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Everything posted by Edelweiss206

  1. "I'm a racist but I'm too scared to be one outside." "Police brutality is alright considering the people they have to deal with. I've seen it." "You don't get it, I always rep." "I wish I was a girl so I could date guys who wish they were girls." "Being shot at is just a part of life, get used to it."
  2. The amount of times I've removed the /helmet and walked into a place only to be told I still have a client side helmet on for everyone else astounding, just having a /refresh would be amazing.
  3. I personally believe we should turn FD or whatever department runs most ambulance / EMT services into Trauma Team and just give every EMT an M4. There's probably the same level of crime in GTAW and the CP universes.
  4. I mean half the stuff you're preaching for the last page and a bit is a bit moot when you can generalise the required RP needed to use a gun as: /Me ups his Glock. Then start shooting. This isn't a fallout or a stalker server where everything is rotting or rusty. If asked about it people can just NPC it and say they took It somewhere to be cleaned. Realistically they're going to hopefully have to use it once or twice in their life where the box of boomy rocks you were given / bought on the stores reccomendation will last them. Do people need to RP the differences between brass and steel casings? Do people need to RP the difference between basic ball or a Hollow Point? Do people need to RP the difference between +P and normal load cartridges? Point is for 90% of the server the RP knowledge for a gun starts at /me ups his Glock and ends when they start left clicking. No safety, no loading, no reloading, no malfunctions, nothing.
  5. When I was trucking I'd carry the bare minimum cash to buy crates and get more out on the ride back. I've had cars box me in and order me out at gunpoint and when I've thrown them a wallet of like... 1850$ they'd gun me down for trying to cheat them and then they'd take my bottle of Sprunk that I also had. Maybe if they didn't take my Sprunk I wouldn't have to go down the John Wick arc. This doesn't seem to happen as often anymore, which is nice, but I'm keeping my gun.
  6. Sorry, it wasn't necessarily being used to insult or bite back at Kipp's himself, but it was just the latest comment to be made, more designed how easy it is to flip the arguement straight on its head and not bother to look past what you or people think. In a way it just emphasises how damaging that line of thought is.
  7. And here we go again, the exact thing I've brought up in this thread. The divide on who is right and wrong. Do I think the comments were inflammatory, yeah. Regardless of real world ideals / grouping / politics, we are not here to RP our living in California, we're here to RP being in LS, for the sake of groups that offer unique role play between themselves and the wider server region. I think the ideal of 'there's not much of *blank* in reality so you shouldn't RP it.' is a dangerous mentality to have as we begin to get into overcorrections and micromanagement. That being said, the response shouldn't be holier than thou vitriol, how does that help anything or anyone? I'll shout it as much as I need too till it gets through into peoples skulls. The thing that kills ANY sort of RP is the refusal to bridge gaps between players or the walls put up by cliques. It's far more noticeable on smaller servers: Server has 20 slots, everyone breaks up into cliques of 5. They refuse to see eye to eye and believe that the other side is OOCly lesser than them, in time they RP between themselves and 5 people can only do so much, one person may try jumping ship and try another character while the other four leave the server. But this person who gets sucked into the new clique typically continues the same behaviour. GTAW avoids this fate by being a 1K slot server and being able to weather 10+ people dropping out at once for whatever reason. In general (from viewing faction threads and people posting in them) that a lot of the groups that cycle out a lot are mostly ran or RP'd in by the same people, refusing to see anything else as 'right' and going to the next clique of the month by changing one or two words in a description. If this was a "Thoughts on legal RP." thread I can fucking bet someone would walk out with "If people need help RDMing people and escalating everything to murder and constant reports, I'm sure you'll be full of good advice." And I'd lose my shit all the same
  8. I wasn't sure how to word myself after a but without coming off as rude, but it's late so that can go out of the window. I do mostly think that a lot of issues stem from OOC behaviour rather than script limitations, however I come from a background of MUD's and glorified text chats, no matter how you dress it up it's always the same. So to me I can't really see the scripts as an large issue, more of a hindrance. I think the server would be boring as fuck without the spread of players. With no 'legal' characters it'd just be pursuit and without 'Illegal' characters it'd just be logging on to act out a very boring, borderline dystopian version of current life. I'm honestly kind of impressed that this thread hasn't been twisted by certain people into the usual shitslinging it does even when it isn't called for. The problem with Illegal sided things is it does lead to conflict and aggression and is inherently driven to fuck people over and win in some way or another and in turn needs moderating otherwise things can start to spiral. Such as an endless gang war of people being ventilated for a week or two cause someone tagged a corner. This got posted as I was writing this up and honestly it sums up my main wariness about the lack of compromise. "Without Legal RP you wouldn't have the server, it would just be a pursuit game mode."
  9. Okay but...why do you need a character for slow stuff and gang gang stuff? Why can't that character be...developed to do both, what's stopping that? This is starting to go a little off topic but I HONESTLY think it's the main problem 'Illegal' RP. The framing of it makes it sound like you can only do one or the other. For a 'Legal' character it effects them less, they're more likely to not need to go out of their way to commit crimes, they have less of a reason realistically to dip into illegal activities. But let's take an illegal character, the way some people talk about shit, and how (personally) you come across just then, that it's almost mindboggling to have to do 'Legal Acts' on your characters. You see it a lot in reports when an admin brings up "What is your characters backstory?" and 9/10 times it reads like they exist to just climb a gang's ranks like Call of Duty prestige levels.
  10. Don't like...a lot of actual Gangbangers have some sort of normal income, even if it's just something part time. Can they live on it? No probably not, that's why they back with the stuff their doing. You're complaining about "Damn I'm jobless and have no income how can I afford shit? It's the economy's fault"
  11. I can understand the OOC reasoning behind it because the sale of most legal guns is an ooc procedure and it's done to limit what is in circulation at the time. Once you have the license it's fairly automated as you can just drop into an unopened gunstore and poof a new weapon into existence economy wise. That said I would like to see more allowance on people setting up filing and serialisation scams. It's a pretty in-depth process to blank certain weapons such as re machining barrels because striation marks (the rifling on a barrel marking the bullets) can be ICly (not OOCly) used in matching bullets to factory batches of weapons. I don't know if should be tied to a supplier exactly, but with monitored and logged RP, an ooc permit along the same lines to actually ghost PF weapons could alleviate some issues. But the problem is that it's slippery slope for making them way too common place.
  12. Oh 100%. The amount in circulation over what's being used is astronomical and it does affect things. I'm not comfortable playing out such a heavy addiction but my character does enjoy a joint now and then which is FAR easier to move. That being said, my problem is the disconnect. I don't threaten to call the cops, or get aggressive it's just a case of "Hey buddy...not the best time." And I'm being hit with "Snitches get stitches cos." Like shit if one of them dropped a way to buy something out of the way, no where on a Gov site where you could hear a pin fart over CCTV, I'd probably buy. But no, I tell them that and they do a "/me reaches for their waistband". I don't blame them for the shitty drug economy and how difficult it is to move stuff. I don't blame them for taking pretty dangerous deals because they have too. But I can't bend over backwards any further for trying to make a deal more realistic so they'd actually sell stuff.
  13. Honestly on the drug subject, dealers REALLY don't help themselves. I've been approached 3 times this week, maybe 4? By people I've never met who've just bluntly asked "Wanna buy some drugs?" Sure if you're working your corner, or selling to friends, other members of your gang if you're tied to one, or on your block I can totally get behind that. But when someone on a pushbike rides up to me while I'm stood by the side of a gov building smoking, talking to a Cop or Sheriff, right next to a CCTV camera that's pointing at me or BOTH and goes "Wanna buy?" With nothing else to set themselves up, I'm gonna say no. This isn't a one time thing either, it's been every dealers attempt, and it's always gone the same way. "Wanna buy?" "No thanks." "Why? You a nerd, do you not do drugs?" "No, but you're asking me right under a camera and next to a cop?" "The fuck does that matter, snitch? I'm gonna fucking get you." Of course I'm using this as an example and I've DEFINITELY seen it goes both ways. In my opinion the general, scathing problem is that for quite a majority there is a disconnect between how 'Illegal' and 'Legal' characters try to interact with one another, but instead of coming to a compromise for the sake of fun RP, we just dig out heels in and shit talk the other side.
  14. When you do the application for the faction, there is a large box that lets you quite freely state if you're going in with the mindset to be 'corrupt'. Doing shady shit, going against legal norms, however you want to put it. This isn't hidden, anyone who is wanting to apply can see this. If you wanted to go in as someone who has ties to such gangs / connections / mobs should honestly state that that is what their character is. There is accommodation for that sort of RP. If you lied on the application and it was then found out, damn...sucks to be you I guess. I don't think there's even an issue with dealers, if they AT LEAST rubbed braincells together. For reference I went to a UK university, the placement of the uni is at the edge of the city centre, but it's very close to quite a few rough areas and on top of that it isnt some gated off campus like ULSA is. Drug's were relatively easy to come by, but it was a case of a text, meet up somewhere close on the lip between city centre and where they were dealing, and then you went back to your student life of comfort and wasted 9K. They BARELY did any business near or around the buildings. On 3 occasions in less than 10 days. Someone has walked up to me either on the sidewalk right outside ULSA, or tresspassed or been dumb enough to go into the main campus and go "Do you want to buy drugs?" Lit up like a Christmas tree with all the CCTV in the world very obviously being set up to see it. Come on.
  15. Yo whoever plays Cressida Powell is pretty poggers. 😄
  16. Yeah I get that it's spread out, but the overall volume has gotten better. I'm not sure if the script has been fixed as I typically avoid the general stores. So I don't know if players can open up more than one of the same store, if they can, I don't see why it shouldn't be reopened. I get the whole "Don't bring a flashy car to Davis." But the problem was I could be up in Paletto and need fuel, pull up to a station on the COMPLETE OPPOSITE END OF THE MAP and the system would go "Nawh go refuel at the place that's open :)" tHat's why people get upset about the "Lol don't be mallrats at Davis" arguement. When 90% of the RP they got was: drive up to Davis and go straight to the pump /fuel then someone would sprint up in the downtime and drop the whole "Get out and run yo pockets." If they didn't have to go to Davis, sure, I'd say that's fine, but everyone didn't have a choice. And everyone knew they didn't have a choice.
  17. Well yes, you can make the arguement that it's their choice to go to the LTD and RP there, the other problem is that you DIDNT have the choice to go to the others. If you went to any NPC/Script store it'd tell you to go to the open one, but if I remember a person ALSO couldn't open another general store up, if someone opened Davis LTD then that was it, you had to go there. From all the fuckin' war stories you hear about the place and because of this specific issue where if it opened you had no actual choice to go there, (some for ooc reasons, not just RP) and everyone being herded to Davis. It wasn't an LTD, it was a PubG
  18. Communist China Propaganda state with a daily death total of somewhere like Sierra Leone or Libya. Unfortunately yeah, I'd RP using a VPN in Los Santos as well.
  19. I'm not using you specifically because you've gone into detail, but this point has come up a lot and it's something I want to touch on. Yours was just the latest. While you're right, you can write a load of bullshit and it come up to nothing, there is still one problem with this thought, this is a text server, you have to use your words to portray yourself. There has to be SOME level of detail there for people to work with. This server has a LOT of people and it's spread all over, asking for a certain level of English is unfair and we have an application for the server, ontop of this with the huge range of what people are playing, in time the server ironically becomes cliquey and you start to hang out with a very specific group: the gangs, the mallrats, the nightclub crawlers, bikers, the skinheads and everything in between. I think good RP comes from two positions, how you interact and build up your smaller social circle within your group but more importantly that a lot of people forget, how to interact with people OUTSIDE of your circle, this could be as simple as robberies or muggings, buying drugs, bumping into different people in a bar, whatever. I think it's this side that's not being focused on and in my opinion it's shown up a lot in this thread. People not in gangs think that gangs are just RDM fest's with just thrown out slang and arguements between everyone 24/7 and are unapproachable. In the same way you have the people who see richer or more well off characters driving around in specific cars and doing nothing but partying or hanging out with the same crowd as 'Mallrats' when it makes sense for that sort of person to be around that sort of person. Let me be incredibly blunt on this. Outside of your social circle, no one gives a fuck on your 'character portrayal', no one gives a fuck on your backstory, or your past, the actions you've done on the server within your group because at this point because your character to them is a faceless nobody. Your a gangbanger, a mallrat, a cop, a business owner. They've never met you before, or maybe seen your name flash by as you've driven past them. /Me points their gun at *name* "Run dem pockets." /Me pat's *name* down /B /showitems please What makes you any different to anyone else who could have robbed them? What character does this mugging show? You see these sorts of logs get posted in reports A LOT, only for the person on the forums to drop half their backstory. "Oh I'm a methhead fiending for meth he's not had some in so long he's going through withdrawal he's not thinking straight he just grabbed his gun and went psycho on this person for the five grand." Well that's great, that's an incredibly valid reason to have that happen, it's a great way to take your character, it gives something within your social circle to do, to work on, to interact with. But how the fuck is anyone outside your group of IC or OOC friends going to know that if you make absoloutely no indication to it in your RP at the time?
  20. It's context based and understanding your position and others is helpful enough to bring character to your character. Let's just take the bare bones trucking action: /Me unloads a crate. While correct, it's just utilitarian and robotic, personally it just conjures up a robot, I just see factorio inserter arms. It offers nothing other than telling everyone else what action your character is doing, but in some cases, that is enough. /Me drags a crate into their arms, then sets it on the floor. It's still to the point, but offers more understanding of how the person is doing the job, finding the action. I'd use this if I'm surrounded by a lot of people, it's a repetitive action that is going to fill up the screen. However it still sets the tone for how your character is doing that action. I've common 'trick' I've seen people all over do is splice their /me's with what their character is thinking, while yes it adds character it's done in completely the wrong way, you can infer how the character is acting but it's not the way to go about it. /Me looks at their beer sadly, thinking about their dead friends. Ita a bit stereotypical, but a common enough occurrence in LS, but it's a mindset being used to infer an action and being to the letter of the rules, metagame. /Me looks down at their beer, a vacant glare as they go eerily still, clenching the bottle tight. Is the opposite,its actions to infer a mindset, people can assume something is wrong, or at the very least the person is in an off-putting situation that can open to naturally asking about the issue. Of course this can be taken way too far, it's called purple prose, writing way too much and in too much detail while going 'nowhere'. While most actions or /me's you do won't go nowhere, you may just be over-engineering them, let's overwrite the action above while trying to keep within the GTAV limit /Me wraps this fingers around the bottle, eyes dilating as they focused on the neck. Their skin goes pale as blood drains from their face, fingertips turning red as they squeezed down harder still. They become cold and statuesque, glaring at their drink. 255 characters on the dot (if my counter is right) now I'm not going to say this is a good or bad /me, it's very dependent on the situation, you have to help set a scene of things for people to interact with, what the general players are going to notice. If I'm in a busy bar with 10+ people in, the bartender is serving people and there's two conversations going, I'm not going to drop that on random passersby. But if it's just me with say...a psychologist, who has handed me a drink of water and this is how I react to it, things that THAT specific person can play off of, then it's more than acceptable. Likewise I think it'd be bad RP if you went to the shrink and just did: /Me takes the water bottle sadly. TLDR you need to learn WHEN to put detail into certain actions, But you need a base level so you're not just a machine or an NPC.
  21. So, just to be in the clear, I've never met the people in this report, not interacted with them. I'm a returning player and the most I've done is go to a coffee shop and a bar just to get reacquainted and meet people. I like to lurk the forums a lot and read up on player reports, so when this one caught my eye it kinda...confused me. If anyone's not bothered to read it, someone got into some 'kinky' stuff and was reported for 'public explicit RP' where someone emoted being walked by a leash. Which...okay, sure it's fetishistic and can be argued on those grounds, but is it 'explicit'? I personally think this sets a bad precedent because what is to stop someone from being reported to turning tricks in a less well off neighborhood, or the times I've seen thinly veiled adverts for escorts and prostitutes. What's to stop me reporting someone for trying to proposition me for a good time because it's explicit? Or say a mugging goes bad (or is just a thinly veiled murder) and someone shoots me in the face at point blank, are they going to report me for RPing those two bullets to the face opening the back of my head like a flower, and hitting the floor in a gory mess because that's the realistic thing to do? The report made a comment about 'children on the server' as well and I feel that's a bit...unfair? I'm not going to go on about policing that sorta thing because it's impossible, but come on, some under-aged kid is still gonna go "Huehuehue tiddy bar" and visit the Vanilla Unicorn. With separation between character and player how can you effectively police this unless there is proof that one player told them they were underage and then that sort of RP didn't immediately stop. I just want other peoples thoughts on the matter, this doesn't effect me. I personally read the report and it seemed a little heavy handed and fairly tame but I can understand why it was reported but: "We are in an enclosed environment with anywhere from 300-650+ players and we have to make sure the content on the server is suitable and enjoyable for all audiences that might come across your roleplay, a large number of which is going to be teenagers who may not fully understand these niche concepts of society." Is it alright for a teenage player to get into the server's 'gang culture' and run drugs, shoot rivals or take part in muggings? Or go to a Casino, go broke and deal with the less than savory politics that's always at the heart of them? I'm not saying 'fuck it let the kids do depraved stuff'. But can you really shield them from everything?
  22. Yeah, you're more than welcome to throw the rule at them about 'not pausing or voiding RP'. If they keep acting up, report them, just don't turn your character up to 11 to get a raise out of them.
  23. If you go up to someone and try to earnestly RP where it doesn't look like you're just trying to hit a tick box for a stereotype, and they turn around and go "I don't RP with joke characters." There is one there, but it aint you.
  24. Good Roleplayers *Dabs* Someone's probably already made that joke.
  25. They read like the kid that you all hated to play with cause they're like: "Nyeheh you can't hurt my action man with your anti-shield gun because I have an anti-shield gun shield." A lot of people have a paranoid 'give an inch, take a mile' perspective. Though if it's prevalent that they think someone is gonna kill them over some shitty in character meme then that's a different can of worms to be dealt with.
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