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Everything posted by KhabibTime

  1. @Mick Wasn't talking about you, your RP was great as well. It was a female. Couldn't recall her name, I RP'd sadness layin on the street whilst raining, and she just said: ''Go to sleep you will feel better'' I was honestly left in the dark on how to RP that... I wouldn't say that irl, nor ICly as it's just weird. Sorry about not clearing out, as I said your RP was quite good.
  2. Quite so. This is what I want personally. As this mister here @pateuvasiliu assumes I'm mad or something about criminals or me getting CK. I'm not, but it ruins my immersion when I see a cop doing stupid stuff.
  3. You guys changed my mind, thank you. I was a dumbass thinking you should get a force CK when you get shot in the head. I'm on your side now, I'm applying for PD because I as well want something different and bring justice to the people here. I'm really sorry for wasting your time, as I said I'm a dumbass.
  4. @Tennplugg Homie I'd suggest you do your reasearch on how gang members work in real life. You won't come to my doorstep when nobody reported that, saying I'm disturbing the peace.
  5. I bet the killers put up a CK app to kill her right? Admin approved.
  6. My stance is a cop wouldn't pull up to the hood without a REPORT just to mess around with a drunk person from a hood, mom and son fighting, and end up killing her as she was furious for ME selling her vehicle to crackheads. You wouldn't do that irl if nobody reported such shit, as it was the case in these scenarios right here. You'd risk your life for something that wasn't reported, wiseguy. I get why ya'll don't wanna get a force CK - why remove that advantage, right?
  7. Why not a paramedic? Why a Cop? Paramedic is quite different than a criminal as well.
  8. Why did you join? Because you like giving justice? or because of the advatages? Which are many, without any cons. @Tennplugg
  9. Fear is really a huge thing, everyone reacts to their fears differently. I got CK'd once (which is fine, I was OK with it) for pulling my gun, and in reality, Selena was there and asked me why I shot etc,etc. I got scared in reality, as I was just chilling and I see cops pulling out guns and stuff and I shot cus I didn't know what was going on, I saw guns and I shot back. As a real gang member would do sometimes, in reality gang members are always scared of rival gang members are always on the lookout and may shoot without a second thought, many killings happen irl - sometimes innocent people die in both sides.
  10. I'd like to see you ''Police Officers'' get it on our side and try roleplaying and we'll see, ya'll would be spamming the suggestion topic like right now about how it's unfair etc.
  11. Yeah, which takes away my advantage of killing her right there and now. Put up a CK request, wait, then try and finding her when the officer is in another situation along with other Cops. In real life you'd get shot up on the spot where you said that. I don't see cops walking around saying stupid stuff. You see in real life sometimes Cop are really in fear with gang members they end up shooting them without doing anything as there's numerous videos how they kill an innocent teen assuming they're gang banging or something. They do it out of FEAR as they might get shot up first and end up DYING. Unlike here. I gotta get a CK app up, wait, then try and find the Cop again and shoot him up, then get spammed OOCly why I shot them, etc. If I do it right on the spot, he'd at least now why I did that.
  12. As /I/ said it's /quite/ stupid to interupt a mother and son fighting for petty stuff, then the Police comes and just takes over our yard, and end up killing her as she was quite mad that I ICly sold her vehicle and Cops were on my side. It ended up her dying and one of the Officers says ''Sleep it off you'll feel better'' - If you say shit like that irl you'd get shot, trust me.
  13. @gopnik1919 Never seen Cops bothering themselves with stupid shit, as my exmaple was given a stupid drunk guy, who is just roleplaying falling down and saying stupid shit (not yelling or anything)
  14. Well, DM squads would be bannable. You guys have recording overlays and stuff, so you'd easily record it if it's DM. Send it to an admin and he'll decide if it's DM or not.
  15. I would help out as Police Officers sometimes get bored and come to the hood for stupid reasons, I've seen around 10 cruisers come down for a drunk guy (he wasn't doing anything ''illega'' in the common sense. They wouldn't do that if force CK is implemented, as they'd be more cautious and only come down for things that are WORTH it.
  16. I want it implemented to balance out the game, as a criminal it's easy to get CK'd. Cops are overpowered, not easily CK'd free guns, fast vehicles, and could get away with murder as he's a Cop(which is OK). So implemeting Forcing Cops to CK if they get shot down, would give them a weakness as they DO NOT have any whatsoever. I'd rather be a Cop and get free guns and not get CK'd than be a realistic gang member then lol. (I'm joking don't snap at me now)
  17. I feel like it breaks immersion by giving Cops a bit of immunity when it comes to them not getting a CK while you can get force CK'd once they spray you up with bullets, but if you do it's usually a PK - due to the fact it relies on a CK app more or less. I would really help with the immersion and make Cops a bit more realistic, I've seen some Cops acting like Gods - simply not roleplaying fear. With this implemented it would make them more cautious with what they say, act, etc with gang members OR mafiosos - as they are in reality dangerous people. In LA you won't see Cops actually bothering gang members like that as they are IN fact quite dangerous and careless at times. Cops can die in reality. It could be easily abused with not getting a CK, free guns, and fellow Police Officers, fast vehicles. There should be at least one negative to balance it out. I've had situations where they just approach me and my ICly mother for bullshit reasons (fighting in our yard) and I see four cruisers come by for stupid shit, and they end up killing her as she fought them, and I was told by the Cop ''sleep it off you will feel better trust me''. Telling that to a gang member after killing his mother really ruined my immersion, as I was roleplaying sadness.
  18. @zaXer. Yeah, the weather is same as LA despite we are in a fictional city callled Los Santons, yet we still have the same weather somehow. I get it LS is on the West Coast, but cmon exactly the same weather? smh.
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