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Everything posted by Kraethas

  1. (Click on the image to apply)
  2. Democratic Chairman Nikos Karagiorgis takes part in the Wig Out Cancer event, hosted by Diversify and the Public Defender's Office, donating his hair for the cause.
  3. Which members of our current roster, actively involved in shaping up elections do you refer to? As the current Faction Leader of SADEM, do bring any worries or concerns you have to me, directly. If your experiences have to do with people not currently involved, then these experiences are not relevant at the moment beyond "lessons of the past" So this is an open, and honest invitation. We share many Discord servers. Pick one, open a DM and tell me directly of your concerns rather than implying a whole faction is like that, publicly
  4. In the same breath that I specifically said "I am not aware of the state of the GOP", kindly keep the same attitude. This entire reply is unduly antagonistic, for something that happened 2 months ago. We have not sat idle. And if for IC reasons you cannot see what we're doing, then do not let these reasons carry out ooc. You're given insight, that you normally do not possess and should not possess - the Democratic Party says we are nowhere near ready to engage in elections. You may choose how to act upon that insight, which is freely given and without accusations towards your factions. You chose to act upon it antagonistically and at the same time levy implications of toxicity Hmmmmm.... Gg?
  5. In order to start talking about "adequately staffed", we need to take into account the following: Senate - 10 seats City Council - 5? 6 seats? Mayor / Dep. Mayor - 2 seats For the sake of convenience, I won't go further than that. In order to have a healthy, adequately staffed political environment, you need both parties to be able to field the above number. Meaning, you need 34 characters who are willing to duke it out for these roles. I don't know about the state of the GOP, which may be your standard on whether something is adequately staffed or not, but I can tell you for damn sure that the Democrats are nowhere near adequately staffed. And no, that's not purely an IC reason. It's purely an OOC reason. For whatever respectable reason people don't want to throw their hats into the ring on the Blues' side, and that's fine. We can't really force anyone. We're taking what we can, step by step, inch by inch, trying to grow the party organically and in a purely in character perspective. But, if you're openly asking me - are we ready to compete for Council Elections? - No. Senate Elections? - Maybe, if we do district by district. Can we field one candidate for HALF of these positions? No. How exactly is the political RP scene adequately staffed?
  6. Just carry a jammer on your person. You will be affected by SAGOV's RP. There was no law on it, BEFORE Political RP made it a felony. Play a serial killer, or an approved terrorist. Get caught. You're facing a CK in the form of the Death Sentence - Again, direct result of fairly recent political RP (the Death Sentence Abolishment repeal isn't even a month old)
  7. Hello, just to correct here: Both I and Hugh (Diana Jones) lead the Democratic Party of San Andreas Hugh is also involved with SAGOV, while I'm focused on SADEM. Regardless what it may have come out as, neither of us is demotivated with our current role OR the state of the party. And people that want to know more are always welcome to look up the party IC and learn more
  8. Hey all. I'm the player of (among others) Nikos Karagiorgis, the current Democratic Chairman. First of all let me start by saying that Diana Jones ( @Hugh-Gi-Oh) did not by any means threaten she'll eat my character's head if I did not post on this thread, because Diana is, after all, not a lizard. I am not a hostage and this is entirely my own writing. That aside... I'll start with the topic's questions: 1. The easiest way to express this, is with an image from the Political Compass Test Results As a person IRL, I'm very much on the Libertarian side of things in social matters, like Abortion, LGBTQ rights, Death Penalty, the situation between social classes, etc and quite on the Left side of things, economically. The character I portray is more authoritative than myself, being a pro-2nd Amendment Democrat (vying for BETTER checks so we can have access to BETTER guns). He has a number of principles that are less Liberal than the Party Line, but being "The Chairman", he will - of course - conform and enforce the party line. For example, he would always oppose the Death Penalty in public (as he had done), even if in private he may admit he'd rather see some people die, than waste resources on keeping them fed and clothed. BUT THAT'S AN IC MATTER, OK? no MG now! 2. The choice of this particular Party and political affiliation is partially due to the character's political compass (as shown above) and partially due to actual, IC reasons and opinions about who make up the "opposition". Nikos, for example, throughout his interaction with some members of the GOP, has a personal opinion on a few of them. And whether he believes he can collaborate with them played a major role in his political affiliations. Add to that the fact that he was very much enjoying a quiet life until @Mecovy approached him for the "Campaign against Hank", his political affiliation decision was 50% made by him and 50% made FOR him. And he's sticking with it. In short: It was an IC decision. 3. Nah, IC does not affect me IRL. Primarily, because I'm not playing something that is in direct opposition to where I stand, IRL. Yes, I do find the opportunity to express a few opinions that are more centrist than my own, and I find that ... Curiously liberating, but other than that? Nah, I don't feel it has affected me, or has changed where I stand. Now... As to the rest of this thread's discussion... Yes the situation in the server is rather one sided at the moment. Yes, the Democratic Party seem to be on the "losing" side. Internally, we do not see it as "losing", merely... We need more exposure for people to see WHAT we do, and HOW we do it. Which is something we're working on. But, as @NexusExodus said, and I'll quote here manually because I'm on my phone and CBA to use the quote function: "One last thing is the OOC factor. Some people vote on what they may think is the better pick on an OOC level. And that has a lot to do with the image your character presents, how you roleplay, and the amount of effort you can put in your campaign." This statement is 100% true. The biggest pain point on the Democrats' side, is exposure. It's people not KNOWING who we are, and what we do, beyond 1-2 key individuals. It's what we're focusing to correct, and it's our current uphill battle, because exposure and publicity is what attracts roleplayers to get involved. People gravitate and get involved to what they can see. But to get exposure and publicity, you need committed roleplayers that both seek to represent the Party Values (rather than their own agenda / that of their friends') AND are active enough. And to attract these roleplayers, you need exposure and publicity, and to get exposure and publicity you need committed [...] - You get the idea of how this goes. Am I blind? Do I think there is no OOC bias? No. I'm not blind. There is a tremendous amount of OOC bias against the Democratic party and it is significantly influenced by the RL opinions players bring into the game. However, Hugh is 1000% right when he says that this bias does not exist on a FACTION LEVEL between the four political groups of the server: GOP / SADEM / SAGOV / LSGOV. If anyone in these groups feels there is some sort of enmity, or bias, from SADEM's side, I'd gladly invite them to a sit down to clear the OOC air. There may be personal opinions - these always exist - but as far as the organizing branch of these groups goes (meaning: Leadership), I would like to think that we're on a very good level, OOC. The four of us, together with LFM, always try to talk things through and maintain a civil relation among us, because that's the only way to keep generating RP that should be and will be controversial, for people to talk about. Controversial RP requires the most delicate OOC management to remain interesting, attractive, engaging, without spilling in OOC drama. As for the rest of the server? Well... The best way to change a situation, is to get involved. We (the Democrats) have a ton of work ahead of us. Sometimes it's overwhelming. Sometimes things get lost in the volume. Thankfully, we've started getting our shit together because we started to share the load and we're all confident that better things are in the future. To give just a minor spoiler: We're looking to focus on -districts- rather than the whole map, so that we can treat each part of the map as a mini-project. Focus here, build up, improve, move on to the next. Then the existing structure will start to perpetuate itself to build up more. Thanks for the topic, thanks for the opportunity to blab so much. #NotSorry for the wall of text.
  9. Username: NikTheGreek Comment: As long as you don't "selective" quote me on it Fred. Let him read it on its entirety instead. And if he has questions, we're just across the street anyway.
  10. Username: NikTheGreek Comment: You should ask how your constituents that belong in that group felt that month then. If they felt the State was innocently trying to recognize the Law Enforcement members, or if they felt they were personally pushed to the sidelines. You know the ones that do not belong in the groups you chose to recognize and honor, but just in the simple citizens of our State. We have.
  11. Username: NikTheGreek Comment: His reason was the "Glorious Month of June". June has been globally - I repeat - globally as the month that we show solidarity, support and acceptance to the LGBTQ+ community. A group of people that have suffered, and still suffer in many nations, from many governments, on many occasions supported by law and religion. In a time that we have put behind us the inhuman laws of putting people to death just because of the color of their skin, we still have whole nations out there punishing same sex couples with death and you deemed showing support to this group of people as a "political move", rather than a move towards inclusion and improvement of our society. The GOP, out of all months in the Calendar, out even of July that is the de facto Patriotic Month of the United States, chose THIS month to push for the "Glorious Month of-"? You're saying that the Democrats were trying to politicize the LGBT community for Party's Benefits. Really? When we openly support what has been bread and butter of our ideals FROM THE START, it's politicizing? And what is it for the GOP then? The "traditionally" conservative Party of the United States? The party whose core values are all about Family and Religion? The Party who brought back the death sentence, riding on fear mongering abour our number of homicides per year, when the only murders that would have been linked to a death sentence out of these 4,200 would be those of the Morse Code Killer. The Party that wishes to make it illegal for young women in this state to have a choice on what happens to their body. This is the party you're trying to convince that is not using other people to Politicize for the Party's benefit... Don't get me wrong, appointing O'Shea as your vice Chairman was a smart move, and a just move, but it was also a political move to do exactly that when you're facing backlash about your Chairman coming out as a bigot and a hate monger. So I stand to wonder, who is politicizing the LGBT community now? Also, why a VICE Chairman? Isn't the man good enough to be appointed Chairman directly?
  12. Username: NikTheGreek Comment: We are entering a period in Los Santos where significant effort is made to better the life of those around us. This bill is an important step towards that direction. It has been a pleasure to see the bill pass and get voted into law, and more good things are coming.
  13. San Andreas Democratic Party - Official Charter (( Click on the image or here for the full document ))
  14. Username: NikTheGreek Comment: The interesting part in this bill, and in the comments under this press release is that... Of the homicides presented by DMEC, as "statistics", only the ones committed by Ada Ivy would count for this charge. The rest would not - so, no, Mr Brandenburg, Mr Rossi and the rest of the Republic Caucus, by bringing back the Capital Murd- Punishment, you have done absolutely nothing to reduce these statistics. Meanwhile, what I am personally worried about is how we are going to be seeing the term "domestic terrorism" defined, going forward. This is a sad day for us, when in 2023, we reach the point to bring back the most irrevocable of penalties. The Death Penalty.
  15. I'm reading the replies, staying up to date with the thread (mostly) and ... Honestly... It's almost like saying that if you allowed every method under the sun to be used by robbers, but prohibited them to steal guns, unless they were drawn against them ... all problems would magically go away.... I mean, if it's GUNS that's the main motivator behind people offering sub-par time-limited robbery scenes to their victims, then taking GUNS out of the equation as a rule instead of vehicles, distance, number of people or whatever, means that there is now a 0% chance to find a gun, so the only robbery RPs that will take place will be the ones about... Roleplaying snatching someone's valuables. Oh, but last time someone suggested making stealing guns from people against the rules, the Internet broke and the forum exploded 🤣
  16. That's exactly what I'm saying though... 1) Don't let it resort to CK 2) LET THEM stack up two cars as that will go to show just HOW FUCKED UP the situation is 3) And honestly, if ANY admin rules in favors of robbers on a situation where 2 stacked cars go against 1-2 victims? That's a whooole issue right there.
  17. I love this video... I really, really, really love this video. Can we please start using this video as a "baseline" for a while? Like, sure, muggers get to use cars, BUT ALSO, AS SHOWN IN THIS REAL VIDEO FROM A REAL ROBBERY, victims aren't subject to Fear RP. If a victim wants to try their hand at pulling a gun and popping a few at the guys coming /for/ me, then I get to do so with the only consequence of it being a PK (since this is a game), rather than Fear RP and a CK. Can we? Would you be up for this? That's the real question here. Everything else is just trying to find a middle ground between a crowd that's been subjected to being loot crates for too long and a crowd that wants to give up absolutely zero of their liberties and just want to keep using civilians as NPCs, because in many people's minds (and you cannot prove me wrong, just look at the threads that pop up) there is a belief that if you play "civilian" you're here just to ERP, play house and be a mallrat, so why should you even be allowed to shoot back? Carry your gun, so that "we the good roleplayers who know what this shit really is about" can get a free gun when we run into you, and go back to roleplaying your cat-eared whatever. BUT if this video was the baseline of how robberies can go either way? Ooooooh boy... I'd love to see that. You want to bring back cars? Advocate in favor of removing Fear RP limitations. Let's see how that plays out for a month or two.
  18. A new blog post is added. (( click on the image or here for full post )) Disclaimer: All opinions posted on this blog are personal opinions of the author and - unless stated otherwise - do not represent any organizations or functions the author is part of. Comments are: Enabled
  19. On the Election Results and Mayor Preston’s inauguration The San Andreas Democratic Party would like to recognize and applaud the people’s commitment to the most essential pillar of Democracy - that of elections. In what has been one of the greatest turnouts of voters in the past few years, we have experienced a pivotal moment in the San Andreas political scene. The importance of this elections’ result is two-fold for the Democratic Party. On one hand, we have received the message that the People of Los Santos and San Andreas has sent us loud and clear and as a result, the GOP Candidate, Mr Hank Preston, former Director of the San Andreas Port Authority has been elected into office. Following the announcement of Mr Preston’s win, we had the opportunity to watch his inauguration ceremony where Mayor Preston was sworn into office by none other than Governor Brandt himself, as is due process. What should have been a testament to Democracy, was a night marred by the unspeakable attempts of one man to violate this sacred act, by attempting to take a shot at the newly sworn Mayor himself. As is by now known, Law Enforcement were quick to neutralise the threat and evacuate those present to safety, bringing an unexpected end to the Mayor’s inauguration ceremony and whatever celebration he may have planned afterwards. In the spirit of Democracy and in keeping with our true identity as Democrats, we offer Mayor Hank Preston and his administration our congratulations for his election, and we publicly condemn any and all actions that seek to undermine our government - Federal, State, Local or otherwise. We have every faith in the investigation ongoing by our Law Enforcement agencies on the nature of this attempt. Further, we also extend a hand of collaboration and a promise that the San Andreas Democratic Party will not pose an obstacle to policies that seek to promote an agenda of improvement for the lives of all of our citizens. It bears to also note that 38% of our constituents - 38% of the people living in this proud, hard working state that seek equal opportunity, better living conditions and a safer environment - spoke and their words were heard loud and clear. To these loyal Democrats who voted for our candidate - Dr Danielle Bordeaux - we wish to say this: Your message was received. Our hard work begins now. Our Party has a unique momentum seeing your support and we intend to make true in each and every one of our promises. Thank you for your continued support and thank you for your trust. God Bless Los Santos, God Bless San Andreas and God Bless America. Nikos Karagiorgis Chairman, San Andreas Democratic Party
  20. 9/11 Remembrance [FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE] September 11, 2023 Citizens of San Andreas, On this solemn day, we recognize the anniversary of the tragic events that unfolded on September 11, 2001. We, the San Andreas Democratic party, extend our heartfelt condolences to the victims, survivors and their families, as we remember the devastating impact of that fateful day. In commemorating the lives lost, we also salute the heroism of the first responders and the unity that emerged from the ashes of 9/11. Amidst this greatest of blows on our nation, we witnessed the compassion, unity, self sacrifice and the Unbroken American Spirit portrayed in the faces of all those who went above and beyond, with superhuman effort to rescue survivors, to safeguard others from further damage and to console those who were grieving. Today, we rededicate ourselves to the virtues demonstrated by the Paragons of that day. The True American Heroes - men and women of the emergency services and law enforcement, volunteers from all walks of life and every single one who shed their tears, blood and sweat to help an entire nation overcome such a terrible blow and look to the future. A future of hope, determination and justice. A future that - as we demonstrated as a people, working together to clear the rubble - we can build together towards a just and inclusive society whose light stands as a beacon of Freedom and Resilience against all Evil. May the Memory of September 11, 2001, inspire us all to be the best version of ourselves and to always strive to elevate all those around us to be the best versions of themselves as well. With humble reverence, Nikos Karagiorgis Chairman, San Andreas Democratic Party
  21. Name: NikTheGreek Comment: A balanced, well thought and well planned interview, with answers that promote the benefit of the people and shed light on the true issues of our city and State. Thank you Andrew.
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