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What business would you like to see?


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Some ideas for roleplay:


- A fashion company, hiring models and photographers for photoshoots, showing the magazine at the forums, hosting fashion parades events.

- Some sort of Vinewood movie industry, with actors, script writers, paparazzi, etc. Actually roleplaying shooting a movie in a studio and at exteriors.
- A travel agency, that organizes group trips all around the countyside and even the city too. Would be a great way to show new players around and let them meet new people. You could have things like camping roleplay, famous people mansion tours (Cool if we had a Vinewood movie industry), walking tours around the city, etc. 

- Linked to the idea before, a hostel. Where players roleplaying tourist can rent a room, sharing common areas. The hostel would be in front of the beach for example, encouraging players to roleplay visiting the beach, and booking the tours to the countryside described above. 


If all this was true, me, as any other new player could roleplay being in a work and travel program, helping around at the hostel, meeting other players there, beach RP, being part of the group tours to the countyside. Also working as a part time model and extra for a movie shooting, trying to climb the ladder of fame.

Edited by Lucie
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