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Carrying generic licenses

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Detailed Description:
Have each player carry their documents on their persons, such as their identification card or their driver's license. Especially, the driver's license. 


Relevant Commands/Items:
Generic items for each document, which the community and server management deem beneficial. People should be able to show and to give it to another party.


How will it benefit the server?

Our documents are something we all should take good care of. However, as both, a police officer and a judicial officer, I witness a lot of scenarios in which some people are not aware of their role-play. Simply because they roleplay something self-evident yet non-existent. The driver's license.

I believe that as soon as people start carrying say their driver's license on them, they will have to think twice before performing the role-play.


Let's take the traffic stop as an example. 

You are being pulled over and you have to identify yourself. Naturally, you hand your driver's license to the law enforcement officer. Depending on the situation, you'll be without your driver's license for either a couple of minutes or even longer. This is also when some people might get arrested, and as soon as they hear that— they flee. However, they forget their license is not on them anymore. Perhaps not for weeks or months if the law enforcement agencies have trouble finding you. 


Ultimately, this will aid officers identify an individual in front of a judge more simply, and have a negative impact on fugitives. At the same time, people can steal, duplicate, replicate, fake licenses. This kind of role-play occurred even when it was tough to enforce, but with this addition it will be a lot easier and it will happen more frequently. 



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I think its perfectly fine how it is now, the chance of having your license/ID stolen or losing it compared to IRL, is imbalanced imo, there will be documents flying around left right and centre... I think it will have more of a negative impact on traffic stops as you mentioned and the roleplay between LEO and civilians/suspects, once the person has roleplayed giving their license or ID its exactly the same as having the physical item, ICly you still have that persons document and can identify them just the same.


This also wouldn't be fair on legal characters that have genuinely lost their license/ID or had it stolen, it would be a nightmare to keep a track of, or do anything about and everyone would be without their own license in the end.



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