Having prescription medicine be an actual thing isn't like this though. You are prescribed something, you go buy the medicine, you take it once or twice and that's it. The system shouldn't be realistic because then it'd just be annoying. For example you get injured, you go to the hospital, you get treated and somehow you need to take some medicine (either because there's a debuff if you don't for the time you're recovering such as not being able to sprint for more than 10 seconds or for another reason), the doctor prescribes, you go to a pharmacy, you buy the medicine, you take it once or twice and you're done. It isn't really that time consuming and it doesn't give an advantage to people that play more. For that to work though the pharmacies would have to work as 24/7, liquor or tobacco stores (a player can buy stuff if there isn't one open atm), which is again possible. I agree, it's really important to find a balance. I think people didn't understand what I was trying to say when I was talking about the "recovery phase". I'm 100% not saying that the player should be forced to sit on a bed and recover. What I proposed is that the player suffers from some minor debuffs that can easily go away faster by taking medicine, and even if the player chooses not to get medicine the effects go away after a couple of hours. Game remains fun, since there's no big impact on the patient, draws more attention to Medical RP (lots of people completely ignore that part of RP), makes the game more fun for doctors/hospital personnel, opens up a new form of business (pharmacies/private clinics etc.), and creates a lot of new RP (people lying to get prescribed drugs to sell, corrupt pharmacies, injury rp etc.) Lastly I believe it's wrong to think about people that say "I'm going to afk while u RP with me because I don't like this RP" when we're discussing about making the server better. This is not the targeted audience of the server and I don't believe their stance should hold back the server from developing. Aren't the "drugs" perscribed created items? It'd be more realistic and way better if those drugs were availalbe in pharmacies.
  14. I agree. Although rent would go up, this would prevent people from holding a house for too long. But in order to properly tax the rich players that hold off property and not the poor players barely being able to afford a house, I think the % should go up, depending on the price of the property or the total assets of the player. For example a property that costs 35k market price, the weekly tax should be around 5k (14,2%), while on a property that costs 120k, the tax should be around 25k (20%).
  15. I'd love to hear your opinions about prescription drugs. Is there a way to impliment a prescription drug script, that makes medicine important and necessery (at least more important than a simple item, like the ones created in a business) without making Medical RP worse for the players involved? @Shaderz @Triple Seven @Koko
  16. I don't understand what you're saying here. I'm assuming that it's an opening for your following arguement. When I'm thinking of a change in the system, I'm always thinking of my stance as a player. I'd personally get involved with Medical RP if it was more realistically developted and I think lots of people would. Limited personnel is an issue because Medical RP in it's current state is more of a public service/charity rather than a job/profit opportunity. By adding a script that makes Medical RP a necessity, more people will get involved with it. Going to the hospital after getting injured is already a necessity. Adding more to it just makes it more fun and enjoyable (since it's more realistic) for everyone. More RP scenarios for Doctors, more RP for patients, more business opportunities for managers/investors.
  17. It's not always about what people want to roleplay or not. Lots of people don't want to RP going to jail, but it's a really important aspect of roleplay. And there are people that want to RP an injury, and they do, but it's literally not supported by the system. It's all up to you, to RP getting treated, to RP getting meds, prescriptions, doctor appointments, everything is done with minimal interaction with other players. By adding a script to support Medical Roleplay more, you're not only enhancing the RP, you also draw attention to that part of Roleplaying. More players interact, you create a demand for doctors, and naturally more people will get involved. If the "public healthcare" system doesn't have enough doctors, the player that's injured will pay to get treated. There will be a whole new aspect of RP that the current system literally blocks from existing. Demand increases -> People are willing to pay -> Profit to be made -> More doctors +If the script makes the RP more interesting, it acts as another reason for people to get involved with medical RP. I really don't understand why people are so against developing more and adding more depth to a very important sector of RP. I think 90% of the comments missed the whole point of the suggestion and are just against the system described, as I've already said, the system isn't perfect, it's up to the managment to find a system that suits the server. The one I described was just an example.
  18. As I said already, I'm not proposing the exact mechanics, it's the general idea that Medical RP needs to be more developed. I've already said, the mechanics described are far from perfect, and if the admin team decides to develop Medical RP more, it would be up to them to find the right balance, maybe when the paramedics arrive they can type something to "pause the timer", or they think of a system that doesn't include a timer at all. Point is, the way Medical RP works right now is unrealistic, and doesn't really have much depth to it (I mean the system in place). I'd love to see hospitals actually working like hospitals, with actual managers, doctors, personnel etc.
  19. Don't you think that by making Medical RP more interesting, more people will want to get involved with it and become doctors/nurses/EMS personnel? Rly good ideas. As I said in the suggestion, the injuries wouldn't stay until a doctor "heals" them. If the injury can be fatal and is not treated, you die, if it's not you can wait the timer, or go to a hospital. As for the last part, I disagree. Adding a script will only enhance the RP and make everything more realistic.
  20. As I've already said, the situation you're describing here isn't what the suggestion is all about, that's why I said when somebody gets shot the "recovery timer" is around 8 hours. I'm not saying we should be 100% realistic to the smallest bit but I believe that there should be some script consequenses to your character getting injured. (+The game is still playable with the debuffs described. I 100% agree that you shouldn't be forced to stay on a bed for a week ig, that would be stupid.) Well, I haven't played much since the bleeding update, but as far as I know there aren't prescription drugs ig. And even if they are, the main point that I was trying to get across isn't that the system I'm describing is perfect and that it should be implimented ig. I was trying to point out how much more in depth Medical RP can get. For example, as somebody has already said, healthcare shouldn't be free, then maybe a player can create and insurance company. Or if there are prescription drugs, a player can open up a drug store (that doesn't depend on the people that go there only for RP purpuses, you'd actually need medicine). And that's only the surfice of opportunities that open up if Medical RP gets an update (Private clinics, private doctors offices, more people drawn to this RP - more EMS workers etc.)
  21. I agree, it's really important to find a balance so that the debuffs aren't annoying to the point that the game is not fun to play, but there should be some for realism and so that Medical RP actually exists. Yeah, my bad, didn't mean it that way 🙂
  22. I 100% agree. It was an over exaggeration. The whole point of the suggestion was to add more depth to Medical RP.
  23. Last time my character got involved in a shootout the cops waited 30 minutes for an ambulance just to realize that there were not enough paramedics online, so the cops drove my character to the hospital and told me to RP my injuries as I please. Also you shouldn't have to wait for a saturday evening to check if a main part of RP exists or not. This is a server that strives for realism. If someone gets on 5 hours a week and expects not to roleplay (or just wait) 5 hours for an injury heal, I don't think this is the server for them. But even more, these players shouldn't be something that stops the server from developing. With that logic we shouldn't have a PD because people want to have fun in the server and not RP getting arrested.
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