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Everything posted by Rastapasta

  1. The warriors ? YA' GOIN' TA THE SLAMMER, PUNK.
  2. Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I figured it was in because i'm pretty sure you can still trunk people ?. (Maybe not?) /ds and /melow definitely are use them both daily.
  3. /Melow and /ds are already in here, I think /tie and blindfold are although might be mistaken. The ending is gold though, please let us keep our walk styles ?
  4. Yeah, that would work.. It would be nice to be able to do it anywhere as it would probably give variation between boats and where people fished which would be neat. Any light redo of the script to allow us to store fish in boats with some change to where it's at would be enough to allow players to sufficiently roleplay it and/or start a business around it, currently everyone stands on a shoreline at one spot with their cars marred behind them and duffle bags on their back and everyone feels awkward because it's not realistic at all.
  5. Posted this up when I first got into the server because fishing was whack seen loads of fishing overhaul suggestions. It'll be my fourth time writing this but yes let us store fish in boats, please drop some fishing spots deep-sea also as currently the only viable spot is Sandy Shores and everyone stands there with a dufflebag with minimal RP it just doesn't look right.. I think it's a good chance to turn a grind job into more roleplay and would buff water-traffic in the server.
  6. This, I think insurance is alright the way it is currently since unused cars insurance will stop and active cars you are using will need to be dealt with once a month. I'm not against OP's suggestion, a pre-payment or auto-pay feature would be cool I guess.
  7. Props for this guide, as someone unfamiliar with Central American culture this is useful ?
  8. Support this. Please allow us to store fish inside boats, that would be a great start. ?
  9. Been rolling with a RV for a while. Can fit two in the front in the external world. Y at the side door takes you into the interior and can have multiple people (Interior has a table four seats a counter and a bed) You can drive with people in the rear.. They will spawn where you pull up at. If you are in the interior you are essentially blocked from seeing what is outside or being able to chat with the occupants of the vehicle in the front. (I just use a radio for the journey considering you would realistically be able to talk just make sure to clarify you're not talking on a radio ?) Hopefully they add a chat and knock command for it.
  10. See that's why I suggested it be like a year or two for something that would realistically be a long stretch, maybe make a lot of the lesser crimes reflect less time. There were 18 year olds running around with rap sheets as long as bible pages. And this lol.
  11. Not that I disagree with the fact it's immersion breaking but i'm not concerned about keeping "one side or the other" pleased, I would rather have someone (minimally) age up inside the prison rather than kill 3 people at 20 and return to the street a few days later like nothing happened with the same ol' "Hey guys, what'd I miss?" I disagree with someone getting 10 years and coming out 10 years older just as much as I disagree with someone coming out at the exact same age after mass murder, realistically heavy crimes should at-least make you age up by a few years (2/3) so then when someone decides to consistently do crime it will rack up similar to the points system that is in place. A lot of people feel like this will shove them out of their group (Hence I said make it a minimal amount of years that really doesn't throw your characters current state out of the window) and would still allow you to return and it just goes to show how ugly the immersion around prison is, people getting thrown inside for violent crimes and come around and hang with the exact same people before with the exact same personality as if nothing happened is just gross. If someone can bring up a viable reason to how a 2 year age up will break your character hit me, i'd be interested to hear. (As in, can't hang around with the same people / faction or would break your RP in a second)
  12. The point is totally valid although I also feel that someone committing serious crime and returning out of prison the same age is equally as immersion breaking, maybe have a middle ground for time/age to not make it as unrealistic?
  13. I really like this idea, think it would bring a lot to the housing scene in general and if we could drive it through government public utilities or allow players to start companies around that it would be great maybe even have it as a freelance position. I agree with the majority of OP.
  14. Pretty much how I feel tbh. To go over what has been said, it seems that's the only actual reason they are even in there is to push the market forward which makes sense and as I said in one of my previous posts considering drugs tie in a lot from the server (General interaction, buying/selling, robberies/scams) and it being the one of the biggest things that illegal/LEO factions roleplay around and it can't be easy to set that up / adjust it and it won't come without issues. If that's the case they should probably just go all-out with it (Even though I dislike the buffs) they should probably just decrease the buff you get via addiction level so it's as if hardcore users would need more to get the effect which would promote buying but decrease the abuse. **Edit** I'm all in support of the change for heroin/methamphetamine and as stated by someone else above it makes more sense that these have it more than marijuana/cocaine.
  15. I find a lot of people dislike the screen effects, I personally don't mind them but I agree for weed ect it doesn't make sense or add anything although think it should definitely apply to mushrooms / LSD as they both actually cause visual effects in real life (Ecstasy can also, not as vivid though) I think your correct in what you say and tennplug says the same pretty much.. The overhaul has been up on suggestions for a minute it'd be nice to see what comes to be in the future for the drug side of the server as there is a lot to be expanded on and I would guess it's not easy work to change up the script that much on-top of having a economy that illegal/legal factions roleplay around.. My first post might've seemed a little blunt however I just feel like anyone who is using drugs for those purposes isn't using it in any decent sort of context? Why do you need extra health points unless your being shot at or increased carry weight (I actually didn't know about that) unless your hauling around a absurd amount of items that realistically at that point you would probably just use a vehicle to move? In the end run I don't think it does anything other than promote buying (which will tie into other things robberies/scams) but it also ends up getting used for the wrong purposes. I do see people here and there that use drugs in a way that is good and I don't expect everyone to have much experience with it but yeah, just my two cents.
  16. I feel that, I know it wouldn't be popular would really love to see it though. P.S. Please still increase the length of the drug effects LSD wears off in one minute in-game in real life you trip for 8-14 hrs ?
  17. I got them crystals for ya' bro ? Joking aside I am going to say please just keep the screen effects (Make them longer) and take away the HP boost it's so fucking RPG that you can smoke 3-5 joints or take a few lines of coke and you get some 2x HP and turn into Joseph Guzman taking 19 shots, I am aware certain drugs in real life can actually make you more resilient to pain but let's be real.. Most of the time that happens these people are so chewing their faces off making dummy decisions yet Jamal from Davis can still co-ordinate perfectly with no side-effects after his taking 4G of coke in 1 minute. Tl;Dr : Cocaine, Marijuana, Methamphetamine.. Half the shit that has a HP boost shouldn't, remove it and instead make the screen effect longer.
  18. Yeah gotta agree with you there boss, never messed with the one up top so i'm going to guess it's easier to control? If it is i'd say replace it for both because that current one is so hard it's liable to get you arrested ?
  19. This. Make it either the animation posted up top or even just allowing us to drag a injured player the way you do a dead one would be enough, preferably both.
  20. Can verify this is accurate as someone also renting places out, with rent being set at 200-300 and a pickup at the end of a week you really only pull in around 10K, OOCly i'm not concerned about the amount of money flowing in as I portray a poor character anyway but the last two paragraphs are on point. I agree that the payment system now is OK it's viable according to what is in place with that being said I think adding some new commands and having some property law/legislature would definitely add more to it and not only for landlords, I'm fine with it being done hourly or weekly as the rate can still be negotiated and set. Hourly : Current system, overhaul the commands and keep it how it is. Weekly : Overhaul Commands, Take away the hourly cycle, set rent to what you expect to pull in for the place and the person can /banktransfer you any time through the week. (Timing shouldn't be a issue, as long as they pay ?) I will say putting it to a weekly rent does put some more strain on finding active tenants as right now the best way to judge your tenants activity is through how much money is coming in as you can break it down via 200/300$ as being 1 hour and if no money comes in you know they've been inactive, as someone role-playing around the properties I rent out I don't want it turning in to a stash house for someone that isn't even in the area when players who are on day-to-day roleplaying can't even grab a place to live despite being there.
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