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Allow boats to hold fish in vehicle inventory.


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Short description:  Allow boats to hold fish in their inventory, currently they are listed the same as cars (probably to stop people from filling up cars unrealistically)  and it makes the boats a little redundant in terms of their usability.


Detailed description:  I've seen a few suggestions with positive support for changes to the fishing system, My suggestion is simply to allow boats to hold fish and allow it to run similar to how the trucking system works see >>Feature Showcase : Trucking & Suppliers<<.


This is aimed at changing the current state of shore-line fishing with minimal work,  Go stand at Sandy Shores at peak and folk fly in with vehicles, people barely talking and /fish before diving back in their vehicle and racing to /sellfish.  This would at least make use of the boats for people who were fishing seriously with no heavy implementations needed.


A lot of the time players solo-grind the fishing job for their own profit with minimal RP, if players can own boats and fish and take on a "crew" or companies pop up it increases player interaction.


Considering right now everyone pulls up with a dufflebag to load up 15,000G of fish, the boats hold 40,000G up to 100,000G which would be a much bigger sale but for a longer period of time and it's not a quick process.. The tug boat is slow so it's not like you're flying through the sea to make sales and on top of the fact that you also need to move it from the boat to the sale point which is on land.


You can for sure pull a tug-boat up to piers to fish and probably dinghies also, in my opinion this is a small change that could make a big impact in the way /fishing works and make it a little bit easier for staff that they don't need to do some mad overhaul or add anything complicated.


And not to mention it also goes against common sense. That being said there could be a great reason for it not being there.. So.?


Commands to add: 


Allow us to store caught fish inside sea vehicles.


Items to add:



How would your suggestion improve the server?


I believe it would improve the state of the current /fishing job, it would increase traffic on the maps surrounding water and probably add to more than just those fishing but also add to EMS/PD/FD interactions.


Additional information.

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If anything I think the Tug should defiantly be able to hold fish. It's big, slow, and looks like a real fishing boat. It would also be nice to place fish in buildings for RPing a fishing business. If a few fishing spots were added in the middle of water that would be so much better than fishing off the shore. 


I also had a few ideas for fishing businesses:


1. Add a fish processing system (Cut up, fillet, and package fish. Turns a set amount of fish weight into a single package which can be sold for slightly more.)


2. Require refrigerated trucks to transfer fish/ boxed fish. 


3. Set laws regarding fishing.(Maybe add a coast guard position and/or require fishing business to have a license.)


4. Allow for fishing business to become food suppliers for the shipping jobs. (Business can add their processed fish into the shipping checkpoint. These checkpoints don't regenerate and can only be filled by placing the boxes of processed fish inside.)

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This would be neat. Could redesign the fishing job to be more like trucking and tie that into our closed economy. Fishing without working for a company gets taxed at 30% for example, then having your own boat working independently at 25%, then working for a fishing company at 20%. This would bring more RP into the fishing sector, just like how they fixed the courier/trucking system.


@Nervous can this be done? I'm sure it would have to be entirely custom coded, so I know it's not an overnight thing. A great suggestion nonetheless. It would pretty much close off the last non-RP job on the server bringing it into the closed economy and encourage people to RP with established companies, just like trucking. Not to mention this would open up marine/boating opportunities more and lead to other things (PD/FD on the water, fishing on the lake or ocean in designated spots, etc.)

Edited by Kestalas
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Thanks for the feedback so far people.

23 hours ago, Kestalas said:

I'm sure it would have to be entirely custom coded, so I know it's not an overnight thing. A great suggestion nonetheless. It would pretty much close off the last non-RP job on the server bringing it into the closed economy and encourage people to RP with established companies, just like trucking. Not to mention this would open up marine/boating opportunities more and lead to other things (PD/FD on the water, fishing on the lake or ocean in designated spots, etc.)

^ This. This is much better worded than how I put it across, I see a lot of suggestions that are huge overhauls that would take a lot of time and i'd like this to be something that isn't too much hassle to implement but could make a lot of change.


I know tugs can pull up to the shoreline spots and do /fishing (All except Sandy Shores as there is no access) and as amazing as it'd be to have more fishing spots (Deep water or something) I feel like if at the very minimum we could hold fish in them then players would take off on their own either investing in a boat to go out with or joining up with companies.


I'd also like to point out that the sale point is very in-land. So It sort of ties fishing/trucking together in some way too, which is neat.

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