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Common Questions Answered!

Current Thread as of Version: 1.8.6+

Last Revision: 05/09/2020



Welcome to GTA:World!!

    First and foremost I would like to give you the member reading this a warm welcome to the community if you are a newcomer or even a good hello if you have already been an active member within the community! If you just recently received an acceptance for your application to join the server, Congratulations! If you weren't accepted on the first try, don't be discouraged, because most aren't due to the high expectations required to be a role-player here! You'll soon find out that after the consistent retries that you had to do, it paid off! Nervous started this community to give himself a place to role-play that fit his wants and it turned out that a lot of players desired the same thing, Quality over Quantity, and with time came a high quantity with high quality! Let's get started!


   I am writing this thread to fill in any gaps that could need filling for new players, returning players, or even extremely active players. I am always happy to answer questions and will still answer them after the writing of this thread, because I'm sure you've noticed or will notice that almost every member/staff member (Even Nervous the Community Owner/Founder himself) are very friendly and open to answer anything! The only stupid question is the question that was never asked, I promise. Beware you will read the two words character and develop(ment) frequently! Okay... For real this time... Let's get started!







Table of Contents   


Q1. Application Taking forever

Q2. Fixing Double Cursor

Q3. Game Crashes on Connection

Q4. Getting Donator Tags

Q5. Becoming a staff member.

Q6. Obtaining Guns

Q7. Making Money

Q8. Issues Applying Clothes

Q9. Not seeing other players.







Question 1:


"Why hasn't my application been reviewed? When will it be done?"



GTA: World’s staff team is extremely busy, because after all the community is large, and applications pour in constantly. With applications not being the only task the staff team has, they also have to make sure every application is legitimate, meets quality standards, and etc. Applications can be picked up within an hour or two, but sometimes it can take up to 48 hours.

Bear with the staff team, because they are working around the clock to support everyone, and do care.

Question 2:


"How do I fix double cursors?"



You will need to open your GTA V settings and under the graphics tab you need to turn "pause game on focus loss" OFF.

Double Cursor Correction

Question 3:


"My game crashes on  connection/Won't fully download all the files, how do I fix it?"


Okay so you've connected to the server.. You see this bald dude standing and at the bottom right corner you see packages downloading and stops all of a sudden..
Restart RageMP and try again.. You shouldn't have to download them again and should successfully connect!

If your client crashes near completion of the downloading, just restart RageMP, and you’ll typically have a successful connection after that.

Did you crash again? If the message "RageMP : Connection Lost. Reconnecting..." appears, you will have to redownload the files after you delete them. The files are located in your RageMP’s installation file. The file path is usually C:/ragemp/client_resources/play.gta.world_22005

Once the file has been deleted. Try again! -- If you're still having issues you might have to uninstall RageMP and reinstall it.


Here is an idea of what it looks like once you get to the folder that needs to be deleted.

Client_Resources location example

(Click Image to view a larger version if needed.)

Question 4:

"How do I get my donator tags on Discord/Forums?"


 You will have to follow the process via the User Control Panel (UCP) its pretty simple.

There is a guide by @Everett running through the process step by step if you CLICK HERE!


Question 5:


"How do I become an Admin?/How do I join Staff?"          



It's actually admirable that you wish to contribute your personal time to help the community! Every month management opens up a time frame allowing members to submit applications for review. The review goes all the way from the bottom to top. If you meet the requirements you'll be offered to start with the support team. If they like your application, but you just lack a few minor details they might put you on a "Reserved" list.


The thread linked below is in general discussions for players that want to explore the option to join the team. Be sure to read the thread thoroughly though, so that you are positive you meet all of the requirements. After you've read that, below should be another post with a template, so copy and paste that according to the directions @KV stated in a PM and cross your fingers! It is typically towards the end of the month when they OPEN applications, but check back every now and then just to be sure. They also announce it in the community Discord and give everyone a heads up before the CLOSE.


Good Luck! You can check that thread out here!

Question 6:


"Where do I get a gun? How hard they are to find is unrealistic, because they're easy to get IRL."


You may or may not be surprised by how often it is asked, and I'll get to the answer shortly, but at the end of the day the reasons for your character needing a gun could simply be unrealistic. Guns are quite difficult to find for new players and even most seasoned players. The flow of guns are heavily regulated on the server to not only limit the amount of DM, but to make it even more realistic for the characters that actually need them. 


A. Common scenarios:

- > Why does your character need a gun? (Common Response by the members being asked)

A large majority of characters do not need a gun, because their story/background just doesn't have the need, and there are even players that have never held a gun on the server. I'll briefly summarize, If your character is from a dangerous part of Los Santos, they should already have the knowledge to survive without it, or the background to be surrounded by people that have them or just because they were a police officer in Liberty City does not justify the reason, because they are not an officer with Los Santos Police Department.


- > "I need it to protect myself and my property."

That is fine. Maybe your character is residing in a dangerous area and because they recently moved to Los Santos, they didn't know that when moving to the city, but they can't just move to a safer area. There are ways to handle that IC'ly.


- > "I need it for character development because of his personality."

If your character has a violent personality or is the type of person that wants to ensure others around them fear; A gun would do the trick, but given the difficulty to obtain one there are many ways to go around needing a gun. 


B. If your character's career path, story, or development may involve a gun. Lets point you in the right direction!

-> Legal Roleplay

**Please NOTE: When signing up for IC government forums your username must be the character's First Name Last Name. Example - John Doe**


1. Become an officer with LSPD. (If recruitment is open)

    --Click here to start your application!-- 


2. Obtain your (PF) Personal Protection Permit. 

    (To legally carry your weapon beyond your home, you must have this permit first, and then apply for the Conceal Carry (CCW) later.) 

    --Click here to study the manual and start the process!--


3. Work as a Security Guard

    (Guard Card Required, however, PF Permit is a prerequisite)

     --Click here to study the manual and start the process!-- 


--> Illegal Roleplay

Character development by role-playing with others on the server is basically the way to do it.

**REMEMBER: There is no rule protecting players with limits to robbing/scamming with weapons and drugs.**


1. Get involved and dedicated with illegal factions who might be involved in weapon trafficking. You'll have to learn IC'ly and become trusted. --Factions Here!--

2. Get lucky and score one from the right person on the street or at a nightclub, but are they undercover detectives or scammers? It's a risk. Are you too pretty for prison?

3. Find one while boosting cars, ransacking a house, or searching a corpse. PRISON TIME IF CAUGHT!  

4. Just have fun by finding out IC'ly!


C. If having a gun is super important to you.

It might sound harsh and I apologize for it sounding this way, but you may not be in the right place. Guns are important in so many ways, but honestly the realism of the role-play here at GTAW is comparable to real society. Carrying a firearm illegally and even discharging a firearm for the wrong reasons can cause your character to suffer pretty extreme consequences. Death on this server is not taken with a grain of salt.


 Role-play. Develop. Have Fun! You'll get one eventually if your character's developed and on a path that needs one.


Question 7:


" What is the best way to make money?" & "What is the best job to do to make money? "


Grinding..... It is just a habit we all have in every Role-Playing game, but that is just a mindset you might want to deter yourself from. There are characters who sell kebabs, coffee, drugs, ects. There is no dire reason to be rich at the end of the day. Sounds crazy right?


Each character created is given $5,000 per hour until they reach 40 hours of playing time OR have a total net worth totaling $200,000. *Whichever Happens First*

That starting bonus is plenty to develop your character, set them up with a permanent home, and even a car. GTA:World's (Super Complex) economy is structured to allow that without inflation and prevent players from stressing about necessary needs to establish their characters. There is no need for grinding. It allows you to focus on RP and developing your character. If! your character stumbles into a job that pays well through RP or a scripted job then that was their destiny. Below are a few examples of how some people made bank throughout character development.


A few examples of those whom became did well for themselves:

- Successful Business Owners via Mechanic System, Delivery Truck System, Clubs, Stores, Etc.

- Successful Real Estate and/or Car Businesses.

- Completely Role-Played Hustling.

- Developed their character's story over time and grew to be the shot-caller within their faction.

- and more....


But what if you're a grinder?


As the server has grown, each scripted job (for the most part) plays a vital role within the server's economy, so even those who enjoy grinding to make their goal at fortune will still contribute to player-owned businesses. For the most of them you can RP employment with Player-Owned businesses for more pay and character development. I will also add a link to each of them, so you guys can get more information if you want it to see; Just click the name of each job.

Scripted Jobs that allow grinders to grind! It is highly recommended that you try to avoid grinding, because it will limit your role-play and typically causes burnout.

Remember you must role-play at all times.. Even if you think nobody is around/watching.... There might be..

- Scripted Delivery Driver  - Restocks Supplies for Businesses and Parts for Auto Garages.

- Brewery Job - Restocks Alcoholic Beverages around the Server.

- Taxi Driver - Government Job with the option to rent a taxi or buy your own. Contributes by ensuring other players get to where they need. - Garbage Job - Pick up trash that citizens leave out!


**These pages that are being linked can be accessed in-game also by doing /help.**



Through character development, role-play, and time the money will find you if that is the path your character's development goes, but I assure you that if you focus on development you will.

Question 8:


"My clothes are showing random holes. How do I fix it?"


When I first started playing on GT:MP and even RageMP I would find both of these issues frustrating. I enjoy having multiple outfits for my characters and most people do, but I found myself having just one, because there never was a guide on how to fix it. I finally had a friend teach me how to get my clothes perfect, but lucky for you I can take you straight to  the issue.



1. You want to start with your shirt and Undershirt: Set the Drawable Var to 15.

 (Yes you're starting to see through your character, but watch the magic happen)


2. Now let's set the torso to 13. (Your character’s body should be completely invisible now)


3. Now select your shirt and then your undershirt. (Or vice versa if needed)

4. Select your torso to fit what parts of the arms/hands need to show based on the type of shirt and sleeves being worn.


5. Now you'll have to figure out which you want to do first, but for the sake of the guide.. Try starting with shirt and then undershirt.

Boom! Perfect Clothing! Pretty Easy Right?



A more in depth guide created by @JoeWarner specifically for this issue can be viewed HERE!

Question 9:


"There are over 600 players in-game. Why do I hardly see anyone?"

"I played SAMP (or MTA) and you could always find people. Why can't I find anyone?


Well GTAV’s map of San Andreas is extremely larger than the older model. There are other GTAV clients that still have active NPCs and traffic, but the player count is now greater than the maximum amount of GTA:O.

1. Within time you will notice the amount of players in-game, I promise. Most players RP in what is known as “hotspots.” These places can be certain sections of the  map, clubs, garages, businesses, and more. LSPD/LSFD is always very active as well, so a portion of players are working within those factions. 


2. The map might seem fuller on another multiplayer client, GTA:Online, or singleplayer, because of traffic/pedestrians (NPCs) and to allow 1000+ players on a server NPCs have to be (almost) completely disabled to allocate more resources to the active player-base


Fun Fact:

The amount of active players throughout the day is so high that Blaine County actually has ACTIVE ROLEPLAY! You might find loads of players out there also.




Please Note:

This thread could change at any moment. If any details need altered or more questions are recommended, please PM me on discord. Bash#2230



Edited by Bash
Updated Current Version Compatibility
  • Upvote 4
Link to comment

May 9, 2020

- Added Introduction

- Added Table of Contents

- Added First 9 Questions with Answers

- Added Hyperlinks & Screenshots

*Known Issues*
- Intro, Table of Contents, and Question 1 Title are on its own "Page." (Preview shows they aren't separated by pages, but published version does?)

- Some bullet points are uneven. (Preview page shows they are straight, but published version doesn't?)



May 10, 2020

- Added another common issue within Question 3.








Edited by Bash
Updated Changes Log
Link to comment

Someone who had their application refused asked for help on discord the other day.  After trying to help them, I realized the other guides posted in this board weren’t much help to anyone at the application stage.  This guide has the potential to change that; it looks like it’ll shape up to be a useful contribution.  Well done, Bash.


Also, the pages seem to be broken. I might be missing something, but on page two there is only a “previous page” button. 



Edited by Midsummer Night's Dream
Link to comment
2 hours ago, Midsummer Night's Dream said:

Someone who had their application refused asked for help on discord the other day.  After trying to help them, I realized the other guides posted in this board weren’t much help to anyone at the application stage.  This guide has the potential to change that; it looks like it’ll shape up to be a useful contribution.  Well done, Bash.

Thanks Man! People still approach me in PM and IG, so it kind of inspired me. Plus I've been trying to help with the discord a little also!


2 hours ago, Midsummer Night's Dream said:

Also, the pages seem to be broken. I might be missing something, but on page two there is only a “previous page” button.

That is actually an error on my part. There shouldn't be any pages on the final edit!
Since I selected it to divide by pages initially, it won't let me remove it, but once you hit next page it will allow you do view the rest of the thread.

Edited by Bash
Updated initial reply.
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